Bio-Chemistry Pre-Professional

Program Overview

The field of biochemistry resides at the interface of the chemical and biological worlds. Biochemists seek further understanding of the chemical processes occurring within organisms and biological systems. For example, their work may focus on the structure and function of biological macromolecules like DNA, proteins and lipids, the fate of molecules in cells, such as the metabolism of glucose, or signaling within or between cells.

Due to its interdisciplinary nature, the biochemist must have a comprehensive understanding of chemistry and biology. Students in the Biochemistry program at Lake Superior State University take coursework in general chemistry, organic chemistry, instrumentation, inorganic chemistry, toxicology, general biology, genetics and biochemistry. The bachelor of science degree in biochemistry at LSSU prepares students for jobs in medical and life sciences, professional studies in medicine and pharmacy and a variety of graduate programs.

The LSSU chemistry program has been approved by the American Chemical Society, and may provide a certified degrees in Chemistry or Biochemistry if a student chooses this track. Graduates completing the prescribed requirements are awarded an ACS certificate signifying their completion of the approved degree and can qualify for membership in the Society upon graduation.

see program catalog

  • Community – Chemistry and Environmental Students are eligible to live in Huron Hall, a living learning community.

  • Access to Faculty – The LSSU Biochemistry Program boasts a low student to faculty ratio. The class size in the capstone Advanced Biochemistry class is limited to 15 students.

  • Access to Instrumentation – It is imperative that graduates have a strong foundation in the operation of instrumentation. At Lake Superior State University, students are not merely introduced to, but regularly operate instruments such as Q-PCR thermocyclers, ICP-MS, NMR, HPLC, GC-MS, LC-MS, and FTIR spectrometers.

  • Research – Students in the Biochemistry Program have the opportunity to perform a senior research project under the guidance of a faculty member. Projects are related to the student’s area of focus and culminate in a poster and oral presentation at our University Research Symposium. Students have also presented their work at national conferences and been published in peer reviewed journals.

  • Internships – Internships are a great opportunity for students to gain experience with methodology, operate instrumentation and acquire job specific skills in your field of study. On campus internships are available during both the academic year and summer in faculty research projects, the Chemical preparation laboratory and the Superior Analytics Laboratory.

  • Placement – The Biochemistry program at LSSU has been successful in maintaining a high placement in summer internships, jobs upon graduation, and seats in graduate and professional schools.

  • Accreditation – The Chemistry Department at LSSU is approved by the American Chemical Society. As an ACS-approved program, LSSU is charged with holding and maintaining modern instrumentation, offering a rigorous and coherent program, and employing accomplished faculty which will attract top talent entering college.

Student Stories and Achievements


The ACS Scholars Program supports underrepresented minority students majoring in chemistry related fields. Awards amounts are for up to $5000 and are renewable.

The ASCLD scholarship is available to junior and senior levels students majoring in forensic science, forensic chemistry or physical sciences. Awards are in the amount of $1000.

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Career Paths

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Research Opportunities

National Science Foundation Research Experience for Undergraduates

The NSF-REU program allows students to travel to a variety of locations to participate in biochemistry research during the summer. Participants are awarded a stipend in addition to travel, meal and lodging costs.

Environmental Protection Agency Greater Research Opportunity

The EPA-GRO fellowship supports students in physical and biological sciences performing environmental research. Students receive support for their junior and senior years of undergraduate study and perform an internship at an EPA facility during the summer of their junior year. Award amounts are $19,700 per academic year and $9,500 during the summer internship

American Chemical Society Scholars Program

The ACS Scholars Program supports underrepresented minority students majoring in chemistry related fields. Awards amounts are for up to $5000 and are renewable