Welcome to the Chemistry Department

Program Overview

The Chemistry Department at LSSU offers our undergraduate students hands-on laboratory opportunities. Students can choose to specialize in ACS-accredited Chemistry, Biochemistry, Forensic Chemistry or Chemistry-Secondary Education. Our undergraduates examine how chemistry impacts every day life while preparing students for the job market, graduate school or professional programs.

The school of Physical Sciences is comprised of the Department of Chemistry and Environmental Sciences and the Department of Geology and Physics.

Our Mission and Vision

The School prepares physical and environmental scientists to address regional, state, national, and global problems. This is accomplished as we:

  • Provide students with a sound foundation in the fundamentals of their selected scientific discipline
  • Provide students with up-to-date research knowledge in their scientific discipline
  • Provide students with opportunities to demonstrate growth and achievement in their selected scientific discipline
see program catalog

Why Study Chemistry at LSSU?

  • Small class sizes (upper level classes typically have 6-15 students)
  • Faculty and undergraduate research, supporting several research students each year and summer
  • Close faculty-student interactions
  • Modern instrumentation and facilities, rivaling larger institutions in the region