CRW 247A
Fields of Study:
Professional Affiliations:
Crawford 321
I am a broadly trained geo-environmental scientist with a research focus on water– its movement and characteristics on surface, sub-surface, and near-surface atmosphere. I use remotely sensed data and GIS methods to study hydrologic processes in the scales ranging from a point of interest to watershed. My past research has focused on the geochemical signatures of natural waters; hydrologic processes in watershed such as precipitation-runoff-soil erosion-sediment delivery; human alteration of land cover and resulting alteration of energy and water balance; and extraction of albedo, emissivity and land surface temperature from Landsat. Currently, I am working on analyzing water quality of stream reaches and groundwater wells and its linkage to geology and surficial watershed processes, extracting vegetation characteristics of forested ecosystem and hydrogeomorphic features of inland water bodies using remote sensing data.
Human-environment interaction, geochemistry of waters, geospatial analysis and modeling
Crawford Hall 325
My research interests are on human impacts on the environment at different spatial and temporal scales. Specifically, I am curious about the processes related to land and water interfaces and their effect on humans, as well as the roles that humans play in affecting these systems. I utilize Earth systems science, geospatial technologies, and mixed methods research to examine these intricate relationships.
Crawford Hall 323
Geology Professor Dr. Paul Kelso (right) accepts the LSSU Distinguished Teaching Award from LSSU Provost David Roland Finley (left).In recognition of of his superior skills in the classroom and academia, the longtime geology professor was chosen to receive the Distinguished Teaching Award. Dr. Paul Kelso has been with LSSU since 1993.
Geology Professor Dr. Paul Kelso (left) accepts the Michigan Distinguished Professor Award from LSSU President McLain (Right).