School of Arts and Letters

Dr. Chad Barbour

Associate Professor, Chair

PhD 2004, University of Kentucky; MA 1996, University of North Carolina-Greensboro; BA 1994, University of North Carolina-Greensboro

Chad Barbour


From Daniel Boone to Captain America: Playing Indian in American Popular Culture.

University Press of Mississippi, 2016. Paperback edition, 2019.



“Revising Hannah Duston: Competing Narratives in Nineteenth-Century Retellings of the            Duston Captivity.” Inventing Destiny: Exploring the Cultures of U.S. Expansion. Ed.         Jimmy Bryan. University Press of Kansas. September 2019.

“Jack Jackson, Native Representation, and Underground Comix.” Graphic Indigeneity: Comics

            in the Americas and Australasia. Ed. Frederick Luis Aldama. University Press of Mississippi. June 2020.

Journal Articles

“The Fine Art of Genocide: Underground Comix and U.S. History as Horror Story.”

International Journal of Comic Art 21.1 (Spring/Summer 2019): 519-538.

“When Captain America Was an Indian: Heroic Masculinity, National Identity, and          Appropriation.” The Journal of Popular Culture 48.2 (April 2015): 269-284.

“Playing Indian and Performing Gender in 1940s and 1950s United States Comics.”          International Journal of Comic Art 15:2 (Fall 2013): 278-297.

“Family Relations and Indian-Killing in Robert Montgomery Bird’s Nick of the Woods.” Border

States 14 (2003): 5-11.

“The Fine Art of Genocide: Underground Comix and the Shadows of U.S. History.” Popular

Culture Association Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., April 17-20, 2019.

“Playing Indian, Heroic Masculinity, and National Identity in 1950s United States Comics.”

Popular Culture Association Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., March 27-30, 2013.

The Invention of Hugo Cabret and Its Multiple Media.” Children’s Literature Association

Annual Meeting, Ann Arbor, MI, June 10-12, 2010.

“Captain America as Indian: Reimagining American History.” Popular Culture Association

Annual Meeting, St. Louis, MO, March 31-April 3, 2010.

“World of Warcraft, the Tauren, and Native American Imagery.” Southwest Popular

Culture and America Culture Association Conference, Albuquerque, NM, February 25-28, 2009.

“The Marble Indian: Native Americans and Race in U.S. Art and Literature of the Early-

Nineteenth Century.” Nineteenth Century Studies Association Conference, Susquehanna

University, Selinsgrove, Pennsylvania, March 2007.

“Francis Parkman’s Search for Masculinity among the Sioux.” American Studies Association

Annual Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia, November 2004.

“National Identity and Democracy in Daniel Boone Biographies and Robert Montgomery

Bird’s Nick of the Woods.” American Studies Association Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 2002.

Julie Barbour

Assistant Professor, Honors Program Director

MFA 1999, University of North Carolina at Greensboro; BA 1996, University of North Carolina at Greensboro

Full-length Poetry Collections

Haunted City (Kelsay Books, 2017)

Small Chimes (Kelsay Books, 2014)


Beautifully Whole (Hermeneutic Chaos Press, 2015)

Earth Lust (Finishing Line Press, 2014)

Come To Me and Drink (Finishing Line Press, 2012)


Rachael Lyon’s The Normal Heart and How It Works, Border Crossing (Volume 5)

Palimpsest by Kristina Marie Darling, Barn Owl Review (2015)

Kathryn Stripling Byer’s The Girl in the Midst of the Harvest, storySouth (Spring 2014)

Unexplained Fevers by Jeannine Hall Gailey, Barn Owl Review (2014)

Intimates and Fools, Poetry by Laura Madeline Wiseman and Art by Sally Deskins, Connotation

Press: An Online Artifact (2014)

A Face to Meet the Faces: An Anthology of Contemporary Persona Poetry, Edited by Stacey

Lynn Brown and Oliver de la Paz, Barn Owl Review (October 10, 2013)

The Glimmering Room by Cynthia Cruz, The Rumpus (March 20, 2013)

Amanda Auchter’s The Wishing Tomb, storySouth (January 7, 2013)

“Taking It With You: A Review of Fire on Her Tongue,” An eBook Anthology of Contemporary

Women’s Poetry by Kelli Russell Agodon & Annette Spaulding-Convy, Editors, Barn Owl Review (October 8, 2012)

“Scared Text by Eric Baus,” The Rumpus (July 27, 2012)

“One Voice”: A Review of Hagar Before the Occupation / Hagar After the Occupation by

Amal al-Jubouri (trans. Rebecca Gayle Howell with Husam Qaisi), Barn Owl Review (April 11, 2012)

“‘A Woman So Dumb and So Fierce’: Rachel Marie Patterson’s If I Am Burning, storySouth

(Spring 2012)

“A New Silence Pushes Lexicon to the Brink,” a review of Little Winter Theater by Nancy Kuhl,

The Rumpus (January 28, 2012)

“Somewhere Below the Solar Plexus of Her,” a review of Vocabulary of Silence by Veronica

Golos, The Rumpus  (December 21, 2011)

“Once I Believed the Stories Didn’t Have Endings: A Review of Jeannine Hall Gailey’s She

Returns to the Floating World,” Barn Owl Review (November 17, 2011)

“Your Notes, Your Small Pebbles,” a review of Arlene Kim’s poetry collection What have you

            done to Our ears to make us hear echoes?, The Rumpus (September 28, 2011)

“The Need for Space: Open Possibilities of the Prose Poem,” Popular Culture Association (PCA)

Conference, April 17-20, 2019, Washington, DC

“Balancing Work and Home,” LSSU Development Day panel, August 2014

“‘If you had never known fear’: Reimagining the Landscape of Fairy Tale Literature,” Popular

Culture Association (PCA) Conference, April 16-19, 2014, Chicago, IL

“Entering the Conversation: Moving Beyond the Self,” co-chaired panel with Jillena Rose,

Writing Across the Peninsula (WAP) Conference, September 24, 2010, Michigan Tech in Houghton, MI

Mary McMyne

Associate Professor

Selected Short Fiction

“An Inch Too Tight,” Redivider, Emerson College
“The Institute,” Arkansas Review: A Journal of Delta Studies, Arkansas State University
“Primrose,” Apex Magazine, a Hugo-nominated horror and science fiction magazine (adapted for Drabblecast with audio performance by voice actor Gabrielle deCuir)
“Camille,” Philadelphia Stories, a 501c3 nonprofit magazine in Pennsylvania Excerpt from “Wait,” Double Dealer, Pirate’s Alley Faulkner Society
“Ghost Story,” New Delta Review, Louisiana State University

Poetry Collection

WOLF SKIN (Dancing Girl Press, 2014)

Selected Poems

“Shake the Tree [Aschenputtel],” Louisiana Literature (forthcoming), Southeastern University
“The Mother Searches for Her Own Story,” Strange Horizons, Hugo-nominated speculative literature magazine
“Louisiana Disaster Recovery 3.0,” Gulf Coast, University of Houston
“Der Froschkönig” and “The Frog Princess [Remix],” Cimarron Review, Oklahoma State University
“Bones Knock in the House” and “In the Dining Hall of the Glass Mountain,” Rose Red Review.   “Bones Knock in the House” nominated for a
Rhysling and reprinted in The Rhysling Anthology
“Instructions for Letting the Stranger into Your Bed” and “Ahab’s Sister-Wives,” Phantom Drift: A Journal of New Fabulism, Phantom Drift
Limited a 501c3 nonprofit in Oregon
“Open Letter to the Frog Princess” and “The Sleagh Maith: A Nocturne,” Ninth Letter, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
“The Frog King” and “The Day the Woman Shed Her Skin,” The Chattahoochee Review, Georgia State University
“Lepidoptera,” Rougarou, University of Louisiana
“Rotkäppchen,” THE WAY NORTH: COLLECTED UPPER PENINSULA NEW WORKS (Wayne State University Press). Reprinted in Poetry International.
Nominated for a Pushcart Prize.
“Wolf Skin,” The Los Angeles Review. Adapted into original score for tenor, upright bass, and piano by composer Elizabeth Skola Davis; debut performance by tenor Kelvin Page at the Baltimore Composers Festival.
“Irène Joliot-Curie,” “Heyghoge,” and “The Butterfly Dome,” Painted Bride Quarterly. “Irène Joliot-Curie”  forthcoming in Waves: A Confluence of Women’s Voices (A Room of Her Own Foundation), reprinted in The Rhysling Anthology and The Burden of Light: Poems on Illness and Loss, nominated for a Rhysling Award, and finalist in SFPA Short Form Poetry Contest
“The Girl Who Came Before” and “Thunder,” Phantom Drift: A Journal of New Fabulism, Phantom Drift Limited a 501c3 nonprofit in Oregon

Selected Essays & Articles

“The Birds,” Southern Humanities Review, Auburn University

Selected Reviews & Interviews

“Interview with Maggie Smith,” Tinderbox Poetry Journal
“Review of Jackalope-Girl Learns to Speak by Stacey Balkun,” Tinderbox Poetry Journal
“Review of The Robot Scientist’s Daughter by Jeannine Hall Gailey,” The Rumpus
“Review of Elizabeth Robinson’s On Ghosts,” Verse
“Not for the Faint of Heart: review of boysgirls by Katie Farris,” American Book Review

Panelist, “Reinventing Ever After: Women Reclaim the Fairy Tale:
Creative Reading,” C.D. Wright Women’s Writing Conference, November 2018.
Panelist, “Fairy Tales Reimagined,” Frostburg Indie Lit Festival, October 2016.
Reading, “Camille” and “Iréne Joliot-Curie,” Vermont Studio Center, May 2015.
Reading from WOLF SKIN at Bayliss Public Library in Sault Sainte Marie, MI, Oct. 2014.
Reading from WOLF SKIN at the Woman Made Gallery in Chicago, Illinois, June 2014.
Reading for THE WAY NORTH at the Superior District Library, 2013.
Various Readings and Appearances, U.P. Book Tour, Michigan, 2013.
Various Readings and Appearances, U.P. Book Tour, Michigan, 2012.
Reading, The Underpass: Small Bar Reading Series, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, September 2009.
Reading, University of Louisiana at Lafayette CWP Reading Series, October 2008.
Special Guest, Faulkner Society Words and Music Conference, New Orleans, 2007.
Reading, NYU Emerging Writers Series, KGB Bar, New York, New York, 2006.

Dr. Thomas Meachum

Assistant Professor

photo thomas meacham

The Performance Tradition of the Medieval English University: The Works of Thomas Chaundler. Early Drama, Art, and Music Monograph Series (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2020)

“Exchanging Performative Words: Epistolary Performance and University Drama

In Late Medieval England,” Medieval English Theatre 32 (2012 for 2010): 12-25

“The Centrifugation of Iconic Actors and Characters: Daniel Radcliffe/Alan Strang and Maggie Smith/The Lady from Dubuque,” Western European Stages 19 (Spring 2007): 31-2

“Arousing the Warrior-Priest: Japanese Nō  Drama and the Performance of Salvific Beauty,” American Society for Theatre Research, San Diego, November 2018

Planctus Universitatis Oxoniensis and the Affective Performativity of Lamentation,”

International Medieval Congress, Kalamazoo, MI, May 2016

“The Dramaturgy of Queer Rights/ Queer Rites,” Association for Theatre in Higher Education, Scottsdale, AZ, July 2014

“The Boxley Rood of Grace as Actant: Puppetry and Object-Oriented Ontologies of Iterative Affective Performance,” Objects, Environments, Actants Symposium, University of Connecticut, March 2014

“Performative Devotion and Ductus in the Illustrations of Cambridge: Trinity College MS R.14.5,” American Philological Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, January 2014

“Performance of Celebratory Graduation Speeches in the Medieval English University,” International Medieval Congress, Kalamazoo, MI, May 2013

“Pedagogy and Epistolary Performance in Cambridge, Trinity College MS R.14.5.” Inter-University Doctoral Consortium in Medieval Studies, NYU, March 2011

“Pedagogical Practices and Performative Gesture in Medieval England,” International Medieval Congress, Kalamazoo, MI, May 2010

“Patronage and Epistolary Performance in Cambridge, Trinity College MS R.14.5,” Medieval Academy of America Annual Meeting 2010, Yale University, March 2010

Liber Apologeticus: Academic Drama as Textual and Cultural Practice in Late Medieval England,” International Medieval Congress, Kalamazoo, MI, May 2009

“Taking WAC/WID Beyond CUNY: How to Make Your Fellowship an Integral Part of Future          Professionalization,” Tracing Connections: Writing Across the Curriculum; Writing in the Disciplines, Graduate Center, CUNY, April 2009

“Patronage, Propaganda, and Performance in the English Medieval Morality Play,” International Medieval Congress, Kalamazoo, MI, May 2007

Theatrum mundi /mundi Theatrum: Theatricality and the Festivals of the French and Russian Revolutions,” American Society for Theatre Research, Chicago, November 2006

“Codicology and the Ontology of Play Texts:  A Medieval and Modern Exploration of the Rubrics of Performance,” Association for Theatre in Higher Education, Chicago, August 2006

“Racial Negotiations of Performance: The Development of the Wench in Blackface Minstrelsy and Cultural Representations of the Modern Drag Queen,” The Association of Higher Education, Chicago, August 2006

“Spiritual Friendship and the Fluidity of Male Intimacy,” International Medieval Congress, Kalamazoo, MI, May 2006

Panel discussion on “Interdisciplinarity in Medieval Studies: Ideals and Experience,” Rutgers Program in Medieval Studies and the Inter-University Doctoral Consortium, Rutgers University, April 2006

“Aelred of Rievaulx’s Affective Intimacy: A New Kind of Spiritual Masculinity,” Masculinities in the Long Middle Ages, Graduate Center, CUNY, March 2006