Resources for Future Teachers
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Review the resources below for more information about paying for school and studying for your licensure exams.
Paying for Your Teaching Degree
Future Educators –
MI Future Educator Fellowship: A $10,000 scholarship program to create low-cost tuition pathways for 2,500 future Michigan educators every year. Applicants must meet the following criteria:
- Must be accepted in the teacher education program.
- Must have junior status and a 3.0 GPA.
- Must agree to teach in the sponsoring school for 3 years.
- Must apply by the stated application deadline.
MI Future Educator Stipend: A $9,600 stipend, per semester, to support Michigan’s hardworking student teachers as they continue their journey to being in the classroom full-time.
Talent Together –
In partnership with several Michigan Department of Education (MDE)-approved Educator Preparation Programs (EPPs), Talent Together offers different pathways to a degree and teacher certification. Applicants must meet the following criteria:
- Must be working full-time for a school or early childhood education program.
- Must apply through Talent Together, not the university.
MI TEACH Early Childhood Scholarship –
T.E.A.C.H. Early Childhood® Michigan is a statewide scholarship program designed to help childcare center teaching staff, preschool teachers, family childcare providers, group home owners, center directors, early childhood professionals, and administrators meet their professional development goals, while continuing their current employment in regulated early childhood and school-age care settings.
TEACH Grant (federal aid) –
A Teacher Education Assistance for College & Higher Ed (TEACH) Grant is similar to the aforementioned funding sources, but different from other federal student grants because it requires you agree to complete a teaching service obligation as a condition for receiving the grant, and if you don’t complete the service obligation, the TEACH Grant will be converted to a loan that you must repay, with interest.
Learn more about TEACH Grants by clicking the link above.
Michigan Test for Teacher Certification (MTTC) Study Guides
MTTC Website –
Click the link above for preparation materials that are available for every test. Select a test from the dropdown list to access preparation materials by test, or choose a product by category.
MI Dept. of Education Website –
Click the link above to better identify and use MTTC Study Materials at the direction of the MI Department of Education.
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Professional Organizations
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Early Childhood Education
National Association for the Education of the Young Child
Michigan Association for the Education of the Young Child
English Language Arts
National Council of Teachers of English
Michigan Council of Teachers of English
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
Michigan Council of Teachers of Mathematics
National Science Teachers Association
Michigan Science Teacher Association
Social Studies
National Council for the Social Studies
Special Education
National Association of Special Education Teachers
Council for Exceptional Children
Council for Exceptional Children Michigan