School of Science

Dr. Barbara Evans


(undergraduate student authors *)

Caroffino*, D., A. Mwai* and B.I. Evans 2011 Population Genetics of Walleye and Yellow Perch in the St. Marys River. Journal of Great Lakes Research 37(supplement 2):28-34.

Turschak*, B., A. Moerke, and B.I. Evans 2011 Spatial and seasonal changes in the zooplankton community of the St. Marys River. Journal of Great Lakes Research 37(supplement 2):21-27.

Keller, B.J., R.C. Back, J. Westrick, M. Werner, B.I. Evans, A. Moerke, G. Zimmerman, D.D. Wright, D.D, E. Grenfell*, and J. Courneya*. 2011 Sediment quality at select sites in the St. Marys River Area of Concern. Journal of Great Lakes Research 37(supplement 2):12-20.

Kirkpatrick, N.S., D. Everitt* and B.I. Evans (2007) Asymmetric Hybridization of Pink (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) and Chinook (O. tshawytscha) Salmon in the St. Marys River, Michigan. Journal of Great Lakes Research 33:358-365.

Hoke, K. L., B. I. Evans and R. D. Fernald 2006 Remodeling of the Cone Photoreceptor Mosaic during Metamorphosis of Flounder (Pseudopleuronectes americanus) Brain Behav. & Evol. 68:241–254.

Evans, B.I. 2004. A Fish’s Eye View of Habitat Change. In: von der Emde G., Mogdans J., Kapoor B.G. (eds) The Senses of Fish. Adaptations for the reception of natural stimuli. Narosa  Publishing House, New Delhi, pp 1-30.

Evans, B.I. and H.I. Browman. 2004 Variation in the Development of the Fish Retina. In: The Development of Form and Function in Fishes and the Question of Larval Adaptation (Ed. J. J. Govoni) American Fisheries Society Symposium 40: 145-166.

Hagedorn, M., A. Mack, B. I. Evans, and  R.D. Fernald. 1998. The Embryogenesis of Rod Photoreceptors in the Cichlid Retina, Haplochromis burtoni. Developmental Brain Research 108: 217-227.

Evans, B. I. and R. D. Fernald. 1993. Retinal Transformation at Metamorphosis in the Winter Flounder Pseudopleuronectes americanus. Visual Neuroscience 10:1055-1064.

Evans, B. I., F. Harosi and R.D. Fernald. 1993. Photoreceptor Spectral Absorbance in Larval and Adult

Winter Flounder Pseudopleuronectes americanus. Visual Neuroscience 10:1065-1071.

O’Brien, W. J. and B. I. Evans. 1992. Simulation Model of the Planktivorous feeding of arctic grayling:

laboratory and field verification. Hydrobiologia 240: 235-245.

O’Brien, W. J. and B. I. Evans. 1991. Saltatory Search Behavior in Five Species of Planktivorous Fish.

Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 24:2371-2376.

Evans, B. I. and R. D. Fernald. 1990. Metamorphosis and Fish Vision. Journal of Neurobiology


O’Brien, W. J., H. I. Browman and B. I. Evans. 1990. Search Strategies of Foraging Animals. American

Scientist 78:152-160.

Browman, H. I.; W. C. Gordon; B. I. Evans and W. J. O’Brien. 1990. Correlation Between Histological

and Behavioral Measures of Visual Acuity in a Zooplanktivorous Fish, the White crappie Pomoxis

annularis. Brain Behavior and Evolution 35:85-97.

O’Brien, W. J., B. I. Evans and H. I. Browman. 1989. Flexible Search Tactics and Efficient Foraging in

Planktivorous Fish. Oecologia 80:100-110.

Evans, B. I. and W. J. O’Brien. 1988. A Re-evaluation of the Search Cycle of Planktivorous Arctic

Grayling, Thymallus arcticus. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 45:187-192.

Evans, B. I. and W. J. O’Brien. 1986. An Analysis of the Feeding Rate of White crappie. Developments

in Environmental Biology of Fishes 7:299-306.

O’Brien, W. J., B. I. Evans and G. L. Howick. 1986. A New View of the Predation Cycle in a

Planktivorous Fish. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 43:1894-1899.

O’Brien, W. J., B. I. Evans and C. Luecke. 1985. Apparent Size Choice of Zooplankton by Planktivorous

Fish: Exceptions to the Rule. Env. Biol. Fishes. 13:225-233.

Evans, B.I. 2020 Implications of cone photoreceptor mosaic structures in juvenile and larval muskellunge (Esox masquinongy). American Fisheries Society Early Life History Section Townhall  June 23, 2020

Evans B.I. 2020 “Developing an Effective Workforce for Aquaculture” NCRAC 2020 Conference January 29-31, 2020, Columbus Ohio

Evans, B.I. 2020 “Workforce Development Through Youth Education in Aquaculture (YEA)” Wisconsin Aquaculture Association Annual meeting March 5-7, 2020, Marshfield WI

Evans B.I. 2019 “Prevalence of hemochromatosis-associated HFe mutations in the Eastern Upper Peninsula, MI” Medical Lab Sciences & Molecular Genetics Symposium, NMU September 26-28, 2019

Evans, B,I., M. VanAmberg, M. G. Ball, H. M. Gregg, N.s J. Hansen, K. C.Hill, N. W. Johnston, C. I. Malcolm, V. B. Ruiz Quintana, N. M. Scichowski, A. L. Wood. “Implications of cone photoreceptor mosaic structures in juvenile and larval muskellunge (Esox masquinongy). MIAFS, March 15-17, 2019 Gaylord MI

Evans, B.I. and J. Li 2014 “Investigations on the Function of Immune-like Cell Clusters in the Larval Lake Sturgeon Brain” Larval Fish Conference, August American Fisheries Society Quebec City Canada

Evans, B.I. and J. Li 2012 “Immune Cells in the Brain of Larval Lake Sturgeon” Lake Sturgeon Coordination Meetings. Dec 2012 Sault Ste Marie MI

Benedict*, L. N., Knoll, L. J., Hook, K. J., Evans, B., & Garvon, J. (2012). Comparison of Toxoplasma gondii cyst localization in mouse neural tissue. Program No. 442.14. 2012 Neuroscience Meeting Planner. New Orleans, LA: Society for Neuroscience, 2012. Online.

Comben*, J. and Evans 2008 “Genetic Study of Lake Sturgeon in the St. Mary’s River System” Lake Sturgeon Coordination Meeting Port Huron MI

Comben*, J., A. Moerke and B.I. Evans 2008 “Assessment of Lake Sturgeon in the St. Marys River”, MI Midwest Fish & Wildlife Meeting

Evans, B.I., D. Patrick*, J. Bauman*. 2008 “Melanomacrophage Aggregates in the Brain of Larval Lake Sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens)” Fish Health Section, American Fisheries Society, Charlottetown, PEI

Patrick*, D. and B.I. Evans  2006 “Melanomacrophage Aggregates in the Brain of Larval Lake Sturgeon” MIAFS Lansing MI.

Evans, B.I. 2006.  Retinal Development and Response to Light in Lake Sturgeon” Larval Fish Conference, American Fisheries Society Sept. Lake Placid NY.

Furman-Albin*, A. and B.I. Evans 2005 “Morphology of Embryonic and Larval Lake Sturgeon” MIAFS Higgins Lake MI

Caroffino*, D. and B.I. Evans  2004 “Genetic Influence of Stocked Walleye in the St. Marys River. Michigan” Chapter of American Fisheries Society (MIAFS) Marinette WI

Everitt*, D. and B.I. Evans 2004 “Asymmetric Hybridization of Pink (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) and Chinook (O. tshawytscha) Salmon in the St. Marys River MIAFS Marinette WI

Furman-Albin*, A. and B.I. Evans 2004 Morphology of Embryonic and Larval Lake Sturgeon Lake Sturgeon Coordination Meeting SSMa MI

Evans, B.I. 2002 “ Variation in Development of the Fish Retina” AFS ELHS Larval Fish Conference, JulyAmerican Fisheries Society Bergen Norway

Evans, B.I. 2001. “Fate of Proliferating Inner Nuclear Cells (PINCs) When Rods are Scarce”. (Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO Abstr #2054) Invest. Opthal. Vis. Sci. 42(4):S381.

Evans, B.I.; K. Beck* and R.D. Fernald. 1994 “Thyroxine Effects on Putative Rod Progenitor Cells in the Developing Fish Retina” (ARVO Abstr #1197) Invest. Opthal. Vis. Sci. 35(4):1152  (1)

Evans , B.I. T.L. Kasten, M. Nadal-Vicens and R.D. Fernald. 1993. “PCR Sequence of Larval and Adult Opsin Proteins in Winter Flounder” (Society for Neuroscience, Abstr # 493.9) Soc. Neurosci. Abs. 19:1200.

Evans, B.I., N. Ong* and R. D. Fernald. 1993 “Retinal Metamorphosis in Winter Flounder” (ARVO Abstr. #877) IOVS 34(4):877

Evans, B. I., F. I. Harosi and R. D. Fernald. 1992. “Retinal Morphology and Spectral Absorbance in Larval and Adult Winter Flounder (Pseudopleuronectes americanus).(ARVO Abstr. #1836)  IOVS 33(4):1059 (2)

Graf, W., B. I. Evans and S. M. Gallager. 1991. “Vestibular System Development in the Flatfish”

Society for Neuroscience, Abstr.#128.2) Society for Neuroscience. Abs. 17:315

Browman, H. I., W. C. Gordon, B. I. Evans and W. J. O’Brien. 1989. “Correlation Between Histological

and Behavioral Measures of Visual Acuity in a Zooplanktivorous Fish, the White Crappie Pomoxis

annularis. Int. Symp. Fish Vision., Eur. Neurosci. Assoc. Oristano, Sardinia.

Evans, B. I. and R. D. Fernald. 1989. “Timing of Rod Neurogenesis and Developmental Strategies”.

ARVO, Sarasota FL.

Evans, B. I. and W. J. O’Brien. 1989. “Field Test of a Feeding Rate Model of Planktivorous Arctic

Grayling”. American Society for Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO). Fairbanks, AK.

O’Brien, W. J. and B. I. Evans. 1989. “Comparison of the Saltatory Search Behavior of 4 Species of

Freshwater Zooplanktivorous Fish”. Soc. Int. Limnol. Munich, FRG.

Evans, B. I. and W. J. O’Brien. 1988. “Active Versus Passive Mechanisms of Size Selective Planktivory”. Int. Soc. Behav.l Ecol. Vancouver Canada.

Evans, B. I. and W. J. O’Brien. 1987. “Foraging of Planktivorous Fish at High Turbidity and Low

Light”. American Society for Limnology and Oceanography  (ASLO), Madison WI.

Evans, B. I. and W. J. O’Brien. 1986. “Feeding Rates and Food Preferences in the Arctic Grayling,

Thymallus arcticus”. American Society of Limnology and Oceanography (ALSO), Kingston RI.

Dr. Alexei Iretski



R. Truzzi, O. Augusto, Alexei V. Iretskii, and P. C. Ford. Dynamics of Dinitrosyl Iron Complex (DNIC) Formation with Low Molecular Weight Thiols. Inorg. Chem.58, 13446 (2019).

A. Hovhannisyan, A. V. Iretskii, and T.S. Kurtikyan. SIX-Coordinate complexes of nitrosyl iron-porphyrins with trans DMSO ligand. Chemical Journal of Armenia.71(4), 464 (2018).

G. Martirosyan, A. A. Hovhannisyan, G. S. Hovhannisyan, A. V. Iretskii, and T. S. Kurtikyan. Weak coordination of H2S to the solid-state ferrous porphyrin complexes with diatomic molecules. Characterization of 6-coordinate adducts at low temperature. Inorg. Chim. Acta482, 894 (2018).

Li, A. E. Pierri, P.-J. Huang, G. Wu, A. V. Iretskii, and P. C. Ford. Dinuclear PhotoCORMs: Dioxygen-Assisted Carbon Monoxide Uncaging from Long-Wavelength-Absorbing Metal–Metal-Bonded Carbonyl Complexes. Inorg. Chem.56, 6094 (2017).

O. Razgoniaev, E. V. Butaeva, A. V. Iretskii, and A. D. Ostrowski.Changing Mechanical Strength in Cr(III)-Metallosupramolecular Polymers with Ligand Groups and Light Irradiation. Inorg. Chem55, 5430 (2016).

C. M. Pereira, A. V. Iretskii, R.-M. Han, and P. C. Ford.Dinitrosyl Iron Complexes with Cysteine. Kinetics Studies of the Formation and Reactions of DNICs in Aqueous SolutionJ. Am. Chem. Soc.137, 328 (2015).

Dr. Stephen Kolomyjec

Assistant Professor

Kolomyjec SHWillford RA, and the fall 2019 genetics class. 2020. Phylogenetic analysis of Michigan’s freshwater sponges (Porifera, Spongillidae) using extended COI mtDNA sequences. Zoologica Scripta. In Review.

Martin HC, Batty EM, Hussin J, Westall P, Daish T, Kolomyjec SH, Piazza P, Bowden R, Hawkins M, Grant TR, Moritz C, Grutzner F, Gongora J, and Donnelly P. 2018. Insights into platypus population structure and history from whole-genome sequencing. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 35(5):1238–1252 doi:10.1093/molbev/msy041

Kolomyjec SH, Grant TR, Johnson CN, and Blair, D. 2013. Regional population structuring and conservation units in the platypus (Ornithorhynchus anatinus). Australian Journal of Zoology, 61(2), 378-385.

Gongora J, Swan AB, Chong AY, Ho SYW, Damayanti CS, Kolomyjec SH, Grant TR, Miller E, Blair D, Furlan E, Gust N. 2012. Genetic structure and phylogeography of platypuses revealed by mitochondrial DNA. Journal of Zoology, 286(2), 110 – 119. DOI: 10.1111/j.1469-7998.2011.00854.x

Kolomyjec SH. 2010The history and relationships of northern platypus (Ornithorhynchus anatinus) populations: a molecular approach. (Doctoral dissertation, James Cook University).

Kolomyjec SH, Chong JYT, Blair D, Gongora J, Grant TR, Johnson CN, & Moran C. 2009. Population genetics of the platypus (Ornithorhynchus anatinus): a fine scale look at adjacent river systems. Australian Journal of Zoology, 57, 225-334.

Kolomyjec SH, Grant TR, & Blair D. 2008. Ten polymorphic microsatellite DNA markers for the platypus, Ornithorhynchus anatinusMolecular Ecology Resources, 8, 1133 – 1135.

Kolomyjec SH. 2015. Molecular markers, modelling and morphometrics: Increasing our understanding of the platypus. 95th annual meeting of the American Society of Mammalogists. Jacksonville, Florida. Oral Presentation.

Kolomyjec SH, Parsons JG, Johnson, CN, & Blair D. 2009. Climatic constraints on the distribution of the platypus [Ornithorhynchus anatinus]. Tasmanian Platypus Forum, Hobart, Tasmania. Oral Presentation.

Kolomyjec SH, Chong J, Blair D, Girjes A, Gongora J, Grant TR, Johnson C, & Moran C. 2009. Cross-catchment gene flow in the platypus. Australian Mammal Society, Perth, Western Australia. Poster Presentation.

Kolomyjec SH, Chong J, Blair D, Girjes A, Gongora J, Grant TR, Johnson C, & Moran C. 2008. Uncovering platypus structure using microsatellite DNA markers. Boden Research Conference: Beyond the platypus genome, Victor Harbour, South Australia. Oral Presentation.

Kolomyjec, SH. 2008. Genetic relationships of the platypus [Ornithorhynchus anatinus] within and across river systems. Australian Mammal Society, Darwin, Northern Territory. Oral Presentation.

StatewideAfternoons with Fiona Wiley, ABC Illawarra, 97.3 FM, 2011
Content: Live Radio Interview on platypus behaviour

WildRecon, ep. 5. Animal Planet, 2009
Content: Collection of blood samples from a platypus for DNA work.

DomingãoAventura sobre Ornitorrinco (Brazil), 2009
Content: Nature segment on a Brazilian TV show

A Questionof Balance, 2SER Sydney, 107.3 FM, 17 March 2009.
Content: Radio Interview on platypus ecology

WildChronicles, ep.341. National Geographic Television/TV-PBS, 2008.
Content: Short piece providing an overview of my PhD project (platypus population genetics)

Dr. Jun Li

Associate Professor


  1. Shi F, Qiu XL, Nie LJ, Hu LY, Babu SV, Lin Q, Zhang YL, Chen LH, J. Li, Lin L., and Qin ZD. 2020. Effects of oligochitosan on the growth, immune responses and gut microbes of tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). Fish & Shellfish Immunol. 106:8-20.
  2. Shi F, Zi YJ, Lu ZJ, Li FL, Yang MX, Zhan FB, Li Y, J. Li, Zhao LJ, Lin L., and Qin ZD. 2020. Bacillus subtilis H2 modulates immune response, fat metabolism and bacterial flora in the gut of grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idellus). Fish & Shellfish Immunol. 106:8-20.
  3. Lu ZJ, Yang G. Qin ZD, Shen HY, Zhang ML, Shi F, Li, Babu SV, Lin L. 2020. Glutamate related osmoregulation of guanie nucleotide-binding protein G (I) α2 from giant freshwater prawn during molting and salinity stress. Aquaculture. 521:735000.
  4. Wu LT, Qin ZD, Liu HP, Lin L, Ye JM and Li*. 2020. Recent Advances of Phagocytic B Cells in Teleost Fish. Frontiers in Immunol. 11:824.
  5. Wu LT, A Gao, Y Lei, J Li, KS Mai, JM Ye. 2020. SHP1 tyrosine phosphatase gets involved in host defense against Streptococcus agalactiae infection and BCR signaling pathway in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus), Fish & Shellfish Immunol. 99:562-571.
  6. Sun LD, Sarath Babu Qin ZD, Su YL, Liu C., Shi F.  Zhao LJ, J. Li, Chen KP and  Lin L. 2020. Snakehead vesiculovirus (SHVV) infection alters striped snakehead (Ophicephalus striatus) cells (SSN-1) glutamine metabolism and apoptosis pathways. Fish & Shellfish Immunol. 102:36-46.
  7. Liu S, Zheng S-C, Li Y-L, Li* and Liu H-P*. 2020. Hemocyte-Mediated Phagocytosis in Crustaceans. Front. Immunol. 11:268.



  1. Wu LT, LH Kong, YJ Yang, X Bian, SW Wu, BX Li, XX Yin, LL Mu, Li, JM Ye. 2019. Effects of cell differentiation on the phagocytic activities of IgM+ B cells in a teleost fish. Frontiers in Immunol. 10:2225.
  2. Qin ZD, Wan QY, Sarath Babu V, Mo JF, Lan JF, Zhao LJ, Dai YJ., Huang YM, Li * and L. Lin*. 2019. The mechanism underlying antibacterial activities of erythrocyte in grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella). Fish & Shellfish Immunol.92: 331-340.
  3. Qin ZD, Sarath Babu V, Lin HZ., Dai YJ, Kou HY, Chen LH, Li, Zhao LJ, and L. Lin*. 2019. The immune function of prophenoloxidase from red swamp crayfish (Procambarus clarkii) in response to bacterial infection. Fish & Shellfish Immunol. 92:83-90.
  4. Muhammad Asim Sarath Babu  Qin ZD. Zhao, LJ, Su JG, J. Li, Tu JG, Kou HY and Lin L. 2019. Inhibition of Cyclophilin A on the replication of red spotted grouper nervous necrosis virus associates with multiple pro-inflammatory factors. Fish & Shellfish Immunol.92:172-180.
  5. Farman Ullah Dawar, Sarath Babu V, Qin ZD, Kou HY, Wan QY, Zhao LJ, Muhammad, NK. Khattack, Li, J. Mei and Lin L. 2019. The RAG2 gene of yellow catfish (Tachysurus fulvidraco) and its immune response against Edwardsiella ictaluri infection. Dev. Comp. Immunol. 98:65-75.
  6. Li C, Sun LD, HZ Lin, ZD Qin, JG Tu, Li, KP Chen, Sarath Babu V, and Lin L. 2019. Glutamine starvation inhibits snakehead vesiculovirus replication via inducing autophagy associated with the disturbance of endogenous glutathione pool. Fish & Shellfish Immunol. 86:1044-1052.
  7. Liu XD, ZD Qin, SarathBabu V. LJ Zhao, Li, XJ Zhang, L. Lin. 2019. Transcriptomic profiles of striped snakehead cells (SSN-1) infected with snakehead vesiculovirus (SHVV) identifying IFI35 as a positive factor for SHVV replication. Fish & Shellfish Immunol. 86:46-52.
  8. Li YQ, Sun L, and Li*. 2019. Endocytosis by IgM+ B cell is macropinocytosis-dependent and this process can be regulated by CD22 in Japanese flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus). Fish & Shellfish Immunol. 84:138-147.



  1. Qin ZD, V Sarath Babu, NQ Li, TR Fu, JQ Li, LZ Yi, LJ Zhao, Li, Y. Zhou*, L. Lin*. 2018. Protective effects of chicken egg yolk immunoglobulins (IgY) against experimental Aeromonas hydrophila infection in Blunt snout bream (Megalobrama amblycephala) . Fish Shellfish Immunol. 78:26-34.
  2. Zhou, QY Wan, Sarath Babu V. QJ Qiu, HY Kou, C Lin, LJ Zhao, L Yang, J. Li, YM Huang, L. Lin. 2018. Bacterial features in tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) and environments in a goose-tilapia polyculture model. Aquaculture. 497: 313-319.
  3. Zhang QL, S. Liu, Li, TT Xu, XH Wang, XP Li, XD Bian, GM Fu, SW Sang. 2018. Evidence for cross-species transmission of covert mortality nodavirus to new host of Mugilogobius abei. Frontiers in Microbiology. 9:1447. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2018.01447
  4. Qin ZD, Sarath Babu V, Wan QY, Zhou M, Liang RS., Muhamad Asim, Zhao LJ, Li, Lan JF, and Lin L. 2018. Transcriptome analysis of Pacific white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei ) challenged by Vibrio parahaemolyticus reveals unique immune-related genes. Fish Shellfish Immunol.77:164-174.
  5. Qin ZD, Sarath Babu V, Wan QY, Muhammad, Li, Lan JF and Lin L. 2018. Antibacterial activity of hemocyanin from red swamp crayfish (Procambarus clarkii ). Fish & Shellfish Immunol.75: 391-399.
  6. YQ Li, L Sun and J Li*. Internalization of large particles by turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) IgM+ B cells mainly depends on macropinocytosis. Dev. Comp. Immunol. 82:31-39.
  7. Zhou, RS Liang, JF Mo, S. Yang, N. Gu, ZH Wu, Sarath babu V, J Li, YM Huang*, L. Lin*.2018. Effects of brewer’s yeast hydrolysate on the growth performance and the intestinal bacterial diversity of largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides). Aquaculture, 484 :139-144.


  1. C Zhang, S. Feng, WT Zhang, N Chen, A. Hegazy, WJ Chen, XQ Liu, LJ Zhao, Li, L Lin and JG Tu. 2017. MicroRNA miR-214 inhibits Snakehead Vesiculovirus replication by promoting IFN-α expression via targeting host adenosine 5’-monophosphate activated protein kinase. Frontier in Immunology. Doi:10.3389/fimmu.2017.01775.
  2. YQ Li, J Zhang, J Li and L Sun 2017. First Characterization of Fish CD22: an Inhibitory Role in the Activation of Peripheral Blood Leukocytes. Immunol. Immunopathol. 190:39-44.
  3. FU Dawar, XQ Hu, LJ Zhao, X. Dong, Y.Xiong, M. Zhou, RS Liang, V Sarath Babu, Li, J. Mei*and L. Lin*2017.Transcriptomic analysis reveals differentially expressed genes and a unique apoptosis pathway in channel catfish ovary cells after infection with the channel catfish virus.Fish & Shellfish Immunol.  71:58-68.
  4. Zhang Y, Zhao L*, Chen W, Huang Y, Yang L, Sarathbabu V, Wu Z, Li, Nie P*, Lin L*.2017.  Complete genome sequence analysis of the fish pathogen Flavobacterium columnare provides insights into antibiotic resistance and pathogenicity related genes. Microb Pathog. 111:203-211.
  5. Lin Q, Fu X, Li N, Wan Q, Chen W, Huang Y, Huang Z, Li, Zhao L*, Lin L*. 2017. Co-infections of infectious spleen and kidney necrosis virus and Siniperca chuatsi rhabdovirus in Chinese perch (Siniperca chuatsi). Microb Pathog. 111:422-430.
  6. LD Sun, JG Tu, LZ Yi, WJ Chen, LJ Zhao, YM Huang, RS Liang, Li, M Zhou*,and L. Lin*. 2017. Pathogenicity of snakehead vesiculovirus in rice field eels (Monopterus albus). Microb Pathog. 110:578-585.
  7. FU Dawar, Y Xiong, MNK Khattak, Li, L. Lin*, J. Mei*.2017. Potential role of Cyclophilin A in regulating cytokine secretion. J. Leukocytes Biology. 102(4):989-992.
  8. Ji LQ., Sun G.X., Li, Wang Y., Du Y.S., Li X., Liu Y. 2017. Effect of dietary β-glucan on growth, survival and regulation of immune processes in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) infected by Aeromonas salmonicida. Fish & Shellfish Immunol. 64:56-67.
  9. WJ Chen, LZ Yi, S. Feng, LJ Zhao, Li, M. Zhou, RS Liang, N. Gu, ZH Wu, JG Tu, L. Lin. 2017. Characterization of microRNAs in orange-spotted grouper (Epinephelus coioides) fin cells upon red-spotted grouper nervous necrosis virus infection. Fish & Shellfish Immunol.  63:228-236.
  10. Wang L., Zhang H., Wang L., Zhang D.X., Lv Z., Liu Z.Q., Wang W., Zhou Z., Qiu, L.M., Wang H., Li J. and Song LS. 2017. The RNA-seq analysis suggests a potential multu-component complement system in oyster Crassostrea gigas. Comp. Immunol. 76 : 209-219.


  1. Li, M.F. Li J. and Sun L. 2016. CsMAP34, a teleost MAP with dual role: A promoter of MASP-assisted complement activation and a regulator of immune cell activity. Scientific Reports. 6, 39287; doi: 10.1038/srep39287.
  2. Li*, SY.Ma, NYS Woo.2016. Vaccination of silver sea bream (Sparus sarba) against Vibrio alginolyticus: protective evaluation of different vaccinating modalities. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 17(1), 40.
  3. YJ Wang, XH Wang, J.Huang and Li*. 2016. Adjuvant Effect of Quillaja saponariaSaponin (QSS) on Protective Efficacy and IgM Generation in Turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) upon Immersion Vaccination. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 17(3), 325.
  1. Sun Y., Liu L., Li J. and Sun L* Three novel B-type mannose-specific lectins of Cynoglossus semilaevis possess varied antibacterial activities against Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria. Dev. Comp. Immunol. 55,194-202.


  1. Liu X.D., Y. Wen, X.Q.Hu, W. Wang, X.F. Liang, J. Li, V. Vakharia and L. L 2015. Breaking the host range: Mandarin fish was susceptible to a vesiculovirus derived from snakehead fish. Journal of General Virology. 96( 4):775-781.
  2. Zhao X.H., L.C. Liu, A.M. Hegazy, H. Wang, J. Li, F. Zheng, Y. Zhou, W.M. Wang, Li, X.L. Liu and L. Lin. 2015. Mannose receptor mediated phagocytosis of bacteria in macrophages of blunt snout bream (Megalobrama amblycephala) in a Ca2+-dependent manner. Fish & Shellfish Immunol.43:357-363.
  3. Li M.F., Sun L., and Li * 2015. Edwardsiella tarda evades serum killing by preventing complement activation via the alternative pathway. Fish & Shellfish Immunol . 43:325-329.


  1. Wu N., LaPatra S.C., J. Li, Sunyer J. O. and Zhang YA. 2014. Complement C5a acts as molecular adjuvant in fish by enhancing antibody response to soluble antigen. Fish & Shellfish Immunol. 40(2) 616-623.
  2. Li M.F., Zhang B.C., J. Li, and Sun L. 2014. Sil: A Streptococcus iniae Bacteriocin with dual role as an antimicrobial and an immunomodulator that inhibits innate immune response and promotes iniae infection. Plos One. 9(4) e96222.


  1. Wang C, Hu Y, Sun B, J. Li, Sun L. 2013. Edwardsiella tarda Ivy: a lysozyme inhibitor that blocks the lytic effect of lysozyme and facilitates host infection in a manner that depends on the conserved cysteine residue. Infection & Immunity. 81:3527-3533.
  2. Yu L, Sun B, J. Li, Sun L. 2013. Characterization of a C-type lysozyme of Scophthalmus maximus: expression, activity, and antibacterial effect. Fish & Shellfish Immunol. 34: 46-54.
  3. Li M.F., Chen C, J. Li, Sun L. 2013. The C-reactive protein of tongue sole Cynoglossus semilaevis is an acute phase protein that interacts with bacterial pathogens and stimulates the antibacterial activity of peripheral blood leukocytes. Fish & Shellfish Immunol. 34: 623-631.
  4. Qiu R, Sun B, J. Li, Liu X, Sun L. 2013. Identification and characterization of a cell surface scavenger receptor cysteine-rich protein of Sciaenops ocellatus: bacterial interaction and its dependence on the conserved structural features of the SRCR domain. Fish & Shellfish Immunol.. 34:810-818.
  5. Wang C, Hu Y, Sun B, Chi H, J. Li, Sun L. 2013. Environmental isolates P1SW and V3SW as a bivalent vaccine induce effective cross-protection against Edwardsiella tarda and Vibrio anguillarum. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms. 103:45-53.
  6. Wang Y., Wang X.H., Huang J. and J. Li *. 2013. Adjuvant effects of Quillaja saponaria saponins on humoral immune responses in turbot. Fish & Shellfish Immunol. 34: 1745.
  7. Chen L., Wang C., Sun L. and J. Li *. Survival of Edwarsiella tarda in fish serum relates to bacteria surface LPS. Fish & Shellfish Immunology. 34: 1646


  1. David Parra, Rieger A*, J. Li *, Zhang YA, Randall L, Hunter C, Barreda D and Sunyer JO. 2012. Peritoneal cavity B-1 B cells have phagocytic and microbicidal capacities, and present phagocytosed antigen to CD4+ T cells, Journal of Leukocyte Biology, 91(4) :525-536. (* equal contribution).
Featured article on the cover of the April issue of 2012


  1. Zhang YA, Salinas I., J. Li, Parra D., Bjork S., LaPatra S.E., Bartholomew J., and Sunyer J.O. 2010. IgT, a primitive immunoglobulin class specialized in mucosal immunity. Nature Immunology, 11:827-835.
Featured article on the cover of the September issue of 2010See also: News and Views by Flajnik in the same issue of Nature Immunology.


  1. Zhang YA, Hikima J., J. Li. Lapatra S.E., Luo Y.P., Sunyer J.O. 2009. Conservation of Structural and Functional Features in a Primordial CD80/86 Molecule from Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), a Primitive Teleost Fish. Journal of Immunology, 183:83-96.
  2. Sunyer J.O., Zhang Y.A., J. Li, Parra D. and LaPatra S. 2009. Is IgT the evolutionary equivalent of IgA? Insights into its structure and function. Journal of Immunology. 182. 81.21.

(* LSSU undergraduate, 2010-present)

Regional/National Conference or Workshop:

  1. Li J. 2010. Thiamine Deficiencies Workshop, Ann Arbor, MI.
  2. Li J. 2011. Annual Meeting of the Michigan Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Petoskey, Michigan.
  3. Williams R.* Li J., 2011.  Annual Meeting of the Michigan Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Petoskey, Michigan. ( *LSSU undergraduate)
  4. Millard H.R.*, Li J., 2011. Annual Meeting of the Michigan Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Petoskey, Michigan. (*LSSU undergraduate)
  5. Li J., Williams R*. 2012.  The joint Annual Meeting of the Wisconsin Chapter and Michigan Chapter of the American Fisheries Society.  Marinette, WI. (*LSSU undergraduate)
  6. Evans B., Li J. 2012.  Immune Cells in the Brian of Larval Lake Sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens). 2012 Great Lakes Lake Sturgeon Coordination Meeting.  Sault Ste. Marie, MI.
  7. Li J. 2014.  Joint Annual Meeting for MI-OH Aquaculture Association. Toledo, OH.
  8. Li J. 2014. Immune Evasion Mechanisms of Edeardsiella tarda and Application in Disease Control.  The 39th Eastern Fish Health Workshop. April 28-May 2, 2014. Shepherdstown, WV.
  9. Li J. 2015. Adjuvant Effect of Quillaja Saponaria Saponin (QSS) In Turbot (Scophthalmus Maximus) Upon Bath Vaccination. The 40th Eastern Fish Health Workshop. March 2-6, 2015. Charleston, SC.
  10. Bradburn L*, Gao JZ. and Li J. 2016. Health Status of Migrating and Resident Fishes in Three Tributaries of Whitefish Bay, Lake Superior. The 76th Midwest Fisheries and Wildlife Conference. January 24-26, Grand Rapids, Mi. (* LSSU undergraduate).
  11. Li J.  2017. Effects of Dietary beta-Glucan on Growth Performance, Disease Resistance and Immune Responses in Salmonid Fish. The Joint meetings of AFS-FHS and Great Lake Fish Commission FHC meeting and the 42nd Annual Eastern Fish Health Workshop. April 3-7. East Lansing, MI. USA.
  12. Li J. 2018.  7th QIAGEN Investigator Forum for Molecular Biology training. May 1-3, 2018. San Antonio, TX.
  13. Li J. 2018.  MiTransfer Pathway Summit. May 18, 2018. Lansing Community College (West Campus) Lansing, MI.
  14. Li J., 2018. MiTransfer Pathways Summit (Biology Pathways II). October 19, 2018. Adrian College (Tobias Center), Adrian, MI.
  15. Li J. 2019, as an evaluation committee member, Dr. Li was invited to attend the meeting for “Aquaculture Curriculum Assessment” in Huazhong Agriculture University, July 19-20, 2019, Wuhan, China.
  16. Jenay Andrews*, Siyuan Ma*, Nash Johnson* and Li J. 2020, Dr. Li presented their research results in Michigan AFS meeting 2020 at Central Michigan University. March 12-13, 2020. (* LSSU undergraduates)

International Conference or Workshop:

  1. David Parra, J. Li, Aja Rieger, Yong-An Zhang, Louise Randall, Christopher Hunter, Daniel Barreda, J. Oriol Sunyer. 2012.  Peritoneal cavity B-1 B cells have phagocytic and microbicidal capacities, and present phagocytosed antigen to CD4+ T cells. The 12th Congress of International Society of Developmental and Comparative Immunology, July 9th-13th, 2012, Fukuoka, Japan.
  2. Ling Chen, Chong Wang, Li Sun and Li J. 2012. Survivability of Edwardsiella tarda in fish serum relates to bacterial surface LPS.   The 12th Congress of International Society of Developmental and Comparative Immunology, July 9th-13th, 2012, Fukuoka, Japan.
  3. Chen L.,  C. Wang, L. Sun and Li J. 2013. Survival of Edwardsiella tarda in fish serum relates to bacterial surface LPS.  The 1st International Conference of Fish and Shellfish Immunology. June 25-28, 2013. Vigo, Spain.
  4. Wang Y., Wang X.H., Huang J. and Li J. 2013. Adjuvant effects of Quillaja saponaria saponins (QSS) on humoral immune responses in turbot.  The 1st International Conference of Fish and Shellfish Immunology. June 25-28, 2013. Vigo, Spain.
  5. Li J. 2013.  The Involvement of Fish Complement in Innate and Adaptive Immune Responses.  2013 Fish Immunology Workshop.  July 18-20, 2013. Wuhan, China.
  6. Li J. 2014. Infection and Immunity: Involvement of Innate and Adaptive Immune Responses in Fish Defense. In: The Symposium on Infection and Immunity in Marine Organisms. July 25-26, 2014. Guangzhou, China(Keynote Speaker)
  7. Li J. 2015. Edwardsiella tarda evades serum killing by preventing complement activation via the alternative pathway. The 13th Congress of International Society of Developmental and Comparative Immunology, June 28th-July 4th, 2015, Murcia, Spain.
  8. Li J. 2015. Phagocytic B cells, crossroad of innate and adaptive immunity. International Conference on Marine Microorganisms. May 22-25, Qingdao, China. (Keynote Speaker)
  9. Li J. 2016. Vaccination of Silver seabream against Vibriosis. The 2nd International Conference of Fish and Shellfish Immunology. June 26-30, 2016. Portland, Me, USA.
  10. Li J. 2016. Evolution of phagocytic B cells, Innate or adaptive. International Workshop on Aquaculture Health. July 27-29th, 2016. Qingdao, China. (Keynote Speaker)
  11. Li J. 2016. Application of Immunostimulants in Fish Aquaculture. Workshop on Immunology and Disease of Aquaculture Animals. July 24-25. 2016. Qingdao, China.
  12. Li J.  2017. 2nd  Fish Immunology Workshop. July 17-19, 2017. Wuhan, Hubei, China.
  13. Li J. 2017. Re-emerging of EEDV (Salmonid herpes virus 3) in Great Lakes: the biologic and pathogenic. State Key Laboratory Annual Workshop on Infection and Immunity. July 30, 2017.  Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Qingdao, China.
  14. Y.Q. Li,L. Sun & J. Li. “Internalization of Large Particles by Turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) IgM+ B Cells Mainly Depends on Macropinocytosis”. 14th Congress of the International Society of Developmental and Comparative Immunology, June 17 – 21, 2018, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA.
  15. J. Li, 2018. “Endocytosis of Fish B cells: Pathways and its Regulatory Mechanisms in Flatfish”. Aoshan Summit on Fish: Biology and Beyond.  June 24-26, 2018, Qingdao, China.
  16. Yiqun Li,Li Sun and J. Li. 2018. “Internalization of Large Particles by Turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) IgM+ B Cells Mainly Depends on Macropinocytosis” 8th International Symposium on Aquatic Animal Health. Sept. 2-6, 2018, Charlottetown, PEI, Canada.
  17. J. Li.2018.  “New Progress in the Study of Fish Phagocytic Cells”. International Symposium of Fish and Shellfish Immunology and Disease Control, Oct. 9-12, 2018. Shanghai, China
  18. J. Li, 2019. Dr. Li was invited to be the Section Chair (Fish Diseases and Immunology) for the 1st Hainan Young Scientist Form on Marine Science & Technology. June 30-July 2, 2019, Haikou, China.
  19. J. Li, 2019. Dr. Li was invited as co-Chair to the 3rd Young Scientist Form of National Laboratory of Marine Science and Technology, and gave a presentation on “Effects of cell differentiation on the phagocytic activities of IgM+ B cells in a teleost fish”. July 23-24, 2019. Qingdao, China.

2010 – Present


August 1, 2019, Dr. Li invited to give a presentation on “Fish Molecular Immunology” in the College of Animal Sciences and Technology, Zhongkai University of Agriculture and Engineering, Guangzhou, China.

August 12, 2019.    Dr. Li was invited to visit Yellow Sea Fisheries Research Institute and gave a presentation on “Effects of cell differentiation on the phagocytic activities of IgM+ B cells in a teleost fish”.


Jun Li, 2018. Endocytosis of Fish B cells: Pathways and its Regulatory Mechanisms in Flatfish Zhongkai University of Agriculture and Engineering, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China.

Jun Li, 2018. Endocytosis of Fish Phagocytes: Pathways and its Regulatory Mechanisms , Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, Fuzhou, China.

Jun Li, 2018. Endocytosis of Fish Phagocytic B cells: Pathways and its Regulatory Mechanisms.  Institute of Oceanology, Qingdao, Shandong, China.

Jun Li, 2018. Internalization of Large Particles by Turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) IgM+ B Cells Mainly Depends on Macropinocytosis. Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan, Hubei, China.

Jun Li, 2018. Endocytosis of Fish B cells: Pathways and its Regulatory Mechanisms in Flatfish. Shantou University, Shantou, Guangdong Province, China.

Jun Li, 2018. Endocytosis of Fish B cells: Pathways and its Regulatory Mechanisms in Flatfish. Xiamen University, Xiamen, China.

Jun Li, 2018. New Progress in the Study of Fish Phagocytic Cells. Yellow Sea Fishery Research Institute, Qingdao, China.

Jun Li, 2018. Overview of salmonid fish aquaculture and diseases control in the North America. Qinghai Minzhe Cold-water Fish Aquaculture Co. Ltd., Qinghai, China.


 Jun Li, 2017. Emerging and re-emerging fish infectious diseases in the Great Lakes. Zhongkai University of Agriculture and Engineering, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China.

Jun Li, 2017. Innate and Adaptive Immunity in Aquatic Animals. Hainan University, Haiko, Hainan, China.

Jun Li, 2017. Emerging and re-emerging fish infectious diseases in the Great Lakes. Zhongshan University, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China..

Jun Li, 2017. New findings on Innate and Adaptive Immunity in Aquatic Animals. Ocean University of China, Qingdao, Shandong, China.

Jun Li, 2017. Re-Emergence of Epizootic Epitheliotropic Disease Virus affecting Lake Trout in the Great Lakes. Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan, Hubei, China.

Jun Li, 2017. Re-Emergence of Epizootic Epitheliotropic Disease Virus affecting Lake Trout in the Great Lakes. Yellow Sea Fishery Research Institute, Qingdao, China.


 Jun Li, 2016. New findings of fish mucosal immune functions and its application in fish vaccination. Huazhong Agriculture University, Wuhan, China.

Jun Li, 2106. Application of Immunostimulants in Aquaculture. Xiamen University, Xiamen, China.

Jun Li, 2016. New findings of fish mucosal immune functions and its application in fish vaccination. Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai, China.


Jun Li, 2015. Adjuvant effects of QS saponins in Turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) upon bath vaccination. The Third Institute of Oceanography, SOA, Xiamen, China.

Jun Li, 2105. Phagocytic B cells at the crossroads of innate and adaptive immunity. Xiamen University, Xiamen, China.

Jun Li, 2105. Recent Progress on the Study of Fish Immunity. Huazhong Agriculture University, Wuhan, China.

Jun Li, 2015. Innate and Adaptive Immunity in Aquatic Animals. Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Qingdao, China.


Jun Li, 2014. The Mucosal Immunity in Teleost Fish. The Third Institute of Oceanography, SOA, Xiamen, China.

Jun Li, 2104. Phagocytic B cells: Innate or Adaptive? Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China.

Jun Li, 2104. Phagocytic B cells: Innate or Adaptive? Huazhong Agriculture University, Wuhan, China.

Jun Li, 2104. Phagocytic B cells: Innate or Adaptive? Agriculture University of China, Beijing, China.

Jun Li, 2014. Innate and Adaptive Immunity in Aquatic Animals. Shanghai Ocean University. Shanghai, China.

Jun Li, 2014. Recent Progress on the Study of Fish Immunity. Qingdao Agriculture University. Qingdao, China.


Jun Li, 2013. Evolution of phagocytic B cells.  The Third Institute of Oceanography, SOA, Xiamen, China.

Jun Li. 2013. Survival of Edwardsiella tarda in fish serum relates to bacterial surface LPS.  East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai, China.

Jun Li. 2013. The Involvement of Fish Complement in Innate and Adaptive Immune Responses.  Institute of Oceanology, The Chinese Academy of Sciences, Qingdao, China.


Jun Li, 2012. Evolution of phagocytic B cells. Institute of Hydrobiology, The Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan, China.

Jun Li. 2012. IgT, IgT+ B cells and mucosal Immunity in Teolest Fish.  East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai, China.

Jun Li. 2012. Influence of complement and antibody opsonization in the uptake of particles by Rinbow trout phagocytes. Yellow Sea Fishery Research Institute, The Chinese Fishery Academy of Science, Qingdao, China.

Jun Li. 2012. New discoveries of fish B cells and immunoglobulins. Institute of Oceanology, The Chinese Academy of Sciences, Qingdao, China.

Jun Li. 2012. Influence of complement and antibody opsonization in the uptake of particles by Rinbow trout phagocytes. Ocean University of China, Qingdao, China.


Jun Li, 2011. Evolution of phagocytic B cell and macrophage. Shandong University, Jinan, China.

Jun Li, 2011. Evolution of phagocytic B cells. Invited seminar. East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai, China.

Jun Li. 2011. IgT, IgT+ B cells and mucosal Immunity in Teolest Fish. Yellow Sea Fishery Research Institute, The Chinese Fishery Academy of Science, Qingdao, China.


Jun Li. 2010, Phagocytosis and phagocytic B cells in teolest fish. Ocean University of China, Qingdao, China

Jun Li, 2010. Evolution of phagocytic B cells. Yellowsea Fishery Research Institute, Chinese Fishery Academy of Sciences, Qingdao, China.

Jun Li, 2010. A New Discovery of Phagocytic B cells in Teolest Fish. The Hong Kong University of Sciences and Technology, Hong Kong, China.

Jun Li, 2010. Evolution of phagocytic B cells. School of Fishery and Life Sciences, Shanghai Ocean Univeristy, Shanghai, China.