Proper Use of Images on Web Pages

  • One large picture is better than several small ones.
  • If you use more than one image, it’s usually better to have one dominate, either by size or apparent size (ie, a close-up draws more instant attention than a wider shot).
  • The higher the level of the page in the hierarchy, the more important it is to include an image. Top-level pages should have content relevant images.
  • Size: Images that float left or right in the copy should be between 300 and 400 pixels wide. Images that fill the entire width should be 870 pixels wide.
  • Don’t add any borders to images. Our style is borderless.
  • Accessibility: Properly name images, add Alt tags & descriptions to each uploaded image.
  • If you are able (with the right software and skills), sizing images precisely in an image editor before uploading them to the site will yield the best quality display. Limited editing is available within WordPress.

Special Images for Web Pages

Our design uses some basic image elements throughout the site. It‘s very important to adhere to these size requirements if you want to add to your page‘s design (all dimensions are width x height). WordPress will upload and offer you multiple display sizes for you to select from. Be sure the image you upload meets the minimum width & height requirements for the display size of your choice.   Because the site is “responsive”, images will resize to fit the user’s viewport (screen).

  • Basic page header images — Featured Thin: 1500 pixels x 430 pixels.
  • Feature images — 1500 pixels x 630 pixels.
  • Slideshow images — 1500 pixels wide, 630 pixels (Featured Large is best for full width slideshows)
  • People (staff and faculty directory) images — minimum 640 x 480 pixels.
  • Inline images (inserted in body of web pages) —  Choose the best size for the image content.

Using Your Own Pictures

Photography releases are necessary for any images that will be used to market or advertise an LSSU program/service/department, such as brochures, advertisements, viewbooks, or posters. If you request photography services at LSSU, it is your responsibility, working in conjunction with LSSU photographer, to obtain releases from all subjects participating in a photo shoot.

LSSU does not regularly use photography releases, nor seek written permission, when making photographs/videos of individuals at public events. This includes, but not limited to, media created for news, social media, web sites or editorial purposes. However, care should be exercised in subsequent use. Make certain that the published context and the caption do not imply details about an individual that are not known to be true.