Woodland Sky Native American Dance Company to Perform at the Arts Center at Lake Superior State University on Friday, Oct. 29, 2021

calender iconOct 15, 2021
Member from Woodland Skye Native American Dance Co.

Woodland Sky Native American Dance Company comes to the Arts Center at Lake Superior State University on Friday, Oct. 29, 2021, at 7 PM to present a musical and theatrical story of Native American culture. These century-old tales are told with eagle feathers, moccasins, flute and drums, hoop dancers, and legendary warriors and hunters.

Admission is $15 adults, $10 seniors, $5 children (age 17 and younger), and free for LSSU students and university employees. Free parking is available in Lot K, in front of the Arts Center, and Lot E behind the Cisler Center.

Woodland Sky was established in 2013 and consists of Native American dancers from the Ojibwe, Sioux, Potawatomi, and Apache tribes. The company employs styles of dance that are all from this region, including traditional, fancy, jingle, grass, and hoop. Their focus is the telling of historic tales and stories using traditional native songs and dances.

In doing so, Woodland Sky hopes “to provide a quality, authentic and respectful Native American dance performance/demonstration with experienced Native American dancers in order to educate the viewer on traditional Native American stories, culture and values using authentic songs, music and dance,” according to their mission statement.

“We’re excited to restore live public performances for our LSSU family and Eastern Upper Peninsula neighbors while honoring an important part of the region’s heritage. Attendees will be able not only to discover exciting aspects about local Native American culture but also experience it in a lively and entertaining way,” said LSSU President Dr. Rodney S. Hanley. “This show undoubtedly exemplifies diversity, inclusion, and belonging, along with community partnerships and engagements, all of which are key components of our strategic plan.”

Woodland Sky’s local performance culminates a weeklong residency at LSSU and was funded by a National Endowment for the Arts Big Read grant.

Another member of Woodland Sky Native American Dance Co.