Supplemental Instruction

Supplemental Instruction (SI) is an academic support program that uses peer-assisted study sessions to enhance student success in larger, historically difficult courses at LSSU. SI sessions are regularly scheduled out-of-class review/study discussion sessions that are open to any student enrolled in a course for which SI is offered (attendance is voluntary).

Supplemental Instruction sessions are facilitated by SI Leaders, students who have successfully completed the course(s) for which SI is offered and come with recommendation of the professor. SI leaders conduct informal study sessions based on the needs of the students who attend; students may compare and develop their class notes, discuss reading or lecture content, develop study materials, prepare and take sample quizzes by predicting test questions. The SI leader may provide study guides or sample problems for students to work with during or outside of the sessions.

For more information on the SI program at LSSU please email [email protected].

Course Offerings
  • BIOL 122, 223
  • CHEM 115, 116, 208, 326
  • HLTH 209
  • NURS 213, 327
  • PSYC 155, 210

SI Schedule


Special SI sessions may be announced in class which will not show up on the schedule. Please contact your SI leader to confirm extra sessions.

Course Days & Times Location SI Leader Professor
BIOL 122 Wednesday
Marine Room LBR
Olivia Stevens Prof. Ranson-Olson
BIOL 223 Wednesday
LBR 231 Lauren Throop Prof. Hutchens
CHEM 115 Thursday
CRW 207 Nicole Borst Prof. Zierden
CHEM 116 Wednesday
LBR 231 Laura Yukich Prof. Nguyen
CHEM 208 Monday
LBR 231 Alex Eckman Prof. Nguyen
CHEM 326 Tuesday
LBR 231 Isaac Fitzpatrick Prof. Mosey
HLTH 209 Tuesday & Thursday
CRW 303 Molly Scott Prof. Tuchowski
NURS 213 Tuesday & Thursday
CRW 303 Molly Scott Prof. Kostelyk
NURS 327 Tuesday
LBR 231 Ashley Brandow Prof. Oliver
PSYC 155 Thursday
LBR 231 Brynn Prof. Searight
PSYC 210 Wednesday
LBR 231 Mackenzie
Prof. Olson-Pupek

Spring 2024 Exam Review Sessions

Course Days & Times Location SI Leader Professor
CHEM 110 April 15th
LBR 231 Sadie Drockton Prof. Nguyen
PSYC 101 To be announced
in class
To be announced
in class
Nathan Piche Prof. Spray
EGEE 125 To be announced
in class
To be announced
in class
Prof. Weber