Senior Project Team Superior Slapshot Systems (SSS)

Team Superior Slapshot Systems (Team SSS) formed for the 2023-24 academic year with the purpose of designing, building, and testing at least three innovative hockey slapshot game systems for the Soo Locks Children’s Museum and LSSU community.

A brief description of the Senior Project team is given below. A more thorough description of the current status of the project is available at the following team page:

Team SSS Hosted by Laker Hockey

Team SSS Hosted by Laker Hockey


About Team SSS


Donations to Team Superior Slapshot Systems

  1. Visit the LSSU donation’s webpage:

  2. As shown below, under “Area of Support,” select “Other Designation.”
  3. Under “Enter Your Gift Designation” put “Engineering” and “Team SSS Senior Project”.

    FYI, It is crucial that you put the name of the project, otherwise the funds will get tagged for Engineering in general.

Donation Instructions