BEST IS YET TO COME – If February awards mean anything, members of Lake Superior State University’s Accounting Club should pass April’s Certified Management Accounting (CMA) exam with flying colors. Based upon academic qualifications, the Institute of Management Accountants (IMA), which offers the prestigious credential, presented the LSSU students with awards that wave the exam’s registration and study material fees. The scholarship offers a three-year membership in the IMA as well. Front, left to right with hometown info are Karly VanderMolen (Schoolcraft, Mich.), Alyssa Rose (Grand Rapids, Mich.), Kellie Johnson (Irons, Mich.), Nicole Wymore (Sault Ste Marie, Mich.), and Emily Chartrand (Brimley, Mich.). Standing from left are Taylor Chroninger (Alpena, Mich.), Alyssa Recla (Brimley, Mich.), Club Advisor Prof. Mindy McCready, Britani Douglass (Big Rapids, Mich.), and Devon Brand (Daggett, Mich.) This is the first time LSSU accounting and finance students have gone for the CMA, a valued credential in the corporate sector throughout the world. (LSSU/John Shibley)
CONTACT: John Shibley, 906-635-2314