FRESHWATER EDUCATION BOOST – Lake Superior State University officials accept a $30,000 gift from mBank on April 2 at the bank’s Sault Ste. Marie office, earmarked to bring LSSU’s Center for Freshwater Research and Education (CFRE) one step closer to reality. Accepting for Lake State are – center, left to right – Tom Coates (‘86), executive director of LSSU’s Foundation, and LSSU President Peter Mitchell. The state of Michigan approved a capital outlay grant of $9 million towards the project in 2016. Groundbreaking could happen as early as this fall. Representing mBank from left are Francene Barbro-Meiners, brank mortgage loan officer; LSSU alumna (’93) Sherry Arnold, senior vice president of bank administration/training and development manager; LSSU alumnus (’91) Dave Thomas, vice president of commercial banking; and Sault branch manager Lauryn Hill. “Being an alumnus of Lake State and working right here in the Sault, we see the positive partnership LSSU has with our bank and the community,” said Thomas. “LSSU is well represented within our organization with alums in Manistique, Traverse City and here in the Sault.” The mBank gift brings funds raised so far by the LSSU Foundation Office to just under $3 million towards a $4.2 million goal. (LSSU/John Shibley)