INTERNATIONAL PARTNERSHIP – Officials with Lake Superior State University and Sault College finalized an agreement on June 5 that lets Sault College students transfer two-year business program coursework to Lake Superior State University, where they can earn a baccalaureate degree in business administration. Sealing the deal are outgoing LSSU interim provost David Roland Finley (left) and Colin Kirkwood, vice president, academic and research at Sault College. The two schools straddle the international border between Michigan and Ontario. Seated from left are LSSU President Rodney Hanley, LSSU business department head Mindy McCready, and David Orazietti, Sault College’s dean of aviation, trades and technology, natural environment and business. (LSSU/John Shibley)
Lake Superior State University (LSSU) and Sault College have engaged in a new and exciting partnership that offers Sault College business students another opportunity to earn both a diploma and degree in only four years. Through this pathway agreement, students who obtain their business diploma through Sault College can now roll their earned credits into a business administration baccalaureate degree from LSSU. Officials from both schools signed this new two-plus-two pathway transfer agreement June 5 on the LSSU campus.
This agreement provides an array of choices for Sault College business students allowing them to also earn minors in accounting, economics, marketing, international business, or human resources management along with their baccalaureate degree.
“This new pathway agreement offers our business students a tremendous opportunity to build and expand upon the knowledge and practical skills gained while studying at Sault College,” said David Orazietti, Dean, Aviation, Trades and Technology, Natural Environment and Business, Sault College. “Within a four-year period, students will be able to earn both a diploma and degree, which offers them diversity in their educational training and a breadth of skills to prepare them for the workforce.”
“We see this as a brain gain initiative for this region,” said interim LSSU provost David Roland Finley, who was on hand to ink the agreement. “If they go to southern Ontario or southern Michigan they are not as likely to return.”
“Not many border communities have a college and a university in the same geographical area,” added Colin Kirkwood, Vice President, Academic and Research, Sault College. “We have a unique opportunity to engage in a collaboration that will greatly benefit our students. We are pleased to partner with LSSU and look forward to developing additional diploma and degree pathways for our students.”
LSSU President Rodney Hanley rounded out comments by placing this agreement into context with others that could follow.
“When we look at our colleagues to the north and we see opportunities to have an outstanding regional educational environment,” said Hanley. “We form these partnerships and collaboration because at the end of the day what we do for our students is what really matters the most . . . educate and retain them here in a unique international community.”
Sault College students who want to take advantage of this new two-plus-two agreement should contact Sault College’s Registrar’s office.