The globalization of business brings new opportunities and challenges to governments, firms, and individuals that require specialized training and study to handle effectively. LSSU’s International Business certificate gives you the ability to receive domestic and foreign market business training without leaving the comfort of your home. Through four international business courses, you will be equipped to compete successfully in the global marketplace as it exists today and as it develops in the future. Whether you are seeking to grow in your current role or explore other areas of the business field, our International Business certificate program is designed to equip you with the knowledge and training you need.
Bordering Canada, the Lukenda School of Business offers students a Gateway to the world of international business.
Students have the opportunity to intern with companies outside the US or companies that are located in the US that are engaged in international business activities.
LSSU is connected to 85 other universities around the globe.
Average Starting Salary* *US Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates
LSSU Employment Rate After Graduation