Chosen Name Policy

Chosen Name Policy

Diversity, inclusion, and belonging constitute a pillar in Lake Superior State University’s strategic plan and represent core values and key outcomes for student success. This policy contributes to building a sense of belonging by recognizing the diversity of our students and employees. It provides a process through which one’s chosen name, preferred pronouns, and gender identity can be reflected in University records.

A chosen name is the first name by which one prefers to be addressed and may be different from a legal or given first name. The University invites all students and employees to provide their chosen name to be used in place of their legal or given first name for certain University functions and records. Submitting your chosen name will not remove or alter your legal name on record.

Applicants indicating a chosen name on their application for admission will automatically have their chosen first name entered in the University student information system. Current or former University students and employees may add a chosen name by editing their information in Anchor Access.

A chosen name may not be used when the legal name is required by policies applicable to the University, the State of Michigan or in accordance with local, state, or federal laws and regulations.

Examples of where chosen name is used:

  • Class rosters
  • LSSU/Anchor Access
  • Learning Management System (Moodle)

Examples of where the legal name is used:

  • Academic Transcripts
  • Diplomas
  • Scholarships & Financial Aid records
  • Tax documents

For questions about this policy, please contact the Registrar’s Office at [email protected]

Lake Superior State University defines student name as directory information. As such, both legal and chosen first names may be disclosed without prior consent. A student who does not want names disclosed must complete a Directory Restriction Request and submit it to the Registrar’s Office. The restriction is subject to certain exceptions, including those University officials with a legitimate educational interest. Also note that withholding directory information may prevent the University from verifying a student’s status (e.g., for the purposes of insurance verifications or employment), certifying a degree, or publishing a student’s name in the commencement program without prior written consent.

Name Changes

There are two types of name changes addressed below: 1) Legal Name and 2) Chosen Name. The method and burden of proof is different for each. Please read the guidelines below before requesting a name change. Students with questions about changing their legal name should contact the Registrar’s Office at [email protected]. For questions about changing your chosen name, please contact the Dean of Student Affairs at [email protected]. Employees with questions about either type of name change should contact the Human Resources Office at [email protected].

Legal Name

The Registrar’s Office maintains students’ official legal name for Lake Superior State University and for relevant governmental agencies. Human Resources maintains similar records for employees. To change your legal name, complete the Request for a Name Change form on the Registrar’s Website. Reasons for changing your legal name may be:

  1. Change in Marital Status
  2. Court Order
  3. Citizenship by Naturalization
  4. Correct a System or Entry Error

The Registrar’s Office and/or Human Resources will accept the following forms of documentation to verify your new legal name status.

  1. Social Security Card showing current/recent date
  2. US Passport or US Passport Card
  3. Driver’s License
  4. State ID
  5. Photo ID issued by Federal, State, or Local Government, or US Military
  6. Legal Documentation such as a marriage license, divorce decree, or other court documentation

Your first, middle, and last names may be changed only with the documentation listed above.

Please note the following:

  1. International student names must appear on University records exactly as they appear on the passport issued by the home country.
  2. The name change process will not automatically update to a chosen name in an instructor’s personal gradebook. It is a student’s responsibility to inform instructors if a name change occurs.
  3. A student can request a new student ID from the Human Resources Office that reflects a new Legal Name. The first such request will be at no additional cost, but subsequent requests will have a charge consistent with the Student ID Policy.

Chosen Name

Your chosen name is the first name by which you prefer to be called. If you do not specify a chosen name, your legal name will be your default chosen name. You can only have one chosen name. Common reasons for having a chosen name that differs from a legal name include primary use of a shortened name, nickname, middle name, or a name that matches your gender identity.

To change your Chosen Name in the University system, please follow these steps.

  1. Log into
  2. Go to Anchor Access.
  3. Click on the “Personal Information” tab.
  4. Choose “View and Update Personal Information.”
  5. In the “Personal Details” section click on the Edit icon in the upper right corner.
  6. Change your Chosen Name (and if relevant your personal pronouns and gender identification).
  7. Click update.

To change your Chosen Name in Gmail™, please follow these steps.

  1. On your computer, open Gmail™.
  2. In the top right, click Settings. See all settings.
  3. Click the Accounts and Import or Accounts tab.
  4. Under “Send mail as,” click Edit info.
  5. Enter the name you want to show when you send messages.
  6. At the bottom, click Save changes.

To change your Chosen Name in Zoom™, please follow these steps.

  1. In your browser, log into Zoom™ at using your LSSU Gmail™.
  2. On the right sidebar, choose Profile.
  3. Click on Edit to the right of your Display Name.
  4. Under Display Name, type your Chosen Name.
  5. Click Save.

Please note each of the following:

  1. While chosen names can be changed at any time, this will not automatically change an instructor’s personal gradebook. It is a student’s responsibility to inform an instructor if a name change occurs.
  2. While chosen first names do not require approval from the University for use, LSSU officials reserve the right to review chosen name records. Chosen names deemed as inappropriate for reasons including, but not limited to, classroom disruption, avoidance of legal obligation, fraud, use of obscene or offensive language, or misrepresentation may be removed, and their use ceased. Students using chosen names in this manner may be documented for potential policy violation of the Student Code of Conduct.
  3. A student can request a new student ID from the Human Resources Office that reflects a chosen Name. The first such request will be at no additional cost, but subsequent requests will have a charge consistent with the Student ID Policy.
  4. Not all University systems are able to display a chosen name. The timeline in which name changes appear in third-party applications may differ.

Personal Pronouns

Personal pronouns will be used across university systems where available. Students and employees are welcome to facilitate the use of chosen name and personal pronouns.

  • He/ Him
  • She/ Her
  • They/ Them
  • Ze/ Hir
  • Ze/Zir
  • Not listed
  • Prefer not to answer
  • Does not apply

To change your personal pronouns in the University system, please follow these steps.

  1. Log into
  2. Go to Anchor Access.
  3. Click on the “Personal Information” tab.
  4. Choose “View and Update Personal Information.”
  5. In the “Personal Details” section click on the Edit icon in the upper right corner.
  6. Change your personal pronouns.
  7. Click update.

Gender Identification

An individual’s gender identification can differ from the sex assigned at birth. Students and employees can change their gender identification in Anchor Access. The steps are the same as those listed under “Chosen Name” above.

  • Male
  • Female
  • Nonbinary
  • Agender
  • Genderqueer
  • Two Spirit
  • Prefer not to answer
  • Does not apply
  • Not listed

To change your gender identification in the University system, please follow these steps.

  1. Log into
  2. Go to Anchor Access.
  3. Click on the “Personal Information” tab.
  4. Choose “View and Update Personal Information.”
  5. In the “Personal Details” section click on the Edit icon in the upper right corner.
  6. Change your gender identification.
  7. Click update.