
Circulation Policies

Recalls and Holds

All library material is subject to recall after ten days if it is required by another patron. Patrons with recalled items will be notified by phone and/or mail and have up to seven days to return the items.

Patrons may request the recall of an item by placing the request through the library’s Primo platform. The person with the item will be notified of the recall and must return the item within seven days. The person initiating the recall will receive an email notification when the item is returned to the library. Recalled materials are held at the Circulation Desk for four days after which they become available for use by other patrons.

Reserve Policy

Instructors may place material on Reserve so that it is readily available to all students in the class. Instructors are responsible for obtaining copyright approval if needed. Government documents may not be placed on reserve. Every effort will be made to either put a duplicate photocopy on reserve or purchase a second copy for the reserve collection. Patrons may check out Reserve materials for the maximum amount of time specified (usually two hours) at any given time. Reserve materials do not leave the library unless indicated by the instructor. Charges for overdue reserves:

$ .50 per hour

Holds are placed on student transcripts and registration when fines are left unpaid.

Overdue and Fine Policy

Fines are assessed for materials returned late to the library. The amount of fine varies with the type of material and its particular status (e.g., reserve or circulating materials). Fines accrue from the time the materials are due, whether or not the individual receives an overdue notice, until such time as the materials are returned.

Materials are considered to be overdue the day after they are due. There is no grace period. The first day an item is overdue, the fine is 50 cents. The amount increases by 50 cents per day until the item is returned. When an overdue item is returned, the fine ceases to accrue, but remains until paid. No one may check out additional materials until all overdue materials are returned and fines are paid. Holds are placed on student transcripts and registration when their total obligation reaches $5.00 and when fines are left unpaid.

NOTE: The library sends overdue notices as a courtesy to users. Users are responsible for renewing/returning items by the due date, even if notices could not be delivered.

Patrons with outstanding charges or overdue materials will lose their library privileges. Students will have a HOLD placed on their records with the Registrar’s Office. In concert with the policies of Bayliss Public Library, community users with unpaid fines of $5 or more will have their library privileges revoked. These privileges include: checking out library materials, interlibrary loan services,  and use of library equipment (computers, copiers, and printers).

Questions regarding overdue charges or bills should be directed to Teresa Yelverton-Johnson at our Circulation Desk (906-635-2815), via email at [email protected] or contact us using the form below.

Contact Us
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