FAQ Counseling Services

Frequently Asked Questions

I’m in crisis and need to talk to a counselor right now!
We are located at 623 W. Easterday Avenue. Our office hours are Monday – Friday, 8am-12pm & 1pm-5pm. Come to our front desk and our receptionist will assist you in connecting with a counselor.

If it is outside our office hours, consider these crisis resources: War Memorial Hospital Emergency Room; 911; LSSU Public Safety at 906-635-2100; Local 24 Hour Crisis Line 1-800-839-9443; National Suicide Lifeline 1-800-273-8255; to text anonymously with the Crisis Text Line, text “hello” to 741741.

What are the steps for getting a counseling appointment?

  1. Contact Counseling Services. Let us know you want an appointment. Phone: 906-635-2752, email [email protected]or stop by our front desk at 623 W. Easterday Ave.
  2. Schedule an appointment. Our receptionist will find a day and time that works for you. You will be asked for your name, phone number, and email address.
  3. Check your email. You will receive a Welcome Email. The email address you provide will be used to send you a Welcome Email that will connect you to our secure Client Portal.
  4. Log into the Client Portal. Review and sign all documents. Within the Client Portal, you review and sign all the documents that are required prior to your first appointment. This includes Consent for services, screening tools, and what you want to address in counseling.
  5. Attend your appointment. In you’re attending in-person, bring your mask and present to our building for your appointment. If you’re attending via Telehealth. choose a quiet, private place to sit. You should receive an appointment reminder approximately 10 minutes before your first appointment.

How is TELEHEALTH different from in-person counseling?
LSSU Counseling Services offers TELEHEALTH appointments as an alternative to in-person appointments. TELEHEALTH is the provision of counseling remotely by means of a secure video conference. TELEHEALTH appointments enable students at our Regional Centers to access services. TELEHEALTH appointments are also available for our on campus and commuter students, as desired.

Why do people go to counseling?
Students participate in counseling for a variety of reasons.  Some encounter problems that aren’t easy to resolve, or their usual way of handling problems isn’t working. Some have family, friends, or LSSU faculty/staff who have encouraged them to see us. Others want support making some changes in their lives. Some common concerns include:

  • Anxiety/stress
  • Low self-confidence
  • Problems sleeping
  • Relationship difficulties
  • Feelings of sadness or depression
  • Self-harm
  • Academic concerns
  • Difficulty with attention and concentration
  • Addiction issues
  • Procrastination and perfectionism
  • Sexual identity concerns
  • Home sickness
  • Decision-making dilemmas
  • Trauma or abuse
  • Concern about a friend or family member

No matter what the reason is behind seeking our services, the Counseling Services staff is prepared to help.

If I go to counseling, does it mean something is wrong with me?
No.  Counseling involves the concerns and problems of normal students. Many students encounter situations that are challenging and confusing, or their usual ways of handling problems may not be working well for some reason. We view seeking counseling as a sign of strength; it shows that you have insight into things you would like to improve. Counseling Services is a place where you can benefit from professional, experienced providers who can help you explore many different concerns. Many students take advantage of our services.

Who can use LSSU’s Counseling Services, and what does it cost?
Any currently enrolled LSSU student can use Counseling Services. All services are free of charge.

How long would I have to go for?
There is no set number of sessions that are required.  You and your counselor will work together to determine the number and frequency of sessions.  Some concerns are best handled with several counseling sessions.  However, it is also possible that after one session you leave the appointment feeling able to handle things without additional counseling. The average number of appointments that our clients attended is 6-8.

How do I make an appointment?
You can make an appointment by calling (906) 635-2752 or stopping by our front desk within our business hours of 8:00am – 12:00pm and 1:00pm – 5:00pm.  You are also welcome to reach out to us via email at [email protected]. Our receptionist at the front desk will help you find a time to meet with a counselor that works with your schedule.

What will happen at my first appointment?
You will fill out paperwork and meet with a counselor.

Paperwork:  Before your first visit with a counselor, you will be asked to complete paperwork that takes about 5 – 10 minutes.  Please come into Counseling Services early to complete this paperwork.

Meeting with the counselor:  You will meet with a counselor who will talk with you about the ways in which Counseling Services might be able to help. Options may include individual counseling and/or referral to another campus service or community resource.

Is it confidential?
Yes.  All counseling sessions are confidential and are not part of a student’s record.  Counseling Services will not release information regarding your use of our services without your written consent.  This means that under normal circumstances, no one outside the Counseling Services is given any information – even the fact that you have been here – without your written consent.  Parents, teachers, and other University staff outside of Counseling Services may not have access to information about your contacts here without your permission.  You are protected by confidentiality laws, and we will not break these laws unless your situation meets one of the legal limitations to confidentiality.  For details regarding these limitations to confidentiality, you can refer to our Confidentiality Policy as described in our Policy Statements and Student Consent for Services form available at the receptionist’s desk.

What if I am worried about a friend or family member?

Often it is helpful for students to share their worries about friends or family members, and we encourage you to make an appointment at Counseling Services to do this.  You will be able to speak confidentially with a counselor and receive advice about how to deal with your concerns about this person.

Concussion Awareness

Head Injury and Concussion Awareness

[av_two_third first min_height=” vertical_alignment=” space=” custom_margin=” margin=’0px’ padding=’0px’ border=” border_color=” radius=’0px’ background_color=” src=” background_position=’top left’ background_repeat=’no-repeat’ animation=” mobile_display=”]

University Recreation requires that its participants have an awareness and knowledge of the risks associated with head injuries and concussions. It is the role of the whole UREC Program; including all of its professional staff, student staff, and participants to serve an active role in concussion prevention, recognition and treatment.

There are trained University Recreation staff present at many events that head injury/concussions can be reported to and can provide recommendations. Although none of these parties have the authority to diagnose a concussion, all have the authority to withhold participants suspected of a concussion or other injury from participation, refer to advanced medical care, or call for emergency care.

[av_one_third min_height=” vertical_alignment=” space=” custom_margin=” margin=’0px’ padding=’0px’ border=” border_color=” radius=’0px’ background_color=” src=” background_position=’top left’ background_repeat=’no-repeat’ animation=” mobile_display=”]

[av_tab_container position=’top_tab’ boxed=’border_tabs’ initial=’1′]
[av_tab title=’What is a Concussion?’ icon_select=’no’ icon=’ue800′ font=’entypo-fontello’]
A concussion is a brain injury altering brain functions typically for a temporary amount of time.  A concussion can occur from any hit to the body or head. It typically occurs when a forceful blow results in rapid head movement resulting in brain function alterations. If anyone is suspected of sustaining a head injury/concussion, activity should be stopped and medical treatment should be pursued.

[av_tab title=’Signs and symptoms:’ icon_select=’no’ icon=’ue800′ font=’entypo-fontello’]
Signs and symptoms of a concussion can occur immediately or hours later, and can include the following:

  • Headache
  • Dizziness, lightheaded
  • Nausea, vomiting
  • Dazed, glazed appearance
  • Lack of coordination or balance
  • Feeling of being in a fog
  • Emotional changes (e.g. both happy and sad)
  • Amnesia (memory loss either after the event and/or prior to the event)
  • Slowed response time (verbal or physical)
  • Disorientation, confusion
  • Altered vision (e.g. blurry vision or double vision)
  • Dilated or unequal pupils
  • Sensitivity to light
  • Auditory changes (e.g. sensitivity to sound, ringing in the ears)
  • Difficulty concentrating, recalling information

HeadsUpConcussion Signs and Symptoms

[av_tab title=’Fact Sheet for Athlete’s:’ icon_select=’no’ icon=’ue800′ font=’entypo-fontello’]
HeadsUpConcussion for Athletes

[av_tab title=’Fact sheet for coach’s:’ icon_select=’no’ icon=’ue800′ font=’entypo-fontello’]
HeadsUpConcussion for Coaches

[av_tab title=’Medical assistance:’ icon_select=’no’ icon=’ue800′ font=’entypo-fontello’]
Locations in the area around LSSU for advanced medical assistance are as follows:

  • LSSU Health Care Center, 621 W Easterday Ave, (906) 635-2110, Monday-Friday 8am-4:30pm
  • WAR Memorial Hospital, 500 Osborn Blvd , (906) 635-4460, 24-hours
  • Community Care Clinic, 509 Osborn Blvd # 160, (906) 635-4401, Monday-Sunday 9am-8:30pm

Student Organization Handbook – Policies and Procedures

Registered Student Organization Handbook

Here at LSSU, we want to make your involvement experience a memorable one. Registered Student Organizations (RSO) are such a great asset to LSSU, we want to make sure that the transition to starting a new organization or engaging in a current one is seamless. This RSO handbook provides summarizes some of the policies and procedures here at LSSU. But don’t worry about knowing every process and policy, come to the Campus Life Office to let us help you navigate these policies and procedures.

Our Campus Life Office is here to help you and your organization in your endeavors. Please stop by our office in the Walker Cisler University Center (Rm. 125) or contact us ([email protected] or 906-635-2236) to let us know how we can help!

Registered Student Organizations

Registered Student Organizations

Process to become a Registered Student Organization

First, congratulations! While many people dream of making a difference, you have chosen to make this a reality. As stated earlier, there are many reasons to form a student organization on campus. The first steps in establishing your group will be identifying your core membership of fellow students and meeting with the Associate Director of Campus Life and Housing. During this meeting, you will review the process and requirements for recognition and identify any areas of concern for the University. It is suggested that before you begin the formal recognition process the group meet informally several times to help ascertain whether or not there is sufficient interest to justify the existence of the group.

Registration of a student organization constitutes University acknowledgment of the proposed mission, purpose, and activities. Registration is a charter to exist and function on campus as a student organization. Registration may be suspended or terminated according to the procedures outlined in this handbook.

The Campus Life Office must register all student organizations in order to receive the benefits as outlined below. As a new student organization, once registered by the Campus Life Office, the office will then send the organization to Presidents’ Council and/or Inter-Greek Council for final registration approval. All student organizations must complete a yearly renewal process as outlined below to continue to be registered for the upcoming school year.

The organizations that do not follow the defined process will be deregistered and will then have to appeal for re-registration after a possible probationary period. Registration is due by October 1st of the academic year. For the purposes of this handbook, “organization(s),” and “student organization(s)” refers to a Registered Student Organization (RSO).

For further information and registration steps and policies please refer to the “Starting a New Student Club: Your Guide” This document will be your guide to becoming a Registered Student Organization.

Definition of a Registered Student Organization

Registered student organizations are defined as any group or organization, including social Greek chapters, at Lake Superior State University, which has met all of the stated criteria outlined in the Campus Life Handbook (this document) and the Constitution of the Students with regards to the responsibilities and registration of groups.

Foremost in the criteria, is that all registered student organizations must be directed and controlled by students currently admitted and enrolled at Lake Superior State University. Currently, enrolled students must hold all offices, with the exception of the organization advisor. Only full-time faculty and staff of Lake Superior State University, unless otherwise approved by the Associate Director of Campus Life and Housing, are eligible to serve as the organization’s primary advisor; all registered student organizations must have a Lake Superior State University faculty/staff advisor.

Benefits for Registered Student Organizations

Registered student organizations will be granted the following benefits and privileges when approved by the Campus Life Office, Presidents’ Council and/or Inter-Greek Council:

  • Eligibility to use University facilities as established by University policy;
  • Eligibility to sponsor activities and promote those activities;
  • Eligibility to distribute literature, flyers, posters, banners, and organizational material according to the University policy;
  • Eligibility to use University services and resources such as purchasing, printing, maintenance, motor pool, computer services, technology, and mail services (bulk mail, etc.), as established by University policy;
  • Eligibility to receive assistance and advisement from the Campus Life Office;
  • Eligibility to receive awards and honors presented to University organizations and members;
  • Eligibility to be listed in University and Campus Life Office publications, including the web page and the University catalog;
  • Eligibility to participate in University events such as Lakerpalooza, Laker Week, Snowfest, etc.;
  • Eligibility for advisors to receive training and consultation from the Campus Life Office;
  • Eligibility to have a student organization mailbox in the Student Organization Center – Room 100, Cisler Center;
  • Eligibility to solicit funds on campus through programs and fundraisers, as established by University policy;
  • Eligibility to apply for funding from the Student Activity and Media Fee, through Presidents’ Council, Student Government, and/or Inter-Greek Council, according to established policies and procedures;
  • Eligibility to use the Student Organization and all the Student Organization resources.

Beyond the obvious advantages of being a registered student organization on campus, there are many other rewards for students who engage in student organization activities. First, student organizations add an important component to campus life at Lake Superior State University by providing an outlet for the student voice to be heard and a method for students to have a substantial impact on campus. Secondly, students gain valuable experience in the practical aspects of leadership, communication, risk management, and teamwork. Finally, it is our experience that students who are involved on campus are more likely to be successful in college and to gain more from their time at Lake State. For all of these reasons, the Campus Life Office would like to congratulate you on your decision to get involved, make a difference and leave your Laker Legacy at Lake Superior State University.

Classification and Types of Registered Student Organizations

Upon completion of the registration process and approval by the University, Presidents’ Council and/or Inter-Greek Council, all student organizations will be classified in one of the following categories. Depending on the scope and mission of the organization, Campus Life will assign a classification to the group for the purposes of risk management, communication, and promotion.

  • Academic organizations focus on academic disciplines.
  • Club Sports organizations provide competitive sports outside the NCAA level.
  • The Arts organizations provide opportunities for involvement and exposure to the performing arts.
  • Fraternity and Sorority Life (Social)provide life-long opportunities for leadership, service, academic achievement, and social involvement through the association with a national or local organization.
  • Outdoor organizations provide opportunities for competition, personal fitness, recreational activities, and/or school spirit support.
  • Political organizations provide an opportunity for getting involved in the political process and exposure to the political arena
  • Honors and Professional organizations provide extra experience outside the classroom that can be related to an academic or personal pursuit.
  • Faith Based organizations serve to enhance a student’s spiritual life while providing fellowship and outreach opportunities.
  • Special Interest organizations serve to enhance student life through the co-curricular involvement of special interests and hobbies.
  • Student Assembly (Big Seven) organizations serve as governing bodies in various aspects of campus life and include the media branches and campus programming board.

Policies and Procedures

Policies and Procedures

Campus Life Office Policies & Procedures

Judicial Process

The Associate Director of Campus Life and Housing is responsible, in consultation with the Vice President for Enrollment and Student Affairs and the Director of Campus Life and Housing, for administering the judicial process for student organizations, as outlined in the LSSU Student Handbook and the Campus Life Handbook with the exception of Title IX-related issues.

Regional Center Registered Student Organizations

Student organizations that are part of a Lake Superior State University regional center must be registered by Campus Life only but are not eligible for funding through any Student Activity and Media Fee funds.

General Campus Life Registered Student Organizations Policies

All Registered Student Organizations (RSOs) shall be accorded the same rights and are bound by the same rules and regulations.

Registration by LSSU does not constitute an endorsement of the purposes or the activities of an organization by the faculty, administration, or the student body. All student organizations must register through the Campus Life Office in order to function within the University. Once registered through CLO, Presidents’ Council and/or Inter-Greek Council will provide the final approval on registration, as outlined by the Constitution of the Students and the Presidents’ Council bylaws. Please note that Presidents’ Council cannot overturn a deregistered organization decision by the Campus Life Office but may deny an organization that was originally registered by the Campus Life Office.

Non-Discrimination Policy

It is the policy of Lake Superior State University that no person shall be discriminated against, excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, or otherwise be subjected to discrimination in employment, or in any program or activity for which the University is responsible on the basis of race, color, national origin or ancestry, sex, sexual preference, age, disability, religion, height, weight, marital status or veteran status.

All Registered Student Organizations must comply with federal/state laws regarding discrimination and with the University’s policy of providing equal opportunity. A non-discrimination clause must be in all constitutions. Any Registered Student Organization with selective membership criteria must state this criterion in their constitution. The Campus Life Office may review membership selection practices at any time.

Lake Superior State University Hazing Policy

Since the time of its founding, Lake Superior State University’s primary goal has been to provide excellent instruction and an educational environment which will produce broadly educated responsible citizens who are prepared to serve and to lead in society. Academic instruction and co-curricular activities couple to meet the goals of Lake Superior State University. All members of the University community must be provided the opportunity to function to the best of their individual abilities. One activity that has been an inhibiting factor in achieving the above-stated purpose is the practice of hazing. Although hazing has concentrated itself in the social Greek community, other recognized student organizations are not untouched by this unacceptable practice. Therefore, this policy shall apply to all organizations and clubs at Lake Superior State University.

Hazing Definition

Hazing is defined ascommitting any intentional, knowing or reckless act, occurring on or off the Lake Superior State University campus, by one person alone or acting with others, directed against a student, that endangers the mental or physical health or safety of a student for the purpose of pledging, being initiated into, affiliating with, holding office in or maintaining membership in any organization or athletic team whose members are or include students at an educational institution.

A person commits an offense if the person engages in hazing, encourages another to engage in hazing, knowingly permits hazing to occur or has knowledge of hazing and fails to report said knowledge to an appropriate official of the university. It should be noted that it is not a defense to prosecution of an offense that the person against whom the hazing was directed consented to or acquiesced in the hazing activity.

Lake Superior State University will not condone or tolerate any acts of hazing, harassment or humiliation. Any such acts which interfere with scholastic activities, which are not consistent with fraternal law, state or federal law, or the University regulations and policies are expressly forbidden. Students or organizations found responsible for any infractions are subject to disciplinary action.

Hazing Policy Enforcement

Should hazing activities come to the attention of any member of the University, the activity should be reported to Campus Life and the Associate Director of Campus Life and Housing. The Campus Life Office and the Student Organization Review Board will investigate all allegations of hazing. The judicial process, as outlined in the Lake Superior State University Student Handbook, serves as the guideline for handling allegations of hazing.

In special circumstances, a student organization may be placed on interim suspension pending an investigation. This action will be taken only in those situations where there is reasonable cause to believe a student organization’s actions are of such a nature as to pose a clear and present threat of harm or injury to persons and/or damage to property. During the interim suspension, the organization is required to cease all organizational operations and activities.

Should the student organization have national affiliation or incorporation, the national office shall be notified of the alleged incident and the results in writing within one (1) week. The Associate Director of Campus Life and Housing will make notification.

Should the judicial investigation substantiate an occurrence of hazing, the Associate Director of Campus Life and Housing will assign the appropriate sanction that may include, but not limited to:

  • CENSURE– Censure may include the required completion of a program designed with the intent of eliminating hazing. The Associate Director of Campus Life and Housing, and the organization’s officers and advisors will devise the program. Campus Life will monitor the program.
  • PROBATION– The organization will be placed on probation for a specified period of time. Conditions of probation will be determined by Campus Life and outlined in writing for the organization. Campus Life will monitor the probationary term. The probation period may also include community service obligations.
  • SUSPENSION– The organization will be suspended. The terms of the suspension shall be defined in the sanction, including criteria that the organization must meet within a specified period of time to be considered for re-registration status. The suspension period may also include community service obligations.
  • REVOCATION– The organization will have its status as a registered student organization revoked, with loss of all University registration and privileges. If applicable, the national office of an organization so affiliated will be requested to revoke the charter of the organization.

In addition to enforcement of this Hazing Policy regarding student organizations, the University may initiate appropriate disciplinary action against individual students for violations of the Student Conduct Code, Campus Life Handbook and/or Student Handbook policies arising from the incident.

Risk Management Policies & Procedures

At Campus Life, we believe that our role is to balance student freedom with responsibility so that students can learn from their experiences in a safe inclusive environment. To this end, we encourage student organizations to work with the Campus Life staff and/or organizational advisors in order to plan safe and successful activities.

Campus Life is committed to working with student organizations to assist them in managing the risk that can occur in the course of student activities, including but not limited to: risk of injury, financial risk, and risk of University Policy violations. Services offered for student organizations include consultations with organizational representatives and advisors on issues concerning travel, event planning, and organizational development. In addition, we can connect students with campus resources related to risk management and event planning.

Student organizations planning campus events or off-campus activities that involve travel or other risks should meet with the Associate Director of Campus Life and Housing to review their event plans and various factors and risks associated with the event. Student organization leaders are responsible for making sure student participants are aware of the inherent risks associated with participation in campus activities. All student organizations that travel will be required to fill out travel forms prior to departure.

Statement of Legal Liability

Lake Superior State University does not assume liability for a registered student organization’s financial transactions, group activities, or the actions of individual or group members. It is recognized by the University that students are adults and that they and the organizations to which they belong are expected to obey the University policies, state and federal laws, and take responsibility for their conduct. The University expressly recognizes students and student groups are not agents of the University and the University will not assume any responsibility for them on or off campus. The University cautions that student organizations can be disciplined if their conduct threatens or causes disorder, causes public disturbances, danger to themselves and others, or property damage.

Students involved in Registered Student Organizations or other campus activities do so at their own risk. Students should have adequate personal medical coverage for health insurance, as the university does not provide any coverage for students.

General Commercial Liability Insurance

All social Greek chapters, including those not residing on-campus, and recreation and sports clubs are required to obtain general commercial liability insurance in the amount of $1,000,000/$2,000,000 and list Lake Superior State University as additional insured. A current insurance certificate must be on file with Campus Life a minimum of two (2) business days prior to the expiration of the previous policy. Until proof of insurance is submitted, the organization will not be allowed to sponsor or partake in any activities. Continued failure to provide proof of insurance or hosting an event without providing proof of insurance may result in revocation of your registration by the University.

Given the nature of social Greek Letter and recreation/club sports organization activities, it is imperative that members and others participating in activities feel safe and secure in their environments. Whether on- or off-campus, recreation and club sports organizations and Greek chapters must protect themselves and their members from litigation. The University insurance does not offer protection to student organizations, therefore, the organization must provide adequate coverage for its members and others engaged in activities conducted by the group.

Sports and recreation clubs will also be required to have a risk management protocol (RMP) on file, including proof of liability insurance. Additional proof of insurance, including individual medical insurance, may also be required. It is imperative that the leader of each club sport and recreation club meets with the Associate Director of Campus Life and Housing to determine the insurance requirements.

Other groups may be required to provide a RMP and/or general commercial liability insurance, depending on the level of risk associated with group-sponsored activities. This will be determined in consultation with the Associate Director of Campus Life and Housing and the University Risk Manager.

Liability Release & Waiver/Assumption of Risk & Release Forms

Campus Life requires the use of the “Assumption of Risk & Release” form for individuals participating in special activities and events sponsored by student organizations, as assessed by the Risk Manager. The waiver releases the Registered Student Organization and the University (and its governing board, employees, and agents) from any and all liability arising out of participation in special activities and events.

These forms can be completed according to the organization’s specific needs and should be kept on file by the advisor for two years. Questions regarding the use of these forms should be directed to the Associate Director of Campus Life and Housing. Waivers are specific to the individual event and must be reviewed with the Associate Director of Campus Life and Housing in consultation with the Risk Manager at least two (2) weeks prior to the event.

Financial Policies & Procedures

All financial transactions for Campus Life must go through the Campus Life Office Manager. This will ensure that the appropriate University guidelines are being followed and the required signatures and paperwork are obtained. The Office Manager will work with you to determine the best route to take for completing a financial transaction (i.e. use of a University purchasing card, check request, or purchase order).

The items below are considered official departmental policy and procedure for all student organizations. Failure to follow these policies and procedures will result in disciplinary action through Campus Life. When questions arise, please contact the Office Manager or the Associate Director of Campus Life and Housing immediately.


For the purposes of this policy, all activities involving the collection of money by Registered Student Organizations are defined as revenue-producing projects. Revenue-producing projects include: the selling of printed materials, student-produced goods, student-provided services, the selling of tickets, travel packages and/or charging admission to private or public activities or the soliciting of voluntary contributions, and the selling of other goods and services.

Financial BenefitRevenue-producing events held on campus or in the university facilities may not directly financially benefit the individual officers and/or members.

University Purchasing Card Policy (p-card)

The p-card must be signed out from the Campus Life Office Manager and must be returned by the next business day. The p-card request must be completely filled out and approved by the President and the Advisor of the organization. Each organization is allowed to appoint a secondary person who may approve purchases with the p-card under $100 in the President’s absence. In the Advisor’s absence, the Associate Director/Director of Campus Life and Housing may approve for the Advisor.

The person checking out the card will be responsible for turning in the following items by the next business day:

  • Itemized receipts for every purchase
  • A list of participants (if over 20, a headcount)
  • A copy of the event/program flyer

Additional p-card rules:

  • Each receipt must have the event associated with the purchase written on the front and the signature of the person that made the purchase on the back.
  • Purchases made with the p-card are tax-exempt. Inform the vendor that the purchase is for Lake Superior State University and is tax exempt. The tax-exempt number is printed on the face of the p-card. If making a purchase at Wal-Mart, use the University’s tax-exempt Wal-Mart ID number. A laminated card will be issued with the p-card; this card has the Wal-Mart number, as well as other pertinent information.
  • Online purchases with the p-card must be made by the Campus Life Office Manager, as there are specific guidelines that need to be followed for online purchases.
  • All purchases made with the p-card and shipped to LSSU must be sent to Campus Life, 650 W. Easterday Avenue, Sault Ste. Marie, MI 49783. This will ensure that the proper documentation is provided for record keeping.
  • The p-card has a single purchase limit of $500. Payment for a purchase will not be split into multiple transactions to stay within the single-purchase limit.
  • The p-card is not to be used for personal purchases.

Student Government Resolutions

In order to ensure a timely response, all resolutions must be submitted to the Campus Life Office Manager within 24 hours of the meeting. Any resolution that involves financial activity (travel advance, purchase, etc.) should include a note requesting a meeting with the Office Manager; this meeting will identify the appropriate purchasing path and the deadlines that must be met.

Presidents’ Council Funding Requests

All approved club requests for funds must be submitted to the Campus Life Office Manager within 24 hours of the approval/meeting. The funding request form must be complete (including all contact information, signatures, etc.) in order to be processed. Incomplete forms will be returned to the club for completion. Itemized receipts and any remaining funds from a check must be submitted to the CLO Office Manager by the next business day of the event or travel. Receipts must include a signature on the back and the name of the event or trip on the front. Please note that all Presidents’ Council funding requests must be completed through OrgSync and will include required approvals by the organization advisor prior to submission to Presidents’ Council.

Individual Responsibility for Financial Matters

P-cards, cash, and checks are issued to individuals, rather than organizations. Please remember that while the individual represents an organization, ultimate responsibility for the management of receipts, p-cards, and cash lies with the specific individual who was issued the check, cash, or p-card. An individual may be held accountable for any funds used that did not follow the procedures outlined above.

Non-profit Policy

Members of student organizations may not independently profit from events or fundraisers held at Lake Superior State University. Money collected at any event must be deposited into the organization account by the end of the next business day. Failure to deposit money raised at an event or fundraiser may result in loss of registration for the organization, pending an investigation and hearing by the Judiciary Board, Student Organization Review Board and/or the Associate Director of Campus Life and Housing.

Fundraising Policy

The need for Registered Student Organizations to conduct fundraising events to provide financial support for their organization continues to increase at Lake Superior State University. Recognizing this need, the Campus Life Office has established this fundraising policy with the following procedures and guidelines for conducting fundraising events. The overall purpose of this policy is to help organizations be as successful as possible in their efforts.

Sponsorship of Off-Campus Entities

Non-college affiliated individuals or organizations may advertise, solicit, or sell any product or service on campus only if they are sponsored by a recognized student organization or campus department. Typically, the vendor should agree to compensate the sponsoring organization or department, either on a percentage of goods sold basis or as a flat fee. The terms of the agreement are determined by the sponsoring organization.

Compliance with Rules, Policies, and Laws

The sponsoring organization assumes all responsibility for conducting a revenue-producing project in compliance with the ordinances, written policies, and regulations of Lake Superior State University. In addition, the organization is responsible for knowing and abiding by all local, county, state, and federal laws.

If you need assistance, the Campus Life Office is available to help student organizations conducting fundraising events and any other activities.

Cash Management

Most fundraising activities involve collecting cash or checks to the organization, creating potential liability and personal safety concerns for any person handling the money. Consult with Campus Life Office and Public Safety for ways to manage the collections process during your fundraising activities, including:

  • Secure cash boxes
  • Numbered tickets or items to monitor each member’s collection procedures
  • Planned deposits to on- and off-campus locations
  • Accounting procedures for deposits to the organization’s (on- or off-campus) accounts.

Gaming and Raffles

This includes but is not limited to, raffles, Millionaire Parties, Casino Nights, and Texas Hold ‘Em Poker. The State of Michigan regulates raffles and gaming, or any other kind of gambling, which requires advance registration with the State at least six (6) weeks in advance. If an organization is beginning to plan an event that involves gambling the organization should meet with a professional staff member in the Campus Life Office. The number of licenses the university has is limited and the application process requires a six-week lead-time. Complete information about these regulations is available on the web at www.michigan.gov/lottery. Any license for gambling activity will need to be approved by the Foundation.

Conferences/Travel Policies & Procedures for Registered Student Organizations

Lake Superior State University seeks to promote safe travel to events and activities occurring beyond the boundaries of University property by Registered Student Organizations (RSOs) activities and functions. Lake Superior State University supports the philosophy that student learning and development are an integral component of the collegiate experience and understands that student organizations have a variety of travel needs based on the nature of their activities and functions.

This policy applies to Registered Student Organization (RSO) travel both in cases where the travel is sponsored by a Lake Superior State University student organization and in cases where the travel is independent of student organization sponsorship but where a registered student organization travels on behalf of, or with the financial support of, one or more RSOs of Lake Superior State University.

All travel by Registered Student Organizations (RSOs) must relate to the purpose of the organization and comply with the policies of the Lake Superior State University and applicable local, state, and national laws. These guidelines are designed to reduce risk and provide protection for all student organization travel. All student organizations must comply with the requirements for travel. Travel is considered University travel if any one of the following conditions are met:

  • The University or student organization pays for any part of the event, through an institution or organization account or collection of funds from individual members.
  • There is reimbursement for expenses, food, registration fees, etc.
  • The organization and University names are advertised or used in any way
  • The University or organization is represented at the event in an official capacity.
  • Attendance of the members (regardless of how many there are) present at the event is based on their organizational affiliation rather than individual initiative.
  • A group is defined as an organization sponsored by the University or an event promoted by the organization.

Travel on behalf of Lake Superior State University by non-recognized student organizations is prohibited.

Student organizations taking off-campus trips regardless of funding must adhere to the Student Organization Travel policies and procedures. Arrangements for travel must be discussed in advance with the Campus Life Office Manager or Associate Director of Campus Life and Housing. Only LSSU students and faculty/staff may travel on behalf of the organization. The SAM Fee will only fund LSSU student travel expenses.

Participants will adhere to all LSSU conduct codes, conference conduct rules, as well as the rules/laws of the trip location(s). Any participant found to violate rules of conduct or the law will travel back to LSSU immediately at his/her own expense. Participants may be subject to University judicial proceedings if reported to the Campus Life Office.

The following must be on file in the Campus Life Office before the trip begins:

  • A detailed itinerary of trip plans and a full list of participants (noting any authorized drivers).
  • Travel Release Statement forms completed and signed by every participant.
  • Behavioral Contract forms completed and signed by every participant in conference or professional field trip travel.

Travel Advances

Requests for cash travel advances will be considered on a case-by-case basis. It is preferred that a p-card be issued for travel; however, this is not always possible. Requests for travel advances and/or for the use of a p-card for travel must be submitted at least two weeks in advance of the travel date. This will allow enough time to request the funds and/or reserve the p-card.

When receiving a check for travel in advance, all receipts and any remaining cash must be submitted to the CLO Office Manager by the next business day. The total amount of the receipts plus the remaining cash must total the amount of the cash advance. Receipts must be itemized, regardless of a cash advance or p-card purchase. You must sign the back of the receipt and include the purpose of the travel on receipts.

Conference Registrations and Fees

Each conference has differing policies for registrations and fees. Please consult with the Campus Life Office before completing any conference registration process.

The SAM Fee may not reimburse expenses already incurred. Make sure you have funding available for conference registrations BEFORE completing the registration form!

Air Travel

Air travel can be a convenient and sometimes less expensive mode of travel. Work with the Campus Life Office to check for the best prices.

The SAM Fee may not allocate funds to reimburse expenses already incurred. Make sure you have funding available for air travel BEFORE purchasing tickets!

Hotel Reservations

When staying at hotels, participants should anticipate presenting a personal credit card to place a deposit on the room.

Driver Authorization Process

The Campus Life Office Manager or Associate Director of Campus Life and Housing must submit all vehicle requests online. Only authorized drivers will be allowed to drive University vehicles. All drivers must follow the policies and procedures outlined by Physical Plant Motor Pool (www.lssu.edu/phyplant/motorpool/moterpool.php).

Any drivers (whether using University, personal, or rental vehicles) on student organization trips must be cleared by the Departments of Public Safety and Physical Plant as an authorized driver. Students who will be driving must be approved by going to the Campus Life Office Manager and presenting their driver’s license. Processing this request takes 24 hours; however, other procedures for becoming an authorized driver of a University vehicle take longer. It is advised that students anticipating going on a trip become authorized to drive at the beginning of the school year.

All drivers are individually responsible for any traffic violations, tickets, etc., and will be expected to pay applicable fines.

Travel Participant Behavior

All trip participants should represent Lake Superior State University appropriately at all times and act as active, helpful participants for the duration of the trip. All participants are required to engage in the planned activities of the trip.

Participants in activities involving student travel are responsible for their own behavior and any resulting consequences. The University shall not be liable for any loss, damage, injury or other consequence resulting from a participant’s failure to comply with University rules and regulations, the direction of University employees, or applicable laws.
While traveling, participants are bound by University policies as stated in Lake Superior State University Student Handbook, including the Student Code of Conduct as well as applicable laws. Failure to abide by these policies and violations may subject participants and sponsoring organizations to University review and disciplinary action pursuant to the guidelines in the Student Handbook and Registered Student Organization Handbook.

Trip Leader Responsibility

Lake Superior State University requires that a trip leader accompany the organization for all official University travel. The trip leader serves as the main university liaison and is responsible for the safety and participation of all attendees for the trip. The trip leader should work closely with the Campus Life Office to ensure the trip meets university standards, provides a safe experience for participants, and promotes student learning and development. For each university-related trip, Trip leaders are required to:

  • Ensure trip participants represent Lake Superior State University appropriately at all times and are active, helpful participants for the duration of the trip.
  • Facilitate a pre-trip planning meeting with all participants to discuss the planned itinerary, behavioral expectations, and transportation details so participants know what to expect as part of the trip.
  • Review and authorize travel purpose and transportation prior to travel, coordinate required paperwork, submit required forms and carry a copy of important participant safety documents on them at all times during the trip.
  • Require all students traveling with the group to provide proof of medical insurance to be able to participate in any travel associated with Lake Superior State University.
  • Facilitate understanding and compliance of all university policies and applicable laws; ensure students submit proper travel safety forms; and verify all travel plans appropriateness, length, destination, and purpose.
  • Facilitate emergency procedures, manage issue resolution and maintain student conduct standards.
  • Ensure the proper and timely reservation and payment procedures of the group’s payments and contracts.
  • Ensure proper rooming accommodations for all travel participants, including themselves. If the Trip Leader is an employee of Lake Superior State University, the Trip Leader should not share a bed with a student. It is strongly recommended that the Trip Leader stay in his or her own room.

Travel Registration & Follow-Up Process

Registered Student Organizations traveling on behalf of Lake Superior State University are required to complete the registration/follow-up process for all travel outside the tri-county (Mackinac, Chippewa and Luce counties) limits.

  • At least two weeks before the trip: All trip participants must complete a Liability Release Form and an Emergency Information Form and show proof of medical insurance. The trip leader will keep these documents on file with them for the duration of the trip.
  • At least two weeks before the trip: All trip drivers must complete a Motor Vehicle Report to become an approved university driver. All drivers must have their driver’s license checked and approved through Motor Pool. For Michigan drivers, please bring your drivers license into the Campus Life Office to be checked; out of state please consult your local Department of Motorized Vehicles (or equivalent) for a driver’s license record.
  • At least one week before the trip: The trip leader should use the Travel Registration Form to alert the Campus Life Office of upcoming travel.
  • Within one week after the trip: The trip leader should use the Travel Follow-Up Report to alert the Campus Life Office regarding the trip completion.

Travel Requirements Distance

Lake Superior State University understands the nature of different types of travel, including distance requirements. To ensure groups are best supported in their travel, Lake Superior State University maintains Travel Distance Requirements:

For travel within the tri-county limits

Groups or individual representatives of the organization must alert their organization advisor of the group’s general travel plans, safety procedures and trip participants in advance of the planned travel. Timelines and methods for Campus Advisor notification are decided within the group with organization advisor approval. Campus Life Office does not need registration or notification for travel within the tri-county limits.

For travel outside of a tri-county radius of the LSSU Campus in Sault Ste. Marie, MI

Groups or individual representatives of the organization must alert their organization advisor of the group’s general travel plans, safety procedures and trip participants in advance of the planned travel.

  • Lake Superior State University requires that a trip leader accompany the organization. The trip leader may include:
    • The trip leader may be the official organization advisor
    • A university employee that has been pre-approved by the organization advisor.
    • The Campus Life Office requires advance registration for all travel in this category.

For travel outside of the tri-county limits, but within the 100-mile radius of LSSU

Groups or individual representatives of the organization must alert their organization advisor of the group’s general travel plans, safety procedures and trip participants in advance of the planned travel.

  • Lake Superior State University requires that a trip leader accompany the organization. The trip leader may include:
    • The official organization advisor
    • A substitute faculty/staff member or otherwise approved Advisor
    • A student leader of the organization that is capable and agrees to serve as the trip leader, with organization advisor approval.
    • The Campus Life Office requires advance registration for all travel in this category.

Modes of Travel

There are many available modes of travel for students and groups traveling on behalf of Lake Superior State University.

  • Privately Owned Vehicles: Student organizations should minimize the use of personal vehicles for organization-related travel. Personal vehicles should only be used on a voluntary basis and if a motor pool vehicle is not available. All student participants choosing to drive in a private automobile do so voluntarily and at their own risk. The vehicle owners/drivers must provide their own insurance coverage, acknowledging the risks involved in the travel activity and assuming responsibility for liability for themselves and the passengers traveling in their vehicle. Drivers and passengers must comply with Lake Superior State University policies, transportation guidelines and all applicable laws.
  • Air Travel: Students traveling by air transportation must comply with all federal laws regulating air travel and the rules of the specific airline. This includes laws and rules regarding carry-on baggage and baggage weight restrictions, students bringing excess luggage will be responsible for payment for additional fees.
  • Motor Pool Vehicles: Whenever possible, student organizations should use Motor Pool vehicles for transportation. All Motor Pool requests must go through the Campus Life Office for reservation, at least two weeks prior to departure.

General Policies & Procedures

Guest Speakers and Contracted Events

Registered Student Organizations may sponsor guest speakers and contracted events in fixed indoor or outdoor locations approved by Campus Life. A guest speaker or contracted event is a speaker or performer who is not a student, faculty member, or staff member. In order to have a guest speaker or contracted event, advance permission from Campus Life is required. Students, student organizations, and their advisors acting in their advisor capacity are not authorized to engage in contracts with outside agencies, vendors, performers, or any other contracting entity. Should an organization wish to contract for an event, the Associate Director of Campus Life and Housing, in conjunction with the organization president and advisor, will handle all contractual negotiations and obtain required signatures. The Risk Manager for Lake Superior State University may also call for additional review.

Film and Video Events

Video Tapes and DVDs that are available for purchase, rented from many commercial establishments, or checked out of the library are for home viewing purposes only. This means they can only be viewed in your private living spaces. For campus purposes, that means your residence hall room/suite. (For home purposes, it means anywhere in your private residence). Same rules apply for movies/television shows that are video taped at home on VCR’s.

Therefore anytime a group shows a movie in any context, the group must purchase the public viewing rights (copyright) for that particular showing. Copyright purchase for film currently runs in the range of $350-$1,300 per showing for popular titles from major movie distributors. Independent films could cost less but must be negotiated with the holder of the copyright for those particular films.

There is an exception to the public performance fees for colleges and universities. This exception is only in the case of face-to-face classroom instruction by a faculty member. The faculty member may show the film/movie outside the normal class period (at night for example), however, it is only for those students who are registered for the class.

Apparel and Give-Away Items

T-shirts, apparel, and other give-away items are a great way to advertise for an event or an organization. They can be purchased fairly inexpensively and given away, or sold to make a profit for the group. LSSU works with area businesses, which provide great quality for a low price. Through the Campus Life Office Manager, you will be able to get an estimate on the approximate cost of any t-shirts, apparel, or give-away items.

If the University name, logo or likeness is being used on an item, the use of the name, logo or likeness must adhere to the University’s trademark use standards and be approved by the Director of Graphics and the Associate Director of Campus Life and Housing prior to ordering the item.

Single Sex Organizations

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in educational programs and activities at the university unless such programs and activities are specifically exempt from the law. The university is required to be in compliance with the provisions of Title IX. Therefore, compliance with Title IX is a condition to be a recognized student organization at the university. Since passage of this law and the publication of the implementing regulations, the U. S. Department of Education Office of Civil Rights has evolved a rather clear set of criteria for determining when single sex organizations are exempt from the provisions of Title IX.

These criteria are as follows:

The organization must have tax-exempt status under Section 501 of the Internal Revenue Code; Members must be limited to student, staff, or faculty at Lake Superior State University; The organization must be a “social fraternity” as defined by the Department of Education; The Department of Education defines a “social fraternity” as a group that can answer “no” to all the following questions:

  • Is the organization’s membership limited to persons pursing or having interest in a particular field of study, profession or academic discipline?
  • Is the membership limited to individuals who have a high level of achievement in scholarship or any other endeavor?
  • Are the members permitted to hold membership in other fraternities or sororities at the university?

Event Registration

All student organization-sponsored events and activities must be registered with Campus Life. Registration must be done through the organizations portal through OrgSync. Please contact the Campus Life Office for assistance. The event must be registered a minimum of two (2) business days prior to the event taking place.

This policy is not meant to be an “approval” step for event planning; rather, the Campus Life Office will review the event registration and may call the organization with questions or concerns in an effort to assist the group with planning a successful event. Further, this allows the University to review any potential risk management and liability issues ahead of time. Finally, registering events will enable Campus Life to maintain a master calendar of student events & activities.

Failure to register an event will result in the following:

  • First offense: Verbal reminder of policy
  • Second offense: Written warning and reminder of the policy
  • Third offense and beyond: Formal action taken by the University (see Role of the University as outlined above).

Please note: All forms of advertising for an event (or organization) must be approved by the Campus Life Office.

Room Reservations

Recognized student organizations may reserve rooms on campus at no cost, with the exception of the Arts Center, which has a facilities use fee and other associated costs. Contact Campus Life for assistance in reserving a room.

Cisler Center Guidelines Room Reservations

Please provide this information for room requests:

  • Name of group
  • Date of meeting or function
  • Number attending
  • Starting and ending times
  • Contact name and phone number
  • Student organizations that are officially registered (verified by the Campus Life Office) may book meeting space at no charge.
  • Request for meeting space in the Cisler Center should be made during office hours of 8 am-4 pm, Monday-Friday. Stop in to see us, or call 635-2541 to book meetings.
  • Please schedule meetings at least 48 hours in advance. Cancellations should be made at least 24 hours in advance. For special events such as dances, catered meals, etc., 2 weeks’ notice is requested. We will make every attempt to accommodate last minute space requests, but rooms may have to be used “as is”.
  • Cisler Center rooms for student organization meetings are assigned on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • Student groups may provide food and beverages for their meetings, as long as the room is left clean.
  • Availability of meeting rooms is subject to other bookings. Requests for specific room arrangements will be accommodated if possible, but rooms may be assigned “as is” if necessary.
  • If the group changes table/chair arrangement of a room, we request that the original arrangement be restored at the end of the meeting.
  • We can schedule group meetings up to one semester in advance. Multiple meeting date requests must be in writing, and include the above information, as well as the name and telephone number of the group president or officer who schedules meetings.
  • The burning of candles is not permitted, except candles placed in holders on dining tables during special events.
  • We ask that organizations using the Cisler Center show consideration by keeping rooms clean and orderly, avoiding excessive noise that might disturb others in the building, and limiting meetings to no more than two hours. If your group needs more than two hours for your event, please let us know beforehand.
  • Groups that seriously violate or repeatedly fail to follow these procedures may be denied use of the Cisler Center for meetings.

Key Policy

Student leaders who need access to the Student Organization Center and its offices, WLSO, and The Compass may request a key from Campus Life Office. The Associate Director of Campus Life and Housing and/or the Vice President for Enrollment and Student Affairs will determine approval for key requests.

Students must complete a key request form and submit to Campus Life for approval. The completed key request will be forwarded to Public Safety and Physical Plant, with a copy kept on file at Campus Life Office. Students are responsible for the use and control of the key(s) provided. Lost keys must be reported to Campus Life Office immediately.

The minimum charge for a lost key is $100 to cover replacement keys and lock changes. Students may not lend or duplicate keys to University facilities without authorization by the appropriate University official.


Outdoor fires are prohibited on the LSSU campus unless approved in advance. LSSU assumes no legal liability for student organization events held off campus involving outdoor fires and strongly discourages such activities. At all on campus bonfires, Public Safety must be notified and present for the entire bonfire.

Work Requests

The Campus Life Office Manager or Associate Director must submit all work requests for Physical Plant. Please provide detailed information on the needs of the work request and a requested time frame for completion of the work.

Vehicle Requests & Authorized Drivers

The Campus Life Office Manager or Associate Director must submit all vehicle requests online. Only authorized drivers will be allowed to drive University vehicles. All drivers must follow the policies and procedures outlined by Physical Plant Motor Pool.

University Trademarks

The Lake Superior State University name and images are trademarked property. Registered Student Organizations using the university name and images for sale items must follow University logo standards. The Director of Graphics and the Campus Life Office must approve any items with the University name and logo. Only licensed vendors may produce items with the University name and logos. The University’s official style guide can be found on the Graphics/Public Relations website (www.lssu.edu/pr).


Auctions (including date and service auctions) are permitted, however, considerations of sensitivity and safety need to be taken into consideration when planning these events.

  • Racial Sensitivity– The auctioning of persons can be reflective of “slave auctions” regardless of intent.
  • Gender Issues– When one gender is paying for the services of another gender one must make sure that the intentions of the purchased service are not to endanger, humiliate, or exploit another person. This is especially true in the situation of date auctions.
  • Personal Safety– Organizations must take measures to ensure that the safety of their members is the number one priority. Allowing a single member to go somewhere with someone who purchased a date or other services is a liability and dangerous to the member.

Organizations should take these issues into consideration prior to planning an auction involving members or other persons. There are many other options available that may offer a more inclusive and safe environment including auctioning items.

Website Development

LSSU officially Registered Student Organizations are encouraged to create websites to provide information about their programs, services, and events. All organizations have access to a free website through their OrgSync portal. Contact Campus Life for assistance in setting up your OrgSync website. Only OrgSync websites will be connected to the Campus Life website unless prior approval has been given by the Associate Director of Campus Life and Housing.

Campus Posting Policy

Posting Policy

Publicity for event on the Lake Superior State University campus is allowed for all officially recognized student organizations, clubs, academic classes and departments, and other non-academic LSSU departments. Advertising for events not affiliated or officially sanctioned by LSSU must be approved for posting, as long as the content meets the criteria outlined in this policy. All publicity materials must be approved by the Campus Life Office. Prior to approval for publicity, the event must be approved and the room reservation confirmed.

All publicity materials must indicate the name of the group sponsoring the event; the date, time, and location of the event; and contact information for the event. It is the responsibility of the sponsoring group to remove all postings within three days of the event. Publicity containing any of the following will not be approved and will be removed immediately if posted: Any reference to illegal substances, unless in connection with an education message or event.

  • Any reference promoting the use of alcohol, unless in connection with an educational message or event.
  • Offensive language or images and/or graphic illustrations.
  • Language and/or graphic illustrations/images that dehumanize individuals on the basis of race, age, gender, religion, sexual orientation, national or ethnic origin, disability, or any other characteristic protected by Lake Superior State University policy and/or applicable law.
  • Any information that would violate local, state, or federal law or Lake Superior State University policy.

Please adhere to the following when posting:

  • Only staples, tacks, or painters tape may be used to post flyers.
  • Materials may only be posted on bulletin boards in hallways and classrooms designed for general use.
  • Posting may not be attached to walls, doors, ceilings, or windows.
  • Do not slide postings under doors or place on vehicles (no solicitation is allowed on campus).
  • Postings may not cover, deface, or remove the posted materials of another group or event.
  • All postings must be approved by the Campus Life Office.
  • Maximum size of each flyer 11 x 17
  • Maximum time the flyer can be stamped prior to the event is 30 days.
  • Only one flyer per posting board
  • Flyers are not permitted on tables unless they are 4.5 x 5.5 inches or less in size. Please note that only one table flyer per table and table flyers will be removed at the discretion of the building staff.

For more event advertising options please consider these areas – touch screens (located in Cisler Center), OrgSync, Campus Life Facebook page, event calendar, and/or Campus Life website. For more details contact [email protected].

Non-compliance with posting policies will be referred to the Campus Life Office. Repeat violations of the posting policy may result in judicial action.

Public Posting Boards

Cisler Center

  • Basement, near
  • Sabin conference room
  • East stairwell
  • Outside of Quarterdeck


  • Main entrance
  • East-side doors entrance
  • Basement (middle, stairwell, northside entrance)

Crawford Hall

  • Main floor, near elevator
  • 2nd floor, near main stairway
  • 2nd floor, near elevator


  • Outside of Cappuccino Corner
  • Stairway, near main entrance


  • Stairwells (141, 211, 261, 271)
  • Above mailboxes


  • Top of stairs towards basement
  • By mailboxes
  • 2 on each floor by bathrooms

Total flyers needed for all bulletin boards – 22

Revised February 2013

International Student Employment

International Student Employment