Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

There are as many questions about living on campus as there are reasons to live on campus. We hope that we’ve answered most of them here. If you have a question that’s not answered here, please contact us at (906) 635-2411 or email us at [email protected].

Medical Emergencies

If there is an emergency, please call 911 from an off-campus phone, or (9-911) from a campus phone. (Off-campus calls from an on-campus phone require you to dial a 9 first.)

Read more about University Housing Health & Safety (link needed)

General Questions

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What are some of the advantages to living on campus?
Living on campus gives you opportunities and advantages that can make your college experience more memorable, more enjoyable and more successful.

Academic Success– research shows that students who live on campus earn higher grades, are more likely to graduate and have a more rewarding college experience than students who reside off campus.
Campus Life– living on campus makes it easier to participate in the intellectual, cultural, recreational and social activities offered on campus.
Convenience– living on campus puts you close to faculty, classes, computer facilities, the library, the Norris Center, dining hall and other campus activities.
Personal Growth– living on campus provides you with an opportunity to develop your social skills by meeting fellow students from many different backgrounds and cultures. You can also gain leadership skills by joining a club or organization and getting involved in planning new events, programs and services.

Must I have a meal plan if I live on campus?
Yes, you must select a meal plan if you live on campus. The cost of your meal plan is included in your Room and Board Contract along with your housing charges. Visit for more information.

What type of security is on campus?
The Public Safety Department provides 24-hour service for the convenience of students. The office is located at the west end of the Administration Building. Staff may be reached at any time on campus by dialing x2100.  Public Safety staff can also be reached by phone from off campus any time by dialing 906-635-2100.  In case of an extreme emergency, dial 911 or 9-911 from an on-campus phone.

Residence Hall Questions

What furnishings are included with my room?
All rooms are furnished with beds, mattresses twin extra long (36”x80”), desks/chairs, wardrobes/dressers, window coverings, smoke detectors, ethernet port, local and 800 number phone access and digital cable ports. On-campus apartments, townhouses, student village suites and the living learning community houses include additional furnishings

What are the mattress sizes?
Residence hall mattresses are twin extra long (80”). The Housing Office has partnered with Residence Hall Linens to provide our students with a convenient, affordable way to purchase extra long sheets and bedding items, as well as other campus living necessities. Proceeds from this program are used for programming in the residence halls. Visit

What will be my on-campus address?
Mail is delivered to all residential halls Monday through Saturday, except for holidays, by the Housing Office Staff.

Brady Hall*: Mailboxes are located at the West end of the basement.
Osborn Hall*: Mailboxes are located in the main lobby.
Student Village*: Mailboxes are located in the lower level of “A” tower.
Apartments**: Mailboxes are located in the first floor hallway.
Townhouses**: Mailboxes are located on the South side, outside of the laundry room.
Living Learning Community***: Mailboxes are located on the front of each side of the house.

*Student’s room keys open mailboxes.
** Students receive an additional key (besides room key) to open mailboxes.
*** Students have access to a key in a primary location within the house to open the mailbox.

Packages and mail should be addressed using the following format:

Brady Hall
Student’s Name
680 W. Easterday Avenue
Brady Hall #______
Sault Ste. Marie, MI 49783

Living Learning Community
Student’s Name
680 W. Easterday Avenue
________________ (insert house & room #)
Sault Ste. Marie, MI 49783

Osborn Hall
Student’s Name
680 W. Easterday Avenue
Osborn Hall #______
Sault Ste. Marie, MI 49783

Moloney Hall
Student’s Name
680 W. Easterday Avenue
Moloney Hall #______
Sault Ste. Marie, MI 49783

Neveu Hall
Student’s Name
680 W. Easterday Avenue
Neveu Hall #______
Sault Ste. Marie, MI 49783

Student Village
Student’s Name
680 W. Easterday Avenue
Student Village _______ (Tower/Unit/Room)
Sault Ste. Marie, MI 49783

Student’s Name
680 W. Easterday Avenue
Townhouse #______
Sault Ste. Marie, MI 49783

The Housing Office will only deliver mail that is addressed to our students. Not addressing mail to the student who the mail is intended for will cause it to be returned to the sender. Packages can be shipped through the U.S. Postal Service, FedEx or UPS. Packages can be picked up at the Housing Office (Picture ID required.)

Where are my laundry facilities located?
Washers and dryers are operated coin-free, paid for with your environmental fee. Laundry rooms are located in specific areas for each residence hall and are for the exclusive use of students on room and board. Please do not attempt to wash large items such as sleeping bags and comforters or overload the washers and/or dryers. Shoes, items containing rubber and/or plastic or combustibles of any kind should not be cleaned in University washers or dryers. The University is not responsible for damage to your personal belongings in the use of the laundry equipment or when it is left unattended in the laundry facilities. Students may be charged fines if damage is done to the equipment. Please report any problems with the laundry equipment or in the laundry room to the Housing Office at extension x2411.

Do I get cable in my room?
Cable TV is provided in University housing. Charter Communications has updated LSSU to digital cable service. Only TVs with a Digital QAM tuner (aka “Digital Tuner”) in them will be able to receive a signal. A digital tuner allows your TV to receive the Digital or HD cable channels that Charter uses. If a TV does not have a digital tuner, an error message will appear and you will not have cable service.

If you have a TV without a digital tuner there are a limited number of converter boxes available for check-out. Please contact LSSU IT Helpdesk at x6677 to check on availability.

Cable Line-up

Do I get internet in my room?
Internet connection is available in all residential rooms and connected via Ethernet. Ethernet connectivity requires an Ethernet card in your computer as well as a Ethernet cord. Residence halls are also equipped with wireless internet in all campus housing areas. Please contact the LSSU AV Help Desk for further information or assistance. Visit or call 906-635-6677.

Where can I find a good place to study?
All the residence halls have established quiet and courtesy hours. These policies make the residence hall rooms a suitable place to study. Other places for studying include residence hall study lounges, the library, the learning center and campus computer labs.

Can I smoke in my room or in the common areas?
No, all residence halls and academic buildings are tobacco free, including but not limited to cigarettes, pipes, cigars, chewing tobacco, and electronic cigarettes. Smoking is, therefore, prohibited in all on-campus housing areas.

Who do I contact if there is a maintenance issue?
If you experience or observe a maintenance problem (something broken, heating problems, etc.), please report the problem to your Resident Advisor, Community Advisor, Area Coordinator or use the housing fix it form on the housing website

NOTE: For emergency maintenance issues call x2411 (8am-5pm, Mon-Fri). After hours (weeknights, weekends, holidays) contact Public Safety at x2100. Emergency maintenance examples include: No heat, No electricity, No hot water, Leaking water pipes, etc.

What policies should I be aware of?
All rules and regulations that govern LSSU residential living are outlined in the Housing Contract, the Navigator and the LSSU Student Code of Conduct. All on-campus residents are responsible for their own behavior and the behavior of their guests. Students who violate LSSU rules and regulations or federal, state and local laws will be referred for disciplinary action. Students may be removed from the on-campus residential living community based on their disciplinary sanctions. For more information please review the Navigator, our residential student handbook at:

What is the “quiet hours” policy for the residence halls?
Sunday through Thursday evenings from 10:00pm to 10:00am are designated quiet hours. Weekend quiet hours begin at midnight and end at 10:00am. Quiet hours are periods of time where residents will be required to restrict noise levels to an appropriate level to allow for study time and sleeping. All other times will be courtesy hours, during which all residents are requested to keep noise levels sensitive to all floor residents’ needs.

What is the alcohol policy for the residence halls?
Alcohol is prohibited in Brady Hall, Osborn Hall and the Student Village, regardless of the age of residents. Residents who are 21 or older and reside in Neveu Hall, Moloney Hall, Townhouses or the Living Learning Community may consume alcohol in their rooms, in the presence of other 21 year-olds, provided minors are not present. Open containers of alcohol are not permitted in any of the public areas or parking lots of the on campus housing units. Items such as kegs, beer bongs, alcohol/drug paraphernalia, large open containers of alcohol, and open parties are prohibited. Students who are not of legal drinking age must not store or possess alcohol or empty containers of alcohol at any time. Visible displays of alcohol or containers of alcohol will be referred for disciplinary action.

What are the fire safety procedures?
Each student room within a residence hall is equipped with a smoke detector. Periodic fire drills are conducted in conjunction with the Department of Public Safety according to federal and state laws. For more information on the fire policies please visit

Can I stay in my room over the breaks?
Thanksgiving Break:University housing will be open during Thanksgiving break and you are welcome to stay in your room. Most of the offices on campus will be closed for the Thanksgiving weekend (Thursday through Sunday). Food Service meals will not be served during Thanksgiving break.

Semester and Spring Breaks:All housing units are closed Saturday, December 19, 2015, at 10 a.m. for Semester break and will reopen Friday, January 8, 2016, at noon. The halls will close again for spring break on Saturday, February 27, 2016 at 10 a.m. and reopen Friday, March 4, 2016 at noon. During these times, take any personal items you’ll want during break with you when you leave as residents are not permitted in residence halls for any reason.

All on-campus housing will be closed during the semester break. No exceptions will be made. Only essential and required personnel will be allowed on campus during the breaks.

Can I build a loft in my room?
Due to safety, fire, and liability concerns, lofts are not allowed to be built in any on-campus residence hall.

Residence Life Questions

How are the residence halls staffed?
Each living area is supervised by one of the three Hall Directors who are full-time employees trained specifically to work with college students in a residential setting. Resident and Community Advisors live throughout the buildings to provide close assistance to residential students. There are seven RAs in Osborn Hall, seven RAs in Brady Hall, four RAs in the Student Village, one CA in each apartment building, two CAs in the Townhouses and one CA in the Living Learning Community. Each living area staff also includes full-time and student custodial staff members.

What is a Resident Advisor?
A Resident Advisor (RA) is a student that has experience living on campus at Lake Superior State University. Each RA was chosen for their leadership qualities, and is placed in freshman or sophomore living areas to be the first contact for residents having concerns or problems on campus or in the residence halls. The RA staff members are here to help younger students with the challenges of college and living with others in the residence halls. They have gone through extensive training and are knowledgeable about campus. The RAs can help direct students to campus services and support. RAs also promote events and programs in their residence halls designed to be fun and informative. Lastly, the RAs are present to uphold and enforce university policy. Do not hesitate to see your RA if you have any questions regarding the residence halls or the university.

What is a Community Advisor?
A Community Advisor (CA) is a student staff member that resides in and is responsible for upper-class housing including the apartments, townhouses and living learning community. The CA staff members are here to help students with the challenges of college and living with others in the residence halls. They have gone through extensive training and are knowledgeable about campus. The CAs can help direct students to campus services and support. CAs also promote events and programs in their residence halls that are designed to be fun and informative. Lastly, the CAs are present to uphold and enforce university policy. Do not hesitate to see your CA if you have any questions regarding the residence halls or the university.

What is a Hall Director?
Hall Directors oversee the day-to-day operations and staff in their assigned on-campus residential halls. Hall Directors are professional staff members of the university with extensive experience working in residence halls. They reside on campus in order to be available to residents, resident advisors, and community advisors at all times. These coordinators are present to help students with questions, comments, and concerns that might arise. Hall Directors are responsible for facility upkeep, student discipline, and supervision of student staff members.

Roommate and Housing Assignment Questions

How will you match me up with a roommate?
If you have a specific roommate in mind make sure that both of you mutually request each other as roommates on the housing application. We also recommend that you submit your housing applications together. We’ll do our best to honor roommate requests if both students make mutual requests, but in some instances we are unable to honor requests due to space availability. If you don’t have a specific roommate in mind, we will match you with a roommate using the lifestyle and personal preferences section on the housing application.

When will I find out who my roommate is and where I will be living?
The Housing Office will notify you of your roommate and housing assignment during the summer prior to your arrival on campus.

What happens if I don’t get along with my roommate?
You and each of your roommates have your own set of expectations. To encourage open communication, we require you to complete and sign a Roommate Lifestyle Agreement that allows roommates to negotiate the environment of their room. The Agreement form must be completed and turned in to your Resident Advisor (RAs) or Community Advisor (CAs) during the first week of school. When roommates have difficulty with one another, we first suggest they talk about the situation, perhaps with an RA or CA present. If a student is unable to resolve a situation with the assistance of a student staff member, the Hall Director (HD) may act as a mediator to ensure that strong feelings do not hinder the process and that roommates follow the rules. Any roommate conflicts should be reported immediately to an RA, CA or HD for roommate options. Room changes are permitted after the first two full weeks of the semester, based on availability.

What to Bring to Campus

What personal belongings should I bring?

  • Alarm Clock
  • Backpack
  • Blanket
  • Clothes
  • Computer
  • Desk Lamp
  • Ethernet Cord
  • Life’s Necessities
  • Personal Care Items
  • Quilt/Comforter
  • Sheets*, Pillowcase
  • Towels/Washcloths
  • *Twin extra-long sheets

Check out for all your dormitory needs.

It is suggested that roommates contact each other prior to move-in to avoid duplication of items such as microwaves, TVs, stereos, fridges, etc. Click here for the on-campus housing move-in checklist.

What items are not permitted in residence halls?

  • Air Conditioners
  • Air Soft Guns
  • Ammunition
  • Candles
  • Combustibles
  • Dart Boards
  • Deep Fryers
  • Electric Frying Pans
  • Freezers
  • Grills
  • Halogen lamps
  • Hot Plates
  • Lofts
  • Oil Lamps
  • Paint Ball Guns
  • Pets
  • Space Heaters
  • Toasters and Toaster Ovens
  • Water Beds
  • Weapons

For a complete list please refer to the Navigator: a residential handbook to living on-campus.

What supplies are available to residents?
The following are supplied to on-campus residents; Brooms*, Dustpans*, Mops*, Toilet bowl brushes*, Toilet paper*, Garbage bags and Vacuums (usually held by RAs). Supplies can be picked up at the Housing Office.

*These materials are not supplied to Brady or Osborn residents because custodians are employed for the upkeep of the bathrooms and common areas.

Can I have a car on campus?
All campus residents are allowed to have one vehicle on campus. Below are a few rules and regulations that must be adhered to when having a vehicle on campus.

  • You must register your vehicle online at under the “Anchor Access ” channel. Your student account will be billed.
  • Parking is only permitted in the parking area assigned.
  • If you leave your vehicle on campus during breaks it must be left in Lot H located by the Pianosi Maintenance Center off Meridian Drive.
  • Vehicle washing or any other vehicle maintenance is not permitted on University property.
  • Complete parking regulations are available at the Student Service Center in the Fletcher Center and at the Public Safety Office. Noncompliance with the parking regulations can result in having a vehicle towed away at the owner’s expense

Visit for a more comprehensive list of rules and regulations as well as more information on how to register you vehicle.

Can I have a bike on campus?
You are welcome to bring your bike to campus and outside racks are provided for you to use. We recommend that you use a lock when your bike is in the rack. You can also register your bike with Public Safety, at no charge, in case of loss. During the winter months, bicycle racks are moved to allow for snow plowing. We recommend that you take your bike home at Thanksgiving. Winter bicycle storage will be available this coming year. Information will be made available in October to on-campus residents about storing their bikes on campus for the winter. For safety reasons, bicycles cannot be stored in the common areas (e.g., corridors, lounges, stairwells, etc.) of the residence halls. Public Safety will remove any bike found in a common area.

Are pets allowed on campus?
No pets are allowed in on-campus residence halls except non-aggressive fish in a tank no larger than thirty (30) gallons.

Frequently Asked Questions