Fund Applications

Duncan MacLaren Family Fund for the Performing Arts


The Duncan MacLaren Family Fund for the Performing Arts was established in 1990 by Duncan and Lillian MacLaren of Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan, in honor of family members who have passed away. The fund is designated to fund programming at Lake Superior State University for the Performing Arts.


  • Programming events that utilize these funds may occur on the University campus or within the local community.
  • All applications must be submitted via email to the Provost at [email protected].  Applications must include an Application Form.  There must be two (2) measurable learning outcomes in the application.
  • A letter of support from the dean of the submitting faculty member must accompany the application.
  • Letters of commitment from a supporting or co-sponsoring department(s), program(s), and any outside organizations must accompany the application (attach to email).
  • Sponsorship funding is encouraged.
  • Applicants must provide a marketing plan that focuses on attendance by LSSU students, faculty, and staff, and may include ways to reach K-12 schools and the general public.
  • Funded projects are required to submit a Final Report to the Provost within 30 days after the event occurs.. This final report must include how the funds were spent, the number of people who attended the event, and an assessment of the effectiveness of the event, including an assessment of whether or not the learning outcomes were achieved.  (Reporting will be shared with the LSSU Foundation and Business Operations.)  Failure to submit a final report will diminish the likelihood of being granted funds for future events.  Finalized copies of advertising must also be submitted to the LSSU Foundation for stewardship purposes.
  • The Duncan MacLaren Family Fund for the Performing Arts* must be acknowledged as a benefactor of the event in printed material, on social media, and in other media releases, to include public recognition at the event.  LSSU Foundation will approve final advertising publications to ensure accurate sponsorship acknowledgment.

*Note that the complete name of the endowment must be incorporated on all promotional materials.

Issues and Intellect Fund


The Issues and Intellect Fund enables LSSU to enhance its academic environment by bringing in authorities who can offer broad perspectives in matters related to the world of ideas, society and culture and enrich areas within the LSSU curricula. Faculty and students are provided an opportunity to engage the presenters formally and informally in dialogue about areas of expertise not readily accessible on the campus of Lake Superior State University. In addition, the presentations provide an opportunity to involve the local community and K-12 schools.

Applications are accepted twice per year. Those dates are October 1st, for the following spring and summer semesters; and March 1st, for the following summer and fall semesters. The Following are general guidelines used in considering applications:

  • All applications must be submitted on behalf of or with the support of one or more departments or programs at the University. Written letters of support from all supporting or co-sponsoring departments or programs must be submitted with the applications. The Committee encourages multiple sponsorships.
  • All promotional materials and advertising must include recognition for the Issues and Intellect Funding.
  • Issues and Intellect Funds can only be used for honorariums, fees, travel, lodging, and meals directly related to the speaker(s).
  • All applications must include an Application Form.
  • Funded projects are required to submit a final report by the end of the academic year in which the event occurs. This final report must include how the Issues and Intellect Funds were spent and the total program budget for the event. Recipients who do not submit final reports will not be considered for future grants until final reports are received by the Committee.
  • Copies of all promotional materials should be submitted to the Foundation Office for stewardship purposes.

Applying to special funds:

Submit an application by email to [email protected]. Contact the Office of the Provost with questions at (906) 630-2211.

Other Funding Sources: KCP Future Faculty Fellow program and KCP Visiting Professor program