Undergraduate Admissions

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Undergraduate Admissions Application

Academic preparation and success are the primary considerations for admission, although nonacademic factors are also considered. The primary factors used to determine admission are cumulative grade point average (GPA) and high school course curriculum.

LSSU recommends that students follow a rigorous college preparatory curriculum. Students should submit any additional materials which may aid the Admissions Office in reviewing circumstances which may have impacted high school performance. ACT or SAT scores will not be used in the admissions process.

Students that have dual enrollment, early or middle college coursework must submit official college transcripts in order for credit to be evaluated by Lake Superior State University. Students with AP scores should have official test scores sent. All materials should be sent to the office of admissions.

Applying to LSSU

Apply as early as possible. Though you can apply any time up to the beginning of the semester, for full consideration for financial aid and scholarships you may apply by May 1.

Use the following as a checklist:

1) APPLY. 

Apply online for free!

Have your high school send an official transcripts of your grades.  We accept transcripts via Parchment or mail.  If you have taken college or university courses from an institution other than LSSU, please request for an official transcript to be sent from the institution to LSSU.
3) SEND YOUR TEST SCORES (optional).

Have your SAT or ACT scores sent directly to LSSU.  Our ACT code is 2031.  Our SAT code is 1421.


[email protected]
Call Us
Local: (906) 635-2231
Mailing Address
LSSU Admissions
650 W. Easterday Ave.
Sault Ste. Marie, MI 49783