Web Accessibility Policy
Revised 9/18/2018
Policy Statement
Lake Superior State University is committed to making its electronic media accessible to the broadest possible audience, including students, prospective students, employees, guests and visitors with disabilities, particularly those with visual, hearing or manual impairments or who otherwise require the use of assistive technology to access information. The University’s Web Accessibility Coordinators support the standards of the World Wide Web Consortium’s Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) Version 2.0 level AA.”
This policy establishes minimum standards for the accessibility of web-based information and services considered necessary to meet the university’s goals and ensure compliance with applicable laws.
Web pages will meet the World Wide Web Consortium’s Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.0 Level AA Technologies Accessibility Standards) All content will be accessible by January 21, 2020.
Each website must contain a link to report accessibility issues, or to request an accessible version, should users have trouble accessing content within the site. These reports are sent to the Web Accessibility Coordinators, who ensure follow-up.
Marketing and Communications
[email protected]
R.W. Considine Hall Lower-Level
Shelby Mackie
[email protected]
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