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Systematic study of government, politics and public policy
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Career Options
With the skills they acquire in writing, speaking, analysis, critical thinking and leadership, political science majors are able to pursue a wide variety of career options (some of which require additional education).
A sample of typical occupations includes:
- Attorney — Represents clients in private practice, in small or large law firms; represents corporations, labor unions, trade associations or governments as a salaried employee; serves as a prosecutor or public defender; serves as a judge. Requires the completion of a law degree following college.
- Government Employee — Works for government agencies at the federal, state or provincial, or local level, or for international organizations, such as the United Nations.
- Political Professional — Works as a campaign manager; staff assistant to legislators; elected office holder; or as a political liaison for professional, trade, business or other interest groups.
- Journalist— Serves as reporter, editorial writer, editor or newscaster for newspapers, news magazines, or on radio or television.
- Teacher—Teaches government and politics at the high school or college level.
- Business Executive — Works in management, human resources, public relations or other areas in business.
- Other Opportunities— Include preparation for graduate or professional schools in other fields such as business.
NOTE: Graduate degrees are required for some positions; thus, a law degree is required for work as an attorney and a Ph.D. is required for appointment to permanent teaching and research positions in colleges and universities.
Graduate School Placement
LSSU has a great reputation for placing Political Science students in graduate and professional schools, such as:
- Georgetown University
- Michigan State University
- University of Illinois
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General education requirements and sufficient elective credits must be completed so that at least 124 semester credits have been earned.
- BS / BA Political Science
- General Pre-Law
- Public Administration