Conservation Biology

Fish Health Program

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Conservation Biology

Conservation Biology prepares students for careers where they can mitigate wide-ranging challenges

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Our program prepares students for careers where they can make a contribution to mitigating wide-ranging challenges such as invasive species, altered landscapes, species extinctions, or the restoration of degraded aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. We have a selection of rigorous field-based courses in:

  • Watersheds
  • Soils
  • Forestry
  • Ecology (general, fish, wildlife or plant)
  • Organisms (mammalogy, ornithology, ichthyology, or entomology)

Combining this coursework with interdisciplinary courses in social dimensions, political science, sociology, business/economics, communication and GIS technology adds the breadth needed to integrate biological, economic, and policy issues in the formulation of sustainable solutions.

Students may choose as a capstone experience a summer semester internship working in a professional capacity in conservation biology, or a senior thesis research project.

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Hands-On Research

LSSU student team sets a fyke net to collect fish and other aquatic organisms in Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. Federally-funded through the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative, the Great Lakes Coastal Wetland Monitoring project monitors birds, amphibians, fish, invertebrates, and water quality to develop ecological indicators of wetland health. The information helps identify and prioritize coastal wetlands for conservation and restoration.

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Conservation Biology Degrees

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Career Choices

  • Conservation Biologist/Scientist
  • Ecologist
  • Endangered species/Non-game biologist
  • Environmental Educator or Outreach Coordinator
  • Environmental Scientist
  • Field Biologist
  • Fish or Wildlife Biologist
  • Freshwater or Marine Biologist
  • Naturalist or Interpreter
  • Restoration Ecologist
  • Wildlife Refuge Manager

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Jason Garvon, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

“Science is as an active process that happens beyond any formal classroom. My class sizes are small enough to provide me an opportunity to know my students and assess their learning strengths. I have several small research projects going on now where students can help me get data while gaining a first-hand experience with biological research.”

Jon Throop, ’12

“The Conservation Biology program has provided me the basic skills, background knowledge and the application of natural resources management in various biological fields. Through the internship option of the program I’m able to work at the Grand Travers Regional Land Conservancy protecting the resources that brought me to LSSU in the first place.”