Parks and Recreation

Center for Freshwater Research Map

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Parks and Recreation

Starting every day in your office, located in the great outdoors, is an awesome feeling. Be part of the team that takes care of our most precious resources. Work in the local, state, and national park system developing and maintaining these wonderful treasures.

Why Choose LSSU?

LSSU has one of the longest-running and most successful Parks and Recreation programs in the country. Having consistently placed students in the parks systems around the region and nation, this program continues to set the standard.

We focus on the management of the human and natural resources involved in this vast network of state and national lands. This program emphasizes knowledge and skills related to managing natural resources and providing leadership opportunities for outdoor recreation enthusiasts.

Students develop practical experience throughout their studies, including attaining an Associate Degree in Natural Resource Technology, and their degree culminates in a Senior Research Project. Courses and instruction take advantage of the natural surroundings that are such a large part of the Eastern Upper Peninsula with a broad range of opportunities for field research and application.

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Parks & Rec. Degree

Opportunities Outside the Classroom

In conjunction with the degree program, the Recreation Club has offered fun and exciting challenges to LSSU students seeking outdoor recreation adventure.

Included with these activities are service projects that have truly changed the landscape of LSSU and the community. Whether it is the construction of a cross country ski trail, the development of a Disc Golf course, developing land-use plans, or fund raising for the installation of the rock wall in the Student Activity Center, the Recreation Club has led the way. This offers Parks and Recreation students real-world opportunities to develop career-based skills that intersect with their academic training.

Start your adventure today. Become one of the next LSSU grads to, “tame the great outdoors!”