Due Date: LOI: August 9, 2017; Full proposal: September 13, 2017
The ADVANCE program is designed to address gender equity through the identification and elimination of organizational barriers that impede the full participation and advancement of women in academic institutions. Proposals should identify key barriers to gender equity, recognizing that these may exist in multiple forms (e.g., in policy, practice, culture, and climate) and design or adapt strategies to address these barriers. Because the experiences of women in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) academic careers may be influenced by many characteristics in addition to gender, all ADVANCE proposals are expected to take this into account in proposal design, research, evaluation, and data (see additional review criteria). These characteristics might include race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, disability status, foreign-born and foreign-trained status, and faculty appointment type, and/or other characteristics relevant to the systemic gender equity issues to be addressed in the ADVANCE proposal. The Adaptation track supports the adaptation and implementation of proven organizational and systemic change strategies, ideally from among those developed and implemented by previous ADVANCE projects. This track recognizes that during the history of ADVANCE, many grantees have developed strategies that can be implemented by others to address issues of gender equity. Adaptation awards may be made to non-profit academic institutions that have not had an ADVANCE IT award. Two-year institutions, predominantly undergraduate institutions, masters level institutions, and Minority-Serving Institutions are particularly encouraged to apply for an Adaptation award. Projects at academic institutions are expected to include all departments and schools with STEM faculty.