ALEKS PPL Math Placement Testing

Still have questions or need help? Let us know!

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LSSU uses ALEKS PPL (Placement, Preparation, and Learning) for all math placement testing. ALEKS PPL uses online placement tests to help accurately place students in the appropriate math course based on their current skill level. ALEKS PPL then gives students access to individualized Prep and Learning Modules to allow them to work on improving their math skills and course placement.

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Still have questions or need help? Let us know!

Everything you need to get started with ALEKS PPL Math Placement Testing is available here. Please follow the appropriate link below to navigate to our “Guide to ALEKS PPL at LSSU.” This guide will give you an overview of how ALEKS PPL works, step by step registration instructions, and explain how to use online proctoring with Respondus Monitor.

Everything you need can be found at the links above. If you do still have questions, please email [email protected] for assistance.

Still have questions or need help? Let us know!

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ALEKS registration takes place at home and costs just $20 (instructions attached). Registration opens access to five tests and their corresponding learning modules. Each test can be used as either a practice test (taken at home) or a proctored test (taken at a testing center). We recommend using the first 2-3 tests as practice. After each test attempt, ALEKS will generate a series of learning modules for you to work through. All modules must be completed before the next test will unlock. Students have been able to improve their course placement by taking these modules seriously before testing. Course placement can be anywhere from MATH 087 (Pre-Algebra) to MATH 151 (Calculus). We have proctors throughout Michigan, Ontario, Ohio, and Wisconsin if you are unable to test on campus. To use a score for official placement it must be a proctored test, taken in a Testing Center.’ captcha=” form_align=” color=” av_uid=’av-2f5edbh’ custom_class=” admin_preview_bg=”]
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