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Dual Enrollment Program for High School Students
High School juniors and seniors can take classes at Lake Superior State University through our High School Dual Enrollment Program.
Here are some advantages to becoming a dual enrolled student at LSSU:
- Get ahead start on your college degree.
- Graduate sooner and enter the job market earlier than your peers (depending on the academic program).
- Save on tuition!
- Lighten your course load in college.
Please note that Canadian high school students are not eligible for the dual enrollment program. Students with dual citizenship are eligible for concurrent enrollment, which requires the student to pay for all costs associated with coursework.
Learn about additional ways to earn college credit while still in high school.
To apply for High School Dual Enrollment status, the parent or guardian of a student who is attending high school and wishes to take a course(s) at Lake Superior State University must complete the Dual or Concurrent Enrollment Request Form. This form is available at the link, at the Admissions Office, or your high school guidance office. Your high school needs to complete Part II of the form and sign it. The form should then be returned to the Admissions Office at LSSU.
To ensure that a students’ experience at Lake Superior State University will enhance his/her high school performance, we ask that students work with their high school guidance counselor or principal to avoid any conflict with regular schoolwork while attending classes at LSSU.
Attendance as a High School Dual Enrollee does not constitute admission to a four-year degree program. We welcome students to apply early in their senior year for a major of their choice.
Student Eligibility
Effective July 2012, State law now allows qualifying 9th and 10th grade students (in addition to 11th and 12th grades) to attend as dual enrolled students in a postsecondary institution. To be eligible, students must be enrolled in at least one (1) high school class in a school district. A student must receive a qualifying score in each subject area on a reading assessment or the Michigan merit exam (MME) in order to be eligible to take all eligible courses; otherwise, he/she can only take courses in the area for which a qualifying score was achieved. If no qualifying score was achieved, the student is limited to a course in computer science, or foreign language, or a course in fine arts as permitted by the school district. Students must also meet any course prerequisite requirements. Students must be in Good Standing (cumulative gpa of 2.000 or higher) at LSSU to be eligible for continued enrollment. Students on probation are limited to course repeats, if available. Eligible students are limited to no more than ten (10) courses overall if the school district covers the cost; this limit does not apply if the student is covering costs.
Registration for Courses
Registration will be coordinated by the Admissions Office in conjunction with the Registrar’s Office, once a student has completed the required form and has been approved as a dual enrollee. Attendance as a high school dual enrollee does not constitute admission to a degree program. LSSU encourages students to apply for admission early in their senior year for a major of their choice.
Eligible Courses
There are no limitations regarding which courses a student may take as part of the Dual Enrollment Program. The school district is not obligated to support a course that is offered by the school, but is obligated if that course is not available to the student because of a scheduling conflict. Courses that are hobby craft or recreational, a course that is in the areas of physical education, theology, divinity or religious education are not eligible for tuition support. However, changes in the law in 2001 provides a wider variety of options to high school students by encouraging and enabling qualified students to enroll in courses or programs in career and technical preparation programs. Each school district provides general information about the career and technical preparation enrollment options under this act to all students in grade 8 or higher, as is currently provided for AP and dual enrollment.
There are no deadlines for enrolling in this program. However, keep in mind that LSSU courses are available on a first-come, first-served basis. If there are not enough students interested in a course, that course may be cancelled for the semester they are enrolled in. It is the student’s responsibility to know the important dates each semester for such items as the last day to drop a course, class breaks, etc. An Important Dates calendar is available.
Costs and Payments
The student’s tuition and mandatory course fees, including technology fee, materials fees, registration fees and any late fees charged by LSSU will be paid by the school district. Eligible charges do not include books, transportation, parking costs or most activity fees. However, under the law, the total mount of tuition and fees support shall not exceed either of the following: 1) the total amount of the tuition and fees for the course(s) or 2) the sum of the state portion of the district’s foundation allowance, per membership pupil, adjusted for the proportion of the school year that the student attends the post secondary institution.
Lake Superior State University will send a bill to your school district detailing the eligible charges for each eligible course. The student is responsible for any charges not covered. If a dually enrolled student does not complete the courses, any applicable refund of funds will be forwarded to the school district.
Continuing Enrollment Eligibility
In order to enroll in subsequent semesters as a High School Dual Enrollee, students must submit a new Dual or Concurrent Enroll Request Form to their high school guidance office and the LSSU Office of Admissions for each semester.