Frequently Asked Questions for Students
What is the process for having an accommodated test proctored in Testing Services?
The first step in receiving testing accommodations is to register with Accessibility Services. You can contact that office at 906-635-2355 or at [email protected] to schedule an appointment. Accessibility Services is located in LIBR 233. If you have been granted accommodations, you must provide an accommodation letter to each of your instructors as well as Testing Services prior to using your testing accommodations. This letter will be emailed to you from Accessibility Services.
You must then follow the registration and test policies listed here.
How can I set up an appointment for an accommodated test?
You must register for your test at least three (3) business days before you plan to take you test during the semester. You can register for your tests here. From there, you will be able to fill out the required information for the course you will need a test appointment for and when you will take the exam. If you are unable to access the form, please contact our office at 906-635-2027 or email us at [email protected] .
When can I schedule an appointment?
You must schedule at least three business days prior to the day of your test. Make sure to schedule your appointment(s) as soon as possible to reserve a spot, especially if you have accommodations. If you cannot take the test when the rest of the class is taking it due to a conflict in your class schedule or Testing Services hours, you must check with your instructor(s) regarding the range of dates within which it is acceptable for you to take your test(s). Appointments that are not scheduled at least three business days prior to the day of your test are subject to seat availability and instructor approval. Testing Services encourages you to schedule your exams for the entire semester after you receive your course syllabus and as close to the exam date as possible. If you need to make a change to a testing appointment after already scheduling the appointment, you can do so by emailing [email protected] .
Who do I contact about my Accommodation Form?
Contact Accessibility Services at 906-635-2355 or [email protected]. Testing Services provides accommodations for classroom testing only. For any other questions related to other accommodations, or concerns you have regarding your testing accommodations, contact Accessibility Services.
What happens when I come to take my test?
You will check-in at LBR 234 upon arrival and present your LSSU ID. Be advised that only materials approved by your instructor will be allowed in the testing room. You will be asked to secure other materials and personal belongings in the designated area.
What kind of ID will I need?
You will need to bring your LSSU ID in order to take your test if you are a student at LSSU unless otherwise specified. For example, those taking a CLEP exam or the TEAS test for nursing students, a Driver’s license/Passport are the only acceptable forms of ID.
Will I be able to store my personal items?
Yes, we have a gear drop area where you will store all belongings not allowed in the testing area. You will not be able to access your belongings during your test appointment.
What items am I allowed to bring into the testing room?
You can only bring into the room the items which your instructor has indicated are necessary for taking the test. Prohibited items for all students include electronic and smart devices, and food regardless of whether or not your professor may allow you in class. Drinks are permitted on a case by case basis.
What is the cell phone/electronics policy?
Cell phones must be turned off or put into Airplane mode prior to checking in for your appointment. You are not allowed to have access to a cell phone or any other electronic or “smart” devices during any portion of your exam unless specified by your instructor. If you bring these items to the test center, you will be asked to keep them with the rest of your belongings. If you are found with any of these items during testing, your testing appointment will immediately end, your instructor will be formally notified, and academic disciplinary action may be taken against you.
How can I reschedule a test?
You may reschedule a test up to the day before your scheduled test though you will first need instructor approval. You should discuss and agree upon a date/time with your instructor before emailing Testing Services. Your instructor must send his/her approval of a rescheduled test to [email protected] . You may email [email protected] only after receiving approval from your instructor to reschedule. Your instructor will receive an email confirming the rescheduled date/time that you discussed with him/her.