Student Handbook (Code of Conduct)
Mission Statement
We equip our graduates with the knowledge, practical skills, and inner strength to craft a life of meaningful employment, personal fulfillment, and generosity of self within an inclusive atmosphere, all while enhancing the quality of life of the Great Lakes region and the world.
Academic Information
Here is some information about common academic procedures and issues. If you have specific questions, check with your advisor, your school’s dean/chair or academic assistant, or the Registrar’s Office.
Choosing Majors and Courses – You most likely declared a major when you submitted your application for admission to Lake Superior State University. If you did not declare a major at that time, your major would be listed as “Liberal Arts-Undecided.”
You will be assigned an academic advisor based on your major. It is important to communicate with your academic advisor often. Academic advising will help you:
- identify and clarify your academic, career and life goals;
- assess the role that higher education can play in achieving your goals;
- develop educational plans consistent with your goals, interests, and abilities;
- select appropriate courses and other educational experiences;
- evaluate your progress toward earning a degree and reaching your goals;
- adapt to the demands of college life and become an active member of the University community;
- identify and utilize University and community support services;
- interpret institutional rules, policies, and procedures; and
- develop the skills necessary for independent decision-making.
If you declared a major, you will be assigned an academic advisor in the department in which your major belongs. If you did not declare a major, you will be assigned to an advisor in Liberal Studies. You can view your advisor assignment in Anchor Access.
Every semester, you must meet with your assigned academic advisor before you can register for courses. Your advisor will help you with class selection, degree progress, and career advice, and will remove your Web Advisor Hold.
If you decide to change your major, you may do so by completing and signing a Major Change Request Form and submitting it to the Registrar’s Office for processing. This will officially change your major on your University record. During this process, you will be assigned a new academic advisor in the School of your new major. It is important that you keep your University record up to date for proper academic advising, awarding of financial aid, authorization/verification of student visa’s, and more.
Academic Integrity Policy
Academic Integrity Policy
Academic Procedures
Add/Drop Classes
Adding/Dropping courses through the sixth day of the fall or spring semesters, or fourth day of the summer semester: Students can add or drop courses on-line using Anchor Access through the sixth day of the fall or spring semesters. (Students attending during the summer semester can add or drop courses on-line through the fourth day of the summer semester.) Students wishing to add courses that are full, or students wishing to add courses without having the necessary prerequisites, must contact the instructor of the course to request permission. If the instructor approves the request, the instructor will complete an Instructor Override for the student. The student must then go on-line and register for the course. Courses dropped through the sixth day (fourth day for the summer semester) will not appear on the student’s academic transcript.
Adding Courses after the sixth day of the fall or spring semesters, or after the fourth day of the summer semester: On-line registration ends on the sixth day of the fall and spring semesters (summer semester on-line registration ends on the fourth day). Students wishing to add into a course after this date must have the instructor’s permission. Students need to complete a Schedule Adjustment Form, have the instructor sign it giving permission, then process the form at the Registrar’s Office, located in the Fletcher Center for Student Services. Instructors may also complete an Instructor Override in Anchor Access as permission to add. Payment of any additional tuition and fees is due at the time of registration.
Dropping Courses after the sixth day of the fall or spring semesters, or the fourth day of the summer semester: The time period for dropping a course will be approximately equal to one-half of the course instructional period. Students dropping courses will receive an N grade on their academic transcripts. N grades are counted in students attempted credits, but not counted in the academic GPA. Please check the Important Dates Sheet in Anchor Access or go on-line: for the official drop dates.
Anchor Access (
Anchor Access is part of the My.LSSU portal and is used to access your student information. You will use Anchor Access to register for your courses, view your grades and transcripts, pay your tuition, change your address, view and update your financial aid information, and view your textbook information, etc. You will be given your user-name and login information in your LSSU acceptance letter.
Application for Graduation
Complete a Graduation Application. If you are planning to graduate with more than one degree, complete a Graduation Application for each degree.
Submit the Graduation Application(s) AND the Official Degree Audit(s) to the Registrar’s Office by the date indicated on the Graduation Application.
Attendance Policy
Regular class attendance and active participation in classes are important elements in the learning process. You are at the University primarily for the sake of your intellectual growth and development. Attendance and participation provide appropriate opportunities for the evaluation of your progress.
You are personally responsible for the satisfactory completion of the course work prescribed by your instructors. This means, specifically, that you are expected to attend classes regularly, and that you are responsible for the work assigned in class, the material covered in class and for participation in class activities (including discussion and listening) designed by the instructor as part of the learning experience. However, mere physical attendance should not be a criterion for evaluation of your performance.
Participation in an official University function is an excused absence when approved by the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs. You will not be penalized for such participation. You are responsible for work missed and must confer with your instructor on this matter.
Attendance Policy for Federal Financial Aid Recipients
Regular class attendance is required for students receiving federal financial aid. If you are reported for non-attendance in any or all of your courses, your financial aid may be withdrawn.
If you withdraw during the 100% refund period you may be eligible to retain a portion of your financial aid. A special withdrawal form is required at the Financial Aid Office.
If you receive all F grades for any semester, it will be assumed that you have attended only 50% of your classes and your federal financial aid eligibility will be affected. For more information, go to
Audit Courses
You will need to complete an Application for Auditing a Course Form and register in person at the Registrar’s Office to audit a course. No credit is granted for auditing a course, and the cost is the same as courses for credit.
Cheating and Plagiarism
It is assumed that you will do your own academic work. Students who are found cheating will face appropriate action from the faculty member involved, which could include receiving a failing grade for the entire course. If, in the opinion of the faculty member involved, dismissal from the University is warranted, he or she will notify the chairman of the Scholastic Standards Committee and the student to that effect in writing. The Scholastic Standards Committee will then conduct a hearing in which the student is given due process. If the committee decides that dismissal is warranted, the student will have five school days to appeal the decision to the provost of the University.
Class Cancellation/University Closing Policy
During severe inclement weather or in an emergency situation it may be necessary to close the University, cancel classes or change the schedule for University operations. In the event inclement weather or an emergency occurs, public announcements will be made on local radio and television stations (listed below) on the University website and through My.LSSU. In addition, students and LSSU employees are encouraged to sign up for text alerts for campus emergencies at
Announcements | Means |
University closed | A total University closure is in effect. All University business activities, classes, events, games, etc., are canceled for the entire day and evening (6 a.m.-10 p.m.). Personnel do not report to work, except for those employees designated as essential personnel. University entrances will be closed to allow essential employees to operate. |
University opens late | A temporary University closure is in effect until the announced time. Students and University personnel must report to classes or work at the opening time noted. University personnel designated as essential personnel should report as scheduled. All University events, activities and classes are canceled for the period of time noted. University entrances will be closed during the noted time to allow emergency crews to operate. |
University closes early | A temporary University closure is in effect at the time announced. Students and University personnel are to leave their classes or work stations at the noted time. The continuation of events, activities or special functions at the University will be made as part of the announcement. Personnel designated as essential should report to work as scheduled. University entrances will be closed during the noted time to allow emergency crews to operate. |
Class cancellation for a specified time period | The University cancels classes, but business activities, events, games, etc. remain open. Students and faculty do not report for classes. University personnel report to, or remain at work as normal. |
Every effort will be made to have public announcements about closures or late openings made by 5:30 a.m. and other closure or cancellation decisions made as early as possible throughout the day. Radio and television stations carrying the announcement are shown below.
Please note: An announcement about LSSU closures or cancellations remains in effect for the hours noted for the Sault Ste. Marie campus. If it is necessary to close or change the operating schedule of a specific activity or facility, the announcement will be specific in that regard. Classes or activities at off-campus or Regional Centers will follow the schedule of the host institution.
In the event of hazardous weather or other emergencies, the following radio and TV stations will carry University schedule change information:
Radio Stations/AM | Radio Stations/FM | TV Stations and on-line outlets |
WKNW – 1400 | YES FM – 99.5 | TV 9/10 |
WSOO – 1230 | WSUE – 101.3 | TV 29/8 |
WNBY – 1450 | Q104/EZRock – 104.3/100.5 | TV 7/4 |
WCMZ – 98.3 | | |
WLSO – 90.1 | | |
WMKC 102.9 |
Internet: (Updates as necessary). Please also check out social media sites of LSSU and the above stations.
This procedure is in effect seven days a week except holidays when the University is closed.
Closed Courses
A closed course has no more openings available. You can contact the instructor to request an override and then add the course.
Course Cancellation
If a course is canceled for insufficient enrollment, a refund will be given or you may use the amount you paid as credit toward the cost of another course. If you need a course that is not offered this semester, contact the academic school and/or department to determine when the course will be offered again. Departments decide to offer courses based on past enrollment, so they need to know that there are students who need to take the course. Our scheduling website contains a list of classes planned for the following semester. If a course will not be offered prior to your graduation, discuss a course substitution with your advisor and/or dean of your academic college.
Credit for Work Experience/Military
Possible credit for work experience is reviewed by the dean of the college or by the chair of the appropriate school. University credit may also be granted for educational training programs and for passing CLEP tests. Credit for military experience is also reviewed by the dean of the college or by the chair of the school. You will need a military transcript-either an AARTS, Dantes or DD294-in order to have your military experience reviewed by the Registrar’s Office. Two years of active military service and an honorable discharge are required for recreational activity credit to be granted.
Full-Time/Part-Time Students
A full-time student is enrolled in 12 or more credits; a part-time student takes fewer than 12 credits. If you drop to part-time student status, you should check with the Financial Aid Office to determine whether this affects your financial aid package and to confirm that you are meeting the satisfactory progress policy required for continued eligibility. Canadian/Foreign students must contact the Registrar’s Office prior to dropping to part-time status. You should also notify the Residential Life Office, if you are an on campus student, and your academic advisor.
General Education Courses
The general education curriculum is designed to provide a broad base of knowledge across a full range of areas. For further information on Lake Superior State University’s general education requirements, refer to the University Catalog, the Online Degree Audit and/or consult with your advisor, school chair or college dean.
Grade Changes
It is your instructor’s responsibility to determine your grade for a course. A Change of Grade form is sent to the registrar if your instructor decides that a grade change is necessary. You have 30 days to appeal a grade. (See Grade Appeal Policy in the Academic Catalog).
Grade Types
An ’I’, or incomplete, grade may be given when students, because of circumstances beyond their control, cannot complete part of a course. ‘I’ grades are also given in those special courses where work is planned to extend beyond a single course. An ’I’ must be made up by the date specified by the instructor, which must be within a minimum of two semesters (excluding summer), or it becomes a failure grade. An ’I’ grade is given only with the instructor’s written approval. An ’N’, or no grade, is recorded on the transcript when a course is dropped during the first eight weeks of the semester. A ’W’, or late withdrawal, grade will be given for each course officially dropped after the eight-week drop period due to extenuating circumstances and with the permission of the Dean or Chair of the department, or Registrar.
Graduation Requirements
A minimum of 124 credits (at the 100 level or higher) is required for a bachelor of arts or bachelor of science degree, and a minimum of 62 (at the 100 level or higher) is required for an associates degree. Some academic programs require more. Bachelor’s degree candidates must earn a minimum of 30 credits and at least 50 percent of their departmental required 300/400-level credits in courses offered by LSSU. Associate degree candidates must earn a minimum of 15 credits and at least 50% of their departmental required credits in courses offered by LSSU.
LSSU Student Ombudsman
The LSSU ombudsman is a senior faculty member appointed by the President and Provost to assist students in resolving student conflicts or disputes within the University. The ombudsman carries out these duties in a neutral, impartial, confidential, informal and independent manner. Please note: confidentially does not apply for Title IX purposes, refer to Policy 1.5.2 on page 45 for more information. To contact the student ombudsman or to find out more, visit this website
Number of Credits Needed to Graduate
One academic credit is generally earned for each contact hour in a week. You need a minimum of 62 credits (at the 100 level or higher) to obtain an associates degree and a minimum of 124 credits (at the 100 level or higher) to earn a bachelor’s degree. An associate’s degree takes about two years of full-time course work to complete; a bachelor’s degree takes about four years. Since credit requirements vary by degree, you should verify the degree requirements with your academic advisor.
Online Degree Audit
The Online Degree Audit is available in Anchor Access and displays all of the requirements needed to earn your degree at LSSU. Please run your Online Degree Audit frequently; before you meet with your advisor each semester; after registering to verify your courses are correct; and at the end of each semester after final grading to verify GPA information. If you have questions regarding requirements displaying on the Online Degree Audit, please contact your advisor. If you have questions regarding how to use the Online Degree Audit, please contact the Registrar’s Office.
If you do not have the prerequisite for a course you want to take, you need to get the instructor’s approval. The instructor can determine whether you have the necessary background and experience to complete it successfully. You must have the instructor’s permission to waive the prerequisite course.
Please visit the LSSU Academic Catalog ( and search “refunds” or “withdrawal” in the newest catalog. You may also visit for more information.
Repeating a Course
If you repeat a course, the grade you receive when repeating it is used to compute your grade point average. However, both grades remain on your transcript. It is University policy not to remove a grade from a transcript.
Second Degree
Multiple Majors: You may earn more than one major by completing all requirements of each desired major program. Before graduation, you must file a Degree Audit approved by the school chair for each major. The double major must be granted as one combined degree such as: bachelor of science degree in accounting and business administration.
Multiple Degrees: If you desire to earn more than one degree, you must complete all program requirements of the additional degree(s) as certified by the school chair, comprising a minimum of 30 additional LSSU credits for each additional baccalaureate degree, or a minimum of 15 additional LSSU credits for each additional associate degree from Lake Superior State University.
Information on Activities and Resources
You’ll find many opportunities to become involved with campus life during your time at Lake Superior State University, whether you live on or off campus. We strongly encourage you to take advantage of as many of them as possible. Involvement on campus can help you meet more people, learn more skills and have a wonderful time here. If you ever have any questions about any aspect of campus life or student activities, please stop by the Campus Life Office or call (906) 635-2236. If we don’t know the answers to your questions, we’ll find them for you!
- University Activities Board (UAB): UAB is a student-driven board dedicated to planning a variety of programs on campus from small bands and comedians to formal events. If you would like to know more about AB or how to become a member, call (906) 635-2756. UAB meets at 9 PM every Wednesday.
- Athletics/James Norris Center: Lake State offers the following varsity sports: men’s and women’s basketball, men’s and women’s cross country, men’s and women’s track, men’s and women’s tennis, women’s volleyball, women’s softball, men’s and women’s golf and men’s ice hockey. Even if you don’t play an organized sport, you are encouraged to use the many other services in the James Norris Center. Hours for the weight room, racquetball court, pool and gym are posted in the center and circulated at the beginning of each school year. All students pay an athletic fee each year, which permits access to all regular season athletic events based on space available.
- Campus Ministry: Campus ministry is provided through different spiritual organizations. Contact the Campus Life Office at (906) 635-2236 or [email protected] for more information.
- Clubs and Organizations: Students are strongly encouraged to participate in the many clubs that highlight special interests. The Presidents’ Council is comprised of all the club presidents. This structure encourages the exchange of information and ideas so student groups can make better use of their resources, increase scheduling compatibility and encourage cooperation. The Council along with Campus Life, is also responsible for recognition of new clubs. A list of clubs and organizations can be found at We encourage every student to at least PICK ONE organization or activity to get involved with in their time at LSSU.
If you would like more information about a group or have an interest in developing your own, contact the Campus Life Office in the Cisler Center at (906) 635-2236.
- Campus Recreation: Campus Recreation offers a variety of athletic events that are offered all year long. If you like to stay active and have a semi-competitive edge, then you should sign up today. Call (906) 635-2236 to find out more information. Campus Recreation information can be found at Also check out the offerings at the Regional Outdoor Center (ROC) where you can get access to various day and overnight trips and rental equipment. Call (906) 635-2890 or visit for more information.
- Greek Life: The Greeks participate in a number of fund-raisers, community service projects, self-improvement seminars and campus activities. The Inter-Greek Council is the central point for communication between the fraternities, sororities, and co-ed organizations that represent the collegiate Greek culture. To find out more about Greek Life call (906) 635-2236. A list of Greek organizations can be found at
- Student Government: Student Government is the student voice. Student representatives act on behalf of the full student body to address concerns and suggest ideas throughout the University community. Student Government is comprised of 12 representatives (9 elected in the spring, 3 elected in the fall) and four executive positions (elected in the Spring). If you have interest in either campaigning for a position or participating on one of the many University committees, contact the Student Government Office [email protected] for more details. Information on Student Government can be found at
Please refer to the Campus Life Handbook for governing policies of the Student Assembly/Student Organizations on the Campus Life website at
ATMs are located in the Norris Center and the Fletcher Center.
The Barnes & Noble at Lake Superior State University, a Barnes & Noble college bookstore, is the place to go to rent or buy your books, school supplies and top of the line Lake Superior State University spirit wear and souvenirs. Refer to the Barnes & Noble at Lake Superior State University web site for hours of operation or call ext. 2227.
Campus Dining
The Campus Meal Plan is a comprehensive dining program that combines the flexibility of a computerized meal card system with dining at various locations on campus. Lake Superior State’s dining service offers diverse menus and convenient hours at a great price. All on-campus students are required to select one of the meal plans highlighted in the Housing Handbook.
The following dining options are available on campus:
- The Quarterdeck dining hall features unlimited seconds and a wide variety of choices, located in the Cisler Center ;
- The Galley Grill, a fast food type of eatery with healthy options, located in the Cisler Center.
- The Galley Convenience Store, located on the ground level of the Cisler Center
Quarterdeck Dining Hall:
Monday – Friday
Saturday & Sunday :
Galley Hours:
Galley Plus Hours:
*Hours may vary |
Campus Employment
If you are looking for a part-time job, Lake State has approximately 600 employment opportunities for full-time students in places such as laboratories, offices, the Library, the physical plant and Auxiliary Services. If you’re interested in campus employment, you need to access the LSSU JOB Board in the employee tab of Anchor Access at If you have any special needs or accommodation requests, please notify the Human Resources Office by calling (906) 635-2213.
The Center for Career Development has information about off-campus employment. It is located in the lower level of the KJS Library and can be reached at (906) 635-2898.
Career Development
The Center for Career Development is dedicated to promoting the academic, personal and occupational success of students by assisting them in the process of career development. Career Development encourages the discovery of students’ work values, interests and skills, and their relationship to academic and career planning. With Career Development’s counseling and resources, students become responsible for more productive academic endeavors and make informed decisions about occupational choices.
All students (not just undecided students) are encouraged to visit Career Development, located in the lower level of the KJS Library.
Services include:
- Career Counseling – Licensed Professional Counselors are available to discuss your career counseling needs. Counselors also interpret the results of various assessments you complete and assist you in determining which fields of study and career options would be best.
- Vocational Assessments – Assessments are designed to measure those characteristics which seem most helpful to consider when selecting a career goal. They include interests, abilities, work values and personality traits.
- SIGI3 – A web-based career exploration program. Stop by our center to get a password which allows you to complete on-line assessments and research occupations, job outlooks, salaries and college majors.
- Career Resource Library – Located in the lower level of the KJS Library, come browse through books, journals, newsletters and handouts on various career topics.
- Workshops – Watch for workshops available throughout the year regarding a variety of career issues such as resume’ writing, interviewing skills, and career planning.
Contact Information: The Center for Career Development, Library, lower level – Lake Superior State University – [email protected] – (906) 635-2898
Cisler Student and Conference Center
Fall/Spring Semester Hours:
- Monday – Friday 8:00 AM-midnight
- Saturday and Sunday 11:00 PM-midnight
The Cisler Student and Conference Center is the center of on-campus life. These services are available to you in the Cisler Center:
The Quarterdeck dining hall is also located on the upper level. Our resident students eat most of their meals here. This “unlimited seconds” dining hall allows you to eat all you want. There are monthly specials and Taste Changers (weekly) that add to the variety of the program.
The Galley Grill located on the lower level, features daily specials, salads, sandwiches, hamburgers, beverages and other tempting snacks. Most commuter students and guests dine here.
The Galley Convenience Store, located on the lower level, offers snacks, beverages and sundries. Laker Bucks may also be used here. Cards and board games can be signed out with your student ID card. Monday-Wednesday nightly events that offer fun activities by way of The Galley MTW.
The Peacock Cove is also on the lower level, and offers a relaxing space to study or watch television and also features live entertainment at various times throughout the year. It is also open during the day and is a convenient place to study or socialize with friends.
The Student Organization Center is available for all student organization members to come and relax or work on a project. Stop by if you want to learn how to get involved!
Our associates and managers are interested in student comments, so feel free to let us know how we are doing. Communication boards are maintained at all locations for comments or ideas. We also hold Dinner with the Director about every three weeks. During these meetings, we enjoy a nice dinner and talk about Food Service. We encourage you to get to know our associate staff and managers in our dining areas.
Commuter Lockers
Lockers are available free of charge to commuter students in the Peacock Cove, in the lower level Cisler Center. For more information visit the Cisler Center info counter or call ext. 2020.
Commuter Student Meal Plan Offerings
The Laker Gold Commuter Debit Program is the most flexible meal program of all. With this program, you can purchase meals in the Quarterdeck. You can also make purchases at the Galley Snack Bar or Grill.
The Laker Gold Debit Card is a “student advantage” program that works like a pre-paid credit card. It allows you to use your current ID card at various locations. Laker Gold also gives you a discount on the cost of a meal at the Quarterdeck Dining Hall. As you use your Laker Gold Debit Card, your purchases will be deducted from your balance. Deposits are accepted at the ID/Service Center in the Cisler Student and Conference Center . Deposits may also be mailed directly to the ID office. A minimum of $25 is needed to open your Laker Gold Debit Card. (All deposits will be posted by 3 PM. the following business day.) If you would like to save even more the Laker Platinum is available. It works the same as the Laker Gold but we ask for a bigger deposit. This requires a deposit of $150.00 for each semester but it gives a much bigger discount in the Quarterdeck as you can see in the chart below.
Account balances may be checked at any card reader or a statement may be requested at the Information Desk.
Counseling Services
LSSU Counseling Services offers a variety of free services to enrolled students. Services include individual therapy, light box treatment, massage chairs, biofeedback, consultation, outreach/education, and a resource library. Strict standards of confidentiality are maintained.
Many students use the center’s services during their time here for a variety of reasons. Common concerns confronting students include: anxiety or stress; low self-confidence; problems sleeping; relationship difficulties; self-defeating behaviors; academic problems; self-harm; sexual identity concerns; decision-making dilemmas; feelings of sadness or depression; and home sickness.
Located on the corner of Easterday and Meridian (next to the Health Care Center), students are encouraged to stop by the front desk to schedule an appointment or to call us at (906) 635-2752. Counseling Services is open 8:00 AM-4:30 PM during the academic year.
Accessibility Services
Accessibility Services are located in the KJS Library. Accessibility Services is responsible for ensuring appropriate accommodations and services for students in the academic and University environment. In order for students to receive such accommodations, students must be registered with the Accessibility Services Office. To be registered, the student must provide current and relevant verification of a disabling condition (all documentation is kept confidential); upon receipt and review of the documentation, appropriate accommodation(s) will be determined and with the student’s consent, appropriate faculty and/or staff will be notified regarding necessary accommodations. It is the responsibility of the student and the faculty to work together, with Accessibility Services serving as a liaison, to make sure all parties’ needs are addressed.
Services are available to those who are have physical, visual, or hearing difficulty. Accessibility Services provide support to students with an array of needs including, but not limited to, emotional or psychological impairments, learning or cognitive delays or disabilities, attention deficit, memory or processing impairments, dyslexia, seizure disorders, and other medical conditions that affect a student’s learning.
Below is a list of commonly used accommodations that may be provided:
- Use of a test reader and/or oral testing;
- Note taking and/or transcription services;
- Extended time for testing;
- Computer access and/or scribes for essay testing;
- Alternative formats for class and testing materials;
- Assistive technologies which provide access to class materials;
- Appropriate testing environments;
- Permission to audio record course lectures.
The Accessibility Center is a location where students with accessibility needs access alternative formats, assistive software, and other assistive equipment. The lab also produces audio books for students, enlarged print materials, and accessible electronic or digital media.
Contact Accessibility Services at (906) 635-2355 or [email protected]
Financial Aid
Once you are admitted, your scholarship eligibility is automatically reviewed and offers of scholarship are sent. If you retake your ACT or SAT test prior to May 1st, your scholarship may be increased based on a higher test score. If you file a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), you may be contacted to submit additional information. After all forms are received, you will be sent an “Official Offer of Award” from the Financial Aid Office. Your offer may include grants, scholarships, loans and Federal work study. You should accept your grants and scholarships promptly, but give serious consideration to how much money you must borrow before accepting any loan offers. For help, use the handy loan/cost estimator tool at or call the Financial Aid Office.
Guest Speakers
If you have a suggestion for a speaker or other event on campus, please contact the Campus Life Office, (906) 635-2236 . Reservations for rooms or lecture halls for guest speakers can be made through the Campus Life Office.
Help Wanted
Would you like to find a good way to meet other students and earn some extra spending money? Campus Dining Services has a spot for you. Positions are available at the Quarterdeck, Catering, Grill 155, Galley and the Cappuccino Corner. Hurry! The positions fill fast. Contact the Dining Services Office at ext. 2541 for more information.
Health Services
Health care services are available on campus at the LSSU Health Care Center. The Health Care Center is located at 621 W. Easterday Avenue across from Brady Hall. The Health Care Center offers a wide range of services to our students including treatment of illness, injury, annual physical examinations, immunizations, and allergy injections. The Health Care Center is staffed by a certified nurse practitioner, physician assistant and a consulting physician. Our providers have prescriptive authority to order a wide range of prescriptions. Services are available Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Hours of operation are reduced during the summer semester and University breaks. Appointments are appreciated but walk-ins are accepted as time permits. For an appointment, call (906) 635-2110.
The Health Care Center does bill and accept most insurance plans for services rendered at the Health Care Center. We do ask that students present an insurance card at the time of service. For students who maintain three or more credit hours, LSSU has created a student health fund to cover services rendered at the Health Care Center. The majority of on-site services are provided at no out-of-pocket expense to the student.
An insurance plan is available (go to: for the uninsured student which may be purchased; this is separate from the student health fund. Lake Superior State University does not endorse this plan but simply makes it available to the student. Information regarding this plan is available at the Health Care Center.
The staff of the Health Care Center makes the following recommendations to all students attending LSSU:
- It is advisable to carry health insurance, keep the policy or identification cards readily available and know what your policy covers.
- Get immunized and keep a copy of your immunization record on file.
You will be asked to complete a Health History Questionnaire form when you first come to the center. We encourage you to be familiar with your medications, environmental allergies, personal and family health history, as well as past provider name(s) and addresses in case records are needed. If you have health insurance please provide this along with the subscriber’s date of birth. Once again, it is important for you to know what your policy covers and how to access it for benefits and payments.
Housing/On-Campus Guests
Living on campus is the best way to meet new people and learn how to live with others. Another big bonus to residing on campus: you are at the heart of all of the action with the Taffy Abel Arena on one side and the Cisler Center on the other—fun is just a few steps away! Contact the Campus Life and Housing Office at (906) 635-2411.
Please refer to the Housing website ( for the guidelines pertaining to living on-campus. There are a variety of potential penalties for failing to comply with these rules, including possible separation from the housing system or separation from the University itself. Guests of campus residents are subject to the same guidelines as those who live in the residence halls.
ID Cards
Students will be issued a Lake Superior State University ID card, which grants admission to the library, attend Student Affairs events and programs, attend sporting events, use the Student Activity Center, and admit students to the Quarterdeck if you are on a meal plan. To obtain an ID card or have a replacement card, please go to the Human Resources office in the Administration Building. A fee for replacement ID cards will be charged. Any misuse or alteration of the ID card, whether it is current or expired, may result in outcomes from conduct.
Information Technology Services
LSSU offers a variety of information technology services and programs for students. A general use computer lab is located in the Library room 211. The Library has computers available on the main floor for student and patron use. Various departmental labs are maintained across campus. The Learning Center (located in the first floor of the Library building) has computer labs available for student use and provides assistance with software utilized in the classroom. Wireless Internet access is available campus wide. Students in dormitories are provided Internet access via a wireless or hard-wired connection. Students are provided a unique LSSU ID ([email protected]) allowing email, calendar, docs/drive, and other Google Apps services free of charge. IT Technical Service Desk (located on the first floor of the Administration Building) provides assistance to students with general computing problems or questions related to any of the above services. Service desk hours are 7:00 AM – 7:00 PM Monday thru Thursday, and 7:00 AM – 5:00 PM on Fridays.
Learning Center
The Learning Center (LC), located in rooms 112-114 and 127 of the KJS Library, provides the following services free of charge: Tutoring for one-on-one and small groups, Supplemental Instruction (SI) and Tutoring in numerous courses across the disciplines; Math Walk-in Center for students who need assistance with math problems; the Writing Center; Student Success Seminars like time management, study skills and test preparation; access to up-to-date computers with Internet access, scanning and printing; discipline-specific tutorial software; ALEKS®, a computer-based courseware for Math; presentation support areas and quiet study space.
The LCs tutors and student staff can give you personal and academic support to help guide your college career. The staff is also available to assist you with University success strategies, basic computer/software and word-processing skills and general University information.
The Learning Center is open during the following hours (extended hours during finals weeks):
- Monday-Thursday 8 AM – 9 PM
- Friday 8 AM – 5 PM
- Saturday Closed
- Sunday 5 PM – 9 PM
The Writing and Math Center’s hours may vary each semester. Stop by for current hours.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Learning Center at ext. 2849 or the Learning Center Director at ext. 2228 or visit our website at
The Kenneth J. Shouldice Library is the research hub for informational resources for the students and employees of LSSU and members of the community and region. Its primary mission is to provide services and resources to meet the present and future scholarly and information needs of the University and to extend these services and resources to its regional center sites. A highly trained staff is available to help you meet diverse informational and computing needs. On campus, the Library’s website provides access to books, periodicals, and databases. Off-campus access is available with your My.LSSU username and password. The library features 30 computers for your computing needs and study space with seating for 350 is spread out over three floors. Wireless access is available throughout the library.
Lost and Found
Lost & Found is located in the Public Safety Office in the Administration Building. If you have lost or found something, please report it to the Public Safety Office at (906) 635-2100.
Maintenance is provided through the Physical Plant. They strive to provide excellent service to everyone on campus from keeping the buildings clean and running efficiently to plowing the parking lots and keeping the grounds in good condition. For more information, call (906) 635-2371.
Native American Center/Eskoonwid Endaad House
The Native Center provides a place for all students to come together to study, socialize and find friendship and support from staff and fellow students. It is the meeting place for some student organizations on campus. Services offered at the Center include academic advising, tutoring, mentoring, and resource location, and assistance with general questions about Lake Superior State University. There is also a computer lab available for all students. The Native American Center continues to reinforce its activities to promote the retention of Native American students attending Lake Superior State University and to promote diversity awareness on campus. For more information, call (906) 635-6664 or visit the website at
Parking and Vehicle Registration
All vehicles must be registered to park on campus. Parking permits may be purchased at the Fletcher Center. If you have a guest visiting, you will need to have them register their vehicle with Public Safety located in the Administration Building. Ticket appeals are handled through the Parking Ticket Hearing Committee. Appeals are to be done on-line using Anchor Access. You will need your ticket to appeal on-line, once into your Anchor Access click on LSSU Vehicle Registration and Ticket Information, you may then click on Ticket history or Appeal Ticket. The appeal must be done within 10 days of receiving the ticket. Contact Public Safety to make arrangements by calling (906) 635-2100. For further information regarding parking rules and regulations, visit their website at
Public Safety Department
The Public Safety Office provides 24-hour service for the convenience of students. The office is located at the west end of the Administration Building. Public Safety staff can be reached by dialing (906) 635-2100. In case of extreme crisis, medical emergency dial 911.
Public Safety encourages all students and employees to sign up for Emergency Alert messages. This may be done by visiting
Student Activity Center (SAC)
The Robert D. Arbuckle Student Activity Center (SAC) offers many services for students and faculty/staff. With the four multi-purpose courts, six-lane 200-meter track and state of the art weight and cardiovascular equipment, there is always something to do. So, whether it is volleyball, basketball, or weight training you are interested in, the SAC has it. The hours for the SAC are posted at
Lake Superior State University is committed to reducing our carbon foot print as much as we possibly can. We are currently composting organic materials that are used on campus as fertilizer. We recycle cans, bottles, plastic, paper and cardboard. We have reduced the number of deliveries by our suppliers each week which reduces the amount of fuel used. We have reduced the amount of waste going down the drain by changing our cleaning chemicals. We have gone tray-less in the Main dining hall to reduce the amount of waste that is thrown away. We are currently increasing the amount of locally grown products (Local would be from within the state of Michigan.). Visit for more information.
Technical Services (Audio-Visual Center)
Technical Services offers a variety of services to faculty, staff and students. Located on the main floor of the library, the center maintains a diverse collection of materials and equipment. Faculty may check out materials from the collection for use on campus, or arrange to have materials and equipment brought to a classroom.
Students and other library patrons may only use audiovisual materials in the library. Students needing materials and/or equipment for a class may arrange to have them delivered to the classroom.
Other services available in Technical Services during normal hours include making transparencies (both black and color), scanning material, compact disk duplication, video and audio editing, and video cassette or DVD duplication.
As a service for students and faculty, the Technical Services sells scantrons, bluebooks, audio and video tapes, markers, and pens, headphones, CDs and DVDs
For more information about Technical Services please consult our website:
University Policy Information
All members of the Lake Superior State University community are expected to adhere to the highest standards of civility and respect in their conduct toward each other. University policies including (but not limited to) those outlined in this document, as well as all local, state, federal, and international laws set the standards by which Lake Superior State University students will be measured. The Student Code of Conduct provides a baseline guide for acceptable student conduct to which all students, student organizations, guests, and visitors are expected to adhere.
Administrative Policy
Lake Superior State University Procedures Manual
Section: General Administration Section Number: 1.5.4
Subject: Prohibited Discrimination Policy Page: 1 of 1
Date of Present Issue: 07/01/15
Date of Previous Issues: Replaces policy 1.5.1
Lake Superior State University and its Board of Trustees subscribe to the principles of equal opportunity and non-discrimination and comply with all applicable Federal and State laws and regulations prohibiting discrimination, including harassment. Therefore, it is the policy of Lake Superior State University that no person shall be discriminated against, excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of or otherwise be subjected to discrimination, including harassment, in employment, in education, or in any program or activity for which the University is responsible, on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin or ancestry, age, sex, height, weight, sexual orientation, marital status, disability, or veteran status. The University is committed to the protection of the rights of all individuals in the University community, to equal and fair treatment of all individuals, and to elimination of barriers that would prevent individuals from reaching their highest potential of human excellence.
It is the responsibility of all employees, students and members of the University community to uphold these commitments in the daily activities of University life. Sexual harassment is a form of discrimination based on gender, and as such falls under the University’s commitment to non-discrimination, and allegations of gender-based discrimination are dealt with under Interim Policy 1.5.2 Gender-Based Discrimination and Sexual Misconduct Policy.
Individuals have the right under the law to seek remedies from the Michigan Department of Civil Rights, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, the Office for Civil Rights, Department of Education or by Court action. Individuals may file complaints of illegal discrimination on the basis of sex (Title IX) or disability (Section 504 or ADA) with the Office for Civil Rights, Department of Education, at the same time a grievance is filed under the University’s procedure, during or after the use of the grievance process, or without using the grievance process at all. A Title IX, Section 504, or ADA complaint must be filed in writing with the Office for Civil Rights no later than 180 days after the occurrence of the possible discrimination. If any person believes that Lake Superior State University, or any part of the University organization, has inadequately applied the principles and/or regulations as stated in the various laws barring discrimination in employment or education, he or she may bring forward a complaint, which shall be referred to hereinafter as a grievance, to the University grievance officer designated by the Board of Trustees:
Procedural steps are outlined in Interim Policy 1.5.3 Discrimination and Prohibited Conduct Policy. All harassment or discrimination claims or ADA accommodation requests and ADA discrimination complaints should be filed with the Title IX Coordinator: Kate Bergel, 906-635-2213, 650 W. Easterday Ave., Sault Ste. Marie, MI 49783, Administration Building, Room 114
Alcohol Policy
Unauthorized possession, use, manufacture, distribution or sale of alcoholic beverages on or in University property is forbidden.
- The sale of/or providing alcoholic beverages to minors is illegal.
- Possession or consumption of alcohol is not permitted on campus by any person who is under 21 years of age.
- Furnishing alcohol to an obviously or visibly intoxicated person, regardless of age, is prohibited.
- Consumption of alcohol by those 21 years of age or older is permitted only in accordance with University Housing policy.
- Outside alcoholic beverages are not permitted at athletic events, concerts or any other event open to the campus community or general public, without prior authorization.
- Student organization funds will not be used for the purchase of alcoholic beverages.
Violations of the above regulations will constitute a violation of the Lake Superior State University Alcohol Policy.
Brady, Osborn and Student Village are alcohol-free halls. This means, regardless of age, alcohol is NOT permitted in these building at anytime. Residents and guests may not store or possess alcohol, or empty containers of alcohol; this includes containers used as decorations. Kegs (even empty) are not allowed in any residences on campus, as is any alcohol paraphernalia (i.e. beer bongs, sign-age, etc.) Manufacturing any type of alcohol, such as beer or wine making, is not allowed at anytime in University housing.
Alcohol is permitted in other residential units providing that all occupants and guests are at least 21 years of age. Residential units in the Townhouses, Apartments, and Row Houses are defined as individual bedrooms, unless all occupants are over 21 (please note living learning communities housed in Row Houses may be subject to stricter policies). Empty alcohol bottles are not permitted and must be disposed of in a timely manner. Empty bottles and cans will be confiscated during inspections, break periods, or at any time a resident is violation the alcohol policy. If at any time the policy is violated, all students present, regardless of age will be subject to disciplinary action.
Violations of the alcohol policy or state law will be subject to disciplinary action, including fines, documentation, relocation or removal from housing and parent notification. Below is an outline of possible sanctions to expect if you are in violation of the alcohol policy.
Alcoholic Beverage Policy for Approved University Functions
Information is available from LSSU’s Walker Cisler Student and Conference Center.
- Consumption of alcohol is permitted by those 21 years of age or older on campus during an approved University function.
- Non-profit organizations that receive a special liquor license may serve alcohol.
- Alcohol must be served by LSSU Food Service personnel. Activity participants are not permitted to supply their own beverages.
- Outside alcoholic beverages are not permitted at athletic events, concerts or any other event open to the campus community or general public, without prior authorization.
- Kegs of any size or any common source of alcoholic beverages are not permitted on campus without University approval.
- University funds will not be used for the purchase of alcoholic beverages.
- The use of alcohol in the teaching of LSSU courses is permitted when the instruction occurs in an academic building of the University. The course must be under the supervision of a faculty member, the purpose must be solely educational, and the beverage must be a legal one as defined by the Michigan Liquor Control Act.
- Advertising in University publications or publicized notice on or off campus of the availability of alcoholic beverages at any event sponsored by a University group or individual must be approved by the Campus Life Office.
University Housing Policy
- Possession or consumption of alcohol is permitted strictly those residents 21 years of age or older. Alcohol is not to be consumed when underage guests are present.
- Social events, (parties, large gatherings, etc.) allowing alcohol are not permitted in any University Housing facility where minors are present.
- Students in possession of alcohol containers will be considered in violation whether or not the containers contain an alcoholic beverage.
- Possession of open alcohol beverage containers outside living units is not permitted.
- Alcoholic beverages in factory sealed containers may be transported by individuals (21 years or older) from off campus directly to approved residences.
- A common source of alcohol (kegs, trash cans, etc.) or quantities of alcohol determined to be excessive by University personnel is not permitted on campus grounds.
- Residents are responsible for the actions of their guests.
- All provisions of state law pertaining to possession and use of alcohol, furnishing of alcoholic beverages to minors, and falsification of an I.D. for the purchase of alcoholic beverages will be enforced.
- Social events (parties, large gatherings, etc.) may be terminated at any time at the discretion of University staff.
- Intoxication, disruptive behavior and/or damage related to the consumption of alcohol are in violation of University policy and will be treated under the University’s Code of Student Conduct and/or criminal laws.
Alcohol Disciplinary Sanctions
Sanctions may be imposed upon a student for an infraction of the LSSU Alcohol Policy. These sanctions do not preclude criminal prosecution resulting from violations of federal, state or local laws. Students are cautioned that significant and timely sanctions will be imposed for all alcohol violations. Sanctions will include fines, alcohol education, suspension from the residence halls and/or suspension from the University. In addition, parents or legal guardians may be notified of sanctions at the conclusion of a disciplinary case.
Any of the following constitute a violation of LSSU’s alcohol policy:
- Underage consumption of alcohol or possession of alcohol or alcohol containers regardless of their contents (containing any liquid or no liquid)
- Intoxication
- Open container of alcohol in public areas
- Hosting a party or guests involving the illegal use of alcohol
- Dispensing alcohol to minors
- Driving while under the influences of alcohol or in possession of alcohol
Alcohol and Other Drugs – Health Related Risks
Drug use can start out as experimentation or casual use and can progress into problem use and dependence. The abuse of alcohol and other drugs can erode the foundation of the University’s goals and objectives and diminishes the personal attainment of intellectual, social, physical and moral growth and development.
This includes:
- Psychological and/or physical dependence.
- Impaired learning ability, memory loss, inability to solve complex problems.
- Inability to perform sexually, infertility problems.
- Increased risk of sexually transmitted diseases (including AIDS).
- Complications due to the combination of prescription medication and other drugs or alcohol.
- Death, coma or toxic reactions especially when combining alcohol with any other drug, including over-the-counter medicine or prescriptions.
- Guilt/regret over activities performed while under the influence of alcohol/drugs, i.e., regretting sexual encounters, fighting, risk-taking, legal difficulties.
- Damage to brain, cardiovascular system, liver, etc.
- Increased risk of cancer.
- Fetal alcohol syndrome, birth or genetic defects.
- Psychosis (hallucinations, loss of contact with reality, extreme changes in personality).
- Diet deficiencies.
- Other physiological, psychological or interpersonal problems.
Alcohol consumption causes a number of marked changes in behavior. Even low doses significantly impair the judgment and coordination required to drive a car safely, increasing the likelihood that the driver will be involved in an accident. Low to moderate doses of alcohol also increase the incidence of a variety of aggressive acts, including assaults and spouse and child abuse. Moderate to high doses of alcohol cause marked impairments in higher mental functions, severely altering a person’s ability to learn and remember information. Very high doses cause respiratory depression and death. If combined with other depressants of the central nervous system, much lower doses of alcohol will produce the effects just described.
Repeated use of alcohol can lead to dependence. Sudden cessation of alcohol intake is likely to produce withdrawal symptoms, including severe anxiety, tremors, hallucinations and convulsions. Alcohol withdrawal can be life-threatening. Long-term consumption of large quantities of alcohol, particularly when combined with poor nutrition, also can lead to permanent damage to vital organs such as the brain and the liver.
Alcohol – Other Liability
Civil (Dram Shop) Liability – Students should also be aware that civil liability may be incurred when the sale or furnishing of alcoholic beverages to a visibly intoxicated person is found to be the proximate cause of damage, injury or death of an innocent person. Such liability may arise independently of any University sanctions or prosecution under local, state or federal laws.
Everyone needs to respect the rights of other members of the University community to move around freely, conduct normal University business, and use University buildings and facilities in a free and normal way. No one may obstruct any of these normal functions in any way.
Compliance with University Officials
Everyone is expected to comply with the directions of University officials who are acting in accordance with the performance of their duties. Failure to do so is considered a serious disciplinary violation.
Dangerous or Improper Driving & Ignoring of Traffic Signs
All vehicles present on campus property are expected to adhere to the driving and traffic rules and regulations of the State of Michigan. Students are expected to follow all posted traffic signs and signals on campus. Vehicles should not travel through campus at a high rate of speed at any time. Improper driving (high rates of speed, disregarding signs, etc.), non-compliance with Public Safety Officers (i.e. parking for hockey games), and risky behaviors (i.e. doing “donuts”, endangering the lives of others, etc…) are expressly prohibited. Any individuals found driving in a dangerous fashion will be documented for conduct purposes and may be subject to Michigan law.
Defacement of University Property
Any student found defacing, damaging, or destroying University property or the property of a University official will be held accountable for their actions. Students will be sent through the campus judicial system, which will determine further appropriate sanctions. Criminal prosecution may also result. In cases when damage is done by the guest of a student, the student will be held responsible for the actions of the guest. Students will be expected to pay the full cost of labor, repair and/or replacement of any damage done to such property or belongings.
Disciplinary Procedures
The Conduct Process: The steps followed at Lake Superior State University to resolve formal disciplinary matters are called the conduct process. This process exists to assure that basic due process is granted to all students of our community who find themselves in conflict with the community’s standards. All such conflicts are resolved by members of the Lake Superior State University community in a system which, though avoiding the formalities and complexities of a legal process, nevertheless aim to respect the dignity of the individual as well as personal and community rights. With heavy reliance on the honesty of all participants, it is assumed that reasonable people, properly informed, can and will make judgments in the best interest of the University community. See section on ‘Sexual Assault’ for specific procedures that may vary depending on the nature of the incident and investigation. Please refer to the Public Safety website for more information on the ‘Violence Against Women Act.’
The following conduct structures and procedures have been set in place and are to be considered binding on all parties:
The formal responsibility for discipline rests with Student Affairs. All possible disciplinary matters begin with a complaint filed by a member of the Residential Life any member of the University community. Each complaint is reviewed and, if formal action is deemed appropriate, the student(s) or group alleged to have violated University policy receive formal notice by a staff member to convene a conduct hearing.
Hearings and Adjudications: The Student Conduct Officer will have primary authority for all cases involving infractions of policy by students on the LSSU campus. During those times when the Student Conduct Board is not available, all cases will be heard by a Residence Hall Coordinator, or designated official. Appeals will be directed to the Dean of Student Affairs or designee.
Rights and Responsibilities of Students Subject to Disciplinary Hearings: Regardless of whether a student or group has the disciplinary issue heard by a staff member acting as a hearing agent or by either Judicial Committee, they are assured the following rights:
Student(s) shall be presented the charges brought against him/her/them in writing at least twenty-four hours before the hearing is scheduled. Any such notice shall also state that if the student fails to appear without just cause, the hearing shall be heard in his/her/their absence.
- The student shall be entitled to a hearing by an impartial hearing agent.
- The student shall be entitled to be present at the hearing during the presentation of any matter on which a decision may be based.
- The student shall be entitled to present his or her case through statements, questions, witnesses, and other forms of evidence.
- The decision of the hearing agent shall be made only on the basis of matters presented at the hearing.
- If the student’s continued presence on campus is viewed as disruptive or dangerous, the Dean of Student Affairs may ask the student to leave the University Campus during the period of time that the hearing/appeal is being processed.
- The student shall have the right to appeal the decision of the hearing officer.
- All disciplinary hearings are closed to the public. Persons in attendance at closed hearings shall be limited to (a) the hearing agent or members of the Student Conduct Board, (b) the student and (c) witnesses. Witnesses may be asked to leave after their statements have been received.
If a student or group of students is asked to appear before a conduct hearing officer and, if he/she/they fail to appear for the hearing or investigation without just cause, this will be considered a violation of University policy and such students will be subject to further disciplinary action.
Standards of Proof: The Conduct Process places a strong emphasis and is dependent upon the candor and honesty of all parties involved. In most hearings strong, clear evidence and testimony is presented to indicate the student’s level of involvement and guilt in the case. Sometimes, however, testimony is ambiguous or conflicting. As in a court of law, a student is innocent until proven otherwise; however, unlike a court, the standard of proof is less stringent and is known as a preponderance of evidence.
Conduct Outcomes: The Board of Trustees authorizes the conduct outcomes set forth below for any violation of University policy. More than one sanction may be imposed. In addition, the student(s) or student organization may also be subject to the penalties related to the violation of any federal, state, or local law.
When determining sanctions the Student Conduct Board will consider the following:
- The seriousness of the offense
- The intent of the student
- The actual consequences of the behavior
- The needs of the community and individual(s) involved
- The attitude of the student involved
- The student’s past record
The following sanctions may be applied to incidents of disruptive behavior:
- Formal reprimand – a formal notice that the law or this policy has been violated and that future violations will be dealt with more severely.
- Fines – Fines may be assessed for certain infractions. The amount of the fine will be determined by the severity of the violation. In cases involving theft, damage or destruction of property, appropriate disciplinary action will include payment of restitution and/or service.
- Service – performance of one or more tasks designed to benefit the community and help the student or student organization understand why such behavior was inappropriate.
- Educational Project – completion of a project specifically designed to help the student or student organization understand why the behavior was inappropriate.
- Referral to Counseling Services or Classes – A student may be directed to meet with the Counseling Center and/or attend an informative class relative to a disciplinary issue.
- Restriction from Employment at the University – prohibition or limitation of University employment.
- University Housing Transfer or Removal – placement in another room or housing unit or removal from University housing
- Disciplinary Probation/Last Chance Clause – The student is notified in writing that any further violation of rules may result in immediate suspension or dismissal without an opportunity of appeal. Probation may carry with it withdrawal of certain student privileges.
- Suspension/Expulsion – Suspension is an action taken by the University, which prohibits participation in any activity of the institution for a fixed period of time. The student will be required to leave campus and not be permitted to return until the time of the suspension has elapsed. Expulsion is a permanent forced withdrawal from the University. In both situations, if the action requires or results in academic withdrawal, the student will lose credit for subjects carried that semester. Fees and tuition will be forfeited according to the normal withdrawal policy.
The University may also implement the provisions of Public Act No. 26 of 1970 which provides that it is a misdemeanor, punishable by fine and/or incarceration in the county jail when a person: violates a University rule and such person fails to vacate the premises when directed by the University and such person constitutes a clear and substantial risk of physical harm or injury to other persons, or an unlawful disruption of the functions of the University by remaining by use of force or by threat of force; or enters the institution’s premises or structures with the intent to, and does in fact, constitute a clear and substantial risk of physical harm or injury to others or of damage or destruction of University property, or prevents or disrupts the customary and lawful function of the University by occupying institutional space by force or the threat of force.
The Appeals Process: Appeals of disciplinary decisions are reviewed only if they are submitted in writing. Three types of appeals are possible: (1) appeals seeking a review of the procedures, (2) appeals seeking a review of penalties or 3) appeals based on new evidence not presented at original hearing.
All appeals must:
- Be submitted to the Director of Campus Life and Housing no later than 48 hours after the student(s) or group has been notified of a decision.
- Specify whether the appeal is seeking a review of procedures and/or the severity of the penalty or presenting new evidence.
- Provide the necessary detailed information to support a position.
The appropriate disciplinary appeal agent may, based upon a thorough review: (1) confirm the original decision; (2) return the case to the original judicial officer or hearing board for a new hearing; or (3) change the sanction(s) and/or the condition(s) originally imposed.
Disciplinary Records: Disciplinary records are kept in compliance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, as amended. Thus, disciplinary actions are recorded on the student’s “personal record” and are not placed on the student’s transcript. These disciplinary records are retained for a period of one academic year after the student graduates or after the student withdraws from the University. After such time all disciplinary records are destroyed. At all times, these personal records are confidential and are not available to outside investigation agencies unless permission has been granted in writing by the student whose record has been requested or when records are subpoenaed by a court of law.
Lake Superior State University – Discrimination and Prohibited Conduct Investigation Process – Policy Number: 1.5.3 – Interim Policy – Effective: July 1, 2015
- Policy Statement
- Lake Superior State University campus is committed to providing an educational and working environment free of all forms of discrimination and harassment.
- This policy defines the process the University will follow to determine whether policy violations have occurred regarding allegations and reports of discrimination, harassment, sexual misconduct and other forms of prohibited conduct. The University is committed to providing opportunities for concerns to be reported in a safe manner, to assess and investigate concerns, and, when necessary, to impose sanctions and/or remedies.
- All members of the campus community are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that does not infringe upon the rights of others. When an allegation of misconduct is brought to an appropriate responsible employee’s attention and a responding party is found to have violated this policy, sanctions may be used to reasonably make sure similar actions do not occur in the future.
- Reporting Concerns
- All reports of discrimination, misconduct, sexual misconduct, prohibited conduct, or harassment shall be promptly reported as noted below, or brought to the attention of an immediate supervisor, Public Safety, Human Resources, or other responsible employee, who shall follow up and report as noted below.
- Reports or allegations of sexual misconduct and associate prohibited conduct shall be immediately reported to the Title IX Coordinator (TIXC) or designee. In the case of matters involving sexual misconduct, investigators must have specific training investigating allegations of prohibited conduct.
- Reports or allegations of student misconduct shall be reported to the Dean of Student Affairs or designee.
- Reports or allegations of academic misconduct or related to other academic concerns shall be reported to the Provost & Vice President of Academic Affairs or designee.
- Reports or allegations related to employment / employee matters, harassment or discrimination shall be reported to the Director of Human Resources, or designee.
- Collectively, the Title IX Coordinator, the Dean of Student Affairs, the Provost & Vice President of Academic Affairs, the Director of Human Resources, their respective designees, or issue/event investigators, are referred to in this policy as designated administrators or individually as designated administrator.
- All reports shall be assessed and, where appropriate, result in an informal or voluntary remedy or a formal investigation with associated follow up. This policy outlines the University’s assessment, investigation, determination, and appeal process.
- Investigation Timeline
- The University will use its best efforts to complete its investigation within 60 calendar days of the commencement of a formal investigation, although this time frame may be extended for good cause. Good cause may include, but is not limited to the complexity of each allegation, a request to coordinate or cooperate with external law enforcement, the availability of witnesses, University breaks or vacations, or to address other legitimate reasons.
- In the event a time frame is extended, both the reporting party and responding party will be notified of an extension.
- Initial Assessment
- When a report is made the designated administrator will conduct an initial assessment to determine whether an informal/voluntary resolution or initial investigation is appropriate. The University will assess the facts and circumstances and consider the reporting party’s expressed preference for manner of resolution.
- When possible, the University will seek action consistent with the reporting party’s request.
- Informal/Voluntary Resolution
- Informal/voluntary resolution is designed to eliminate a hostile environment through alternative actions that do not involve disciplinary action against a responding party.
- Where an informal/voluntary resolution is appropriate, the University will take immediate corrective action through the imposition of individual and community remedies designed to maximize the reporting party’s access to the educational, extracurricular, employment, and other activities at the University and to eliminate any hostile environment.
- Participation in informal/voluntary resolution by a reporting party is voluntary, and a reporting party can request to end informal/voluntary resolution at any time.
- Complaints or allegations that involve sexual violence cannot be mediated through informal/voluntary resolution.
- Initial Investigation
- As part of the initial investigation, the University will (1) assess the nature and circumstances of the report; (2) address immediate physical safety and emotional well-being concerns; (3) notify the reporting party of the right to contact or decline to contact law enforcement if the conduct is criminal in nature, and if requested, assist the reporting party with notifying law enforcement; (4) notify the reporting party of the availability of medical treatment to address physical and mental health concerns and to preserve evidence; (5) notify the reporting party of the importance of the preservation of evidence; (6) assess the reported conduct for any necessary actions under Clery, including inclusion in the daily crime log, annual security report, or issuance of a timely warning; (7) provide the reporting party and responding party, if notified, with information about on- and off-campus resources, the range of interim accommodations and remedies, and an explanation of the procedural options; (8) inform the reporting party and responding party each may have one advisor of their choosing attend meetings and interviews with them, which may include an attorney (at their own expense), colleague, or other person they identify (where appropriate, consistent with applicable collective bargaining agreement); the advisor may not be a witness or a material party in the investigation; the advisor is limited to advising the reporting or responding party, and may not speak for the party they are advising; their role is to provide support and assistance; (9) consider whether the facts indicate a pattern of similar conduct by responding party; (10) discuss the reporting party’s expressed preference for manner of resolution and any barriers to proceeding; and (11) explain the University’s policy prohibiting retaliation.
- The initial investigation will proceed until the designated administrator has sufficient information to make a reasonable assessment of the safety of the individual and of the campus community can be made, and determine the best course of action. The findings of an initial investigation may result in an informal/voluntary resolution or a formal investigation.
- Formal Investigation
- The designated administrator may initiate a formal investigation to determine if there has been a policy violation, and if so, whether sanctions are warranted. The designated administrators have the discretion to consolidate multiple reports involving a responding party into one investigation and resolution if the evidence related to each incident would be relevant and probative in reaching a determination on the other incident.
- The University will designate an investigator(s) of its choosing. The investigator chosen to conduct the investigation must be impartial and free of any conflict of interest.
- During the formal investigation, both the reporting party and the responding party will have the opportunity to present witnesses and evidence. For sexual misconduct investigations, a reporting party’s relationship history with those other than a responding party is not allowable evidence.
- The investigators will update both the reporting party and responding party regarding the status of the investigation at reasonable, regular intervals.
- Investigation Report
- At the conclusion of the formal investigation, the investigator will prepare a written report that summarizes the complaint, details of the information gathered, identifies the potential policy violations, synthesizes the area of agreement and disagreement between the parties, and includes supporting information or accounts.
- The investigator presents a summary of findings and recommended remedies and sanctions, as appropriate, to the designated administrator.
- Review of Investigation Report
- The written investigation report will be reviewed for consistency and completeness. This review process will be completed within five (5) business days of receipt of the investigation report.
- Based on this review, the investigation report may be returned to the investigators for clarification or additional information, or be submitted to the designated administrator for a final determination.
- Summary of Findings and Notice of Final Determination
- The designated administrator will prepare a summary of findings and notice of final determination, which contains the outcome and the rationale for the outcome finding regarding responsibility for alleged misconduct and any violation. The final determination will be made within five (5) business days of receipt of the final investigation report.
- Both the reporting party and responding party will be sent this notification concurrently, using email notification, which serves as a method for documenting distribution.
- Determining Appropriate Sanctions
- When determining the proper sanction, the following factors will be considered: (1) the nature and violence of the conduct at issue; (2) the impact of the conduct on the reporting party; (3) the impact or implications of the conduct on the community or the University; (4) prior misconduct by the responding party, including the responding party’s relevant prior disciplinary history both at the University or elsewhere, and any criminal convictions; (5) whether the responding party has accepted responsibility for the conduct; (6) maintenance of a safe and respectful environment conducive to learning; (7) protection of the university community; and (8) any other mitigating, aggravating, or compelling circumstances in order to reach a just and appropriate resolution in each case.
- Other University offices may be consulted when determining or implementing sanctions.
- Sanction Process for Employees (Faculty and Staff) as Responding Party
- Sanctions for responding parties, who are employees, will be determined by the designated administrator in coordination with Human Resources, with input from other offices as appropriate.
- Represented Employees: For represented employees, sanctions will be imposed in accordance with the applicable collective bargaining agreement and University policy.
- Unrepresented Employees: For unrepresented employees, sanctions shall be determined in accordance with University policies and procedures, individual contracts, and/or appointment letters.
- Potential Employee Sanctions: The potential sanctions for an employee may include training, referral to counseling, no contact order, no trespass, loss of privileges, written warning, reprimand, withholding of a promotion, reassignment, temporary suspension without pay, or separation from the University.
- Sanction Process for Students as Responding Party
- Sanctions for responding parties, who are students, will be determined by the designated administrator.
- Potential Student Sanctions: Sanctions may be imposed upon any student found to be responsible for violation of University policy. Sanctions may include, but are not limited to, training, referral to counseling, written warning, no contact order, no trespass order, reprimand, behavior contract, probation, loss of privileges, community service, suspension, expulsion, withholding degree, or revocation of degree.
- More than one sanction may be imposed for any single violation; previous violations of University policy, the Student Code of Conduct or Athletic or Academic program codes of conduct, may increase the severity of sanctions applied. Sanctions may be used independently or in combination depending on the particular circumstances of the violation.
- Other University offices may be consulted when determining or implementing sanctions.
- Appeals Process for Sexual Misconduct Reports / Allegations
- Written Appeal: The reporting party or responding party may submit written notice of appeal to the TIXC within five (5) business days of receiving the summary of findings and notice of determination. Grounds for an appeal are limited to conflicts of interest, introduction of evidence not previously available, requests to mitigate sanctions, or other considerations that are directly related to alleged violations, facts or findings of the case.
- Response to Appeal: The receipt of the appeal will be acknowledged by the TIXC in writing, which may be by email. Prior to an appeal review, the appealing party or parties may be asked to submit additional information supporting the basis for the appeal, if not previously submitted. To complete an appeal request, any additional material requested must be submitted within five (5) business days in order to form a completed appeal request. Failure to respond will result in an incomplete appeal. Incomplete appeals will not be reviewed.
- Notification of Appeal: Each party will be notified of any complete appeal request.
- Appeal Review: Appeal requests shall be reviewed by the chairperson of the hearing panel, and a determination will be made to proceed or to deny the appeal. Consideration will be given to whether or not the basis for the appeal could substantially impact the original findings or sanctions.
- Notification: Parties will be notified in writing of the filing and status of appeals.
- Appeal Hearing Panel
- The Vice President for Finance, or other as designated, will be the chairperson for a hearing panel and will conduct the hearing. If the Vice President for Finance is a party to the case a substitute chairperson shall be appointed. Two other employees will be appointed to the three person hearing panel.
- The TIXC will send a notice of hearing and a copy of a request for hearing to the reporting and responding parties, and to the hearing panel members.
- The chairperson will schedule the hearing no later than five (5) business days of notice from the TIXC, with the hearing to convene no later than fifteen (15) business days from notice from the TIXC, unless the chairperson provides otherwise and so notifies those involved.
- At the hearing the reporting and responding parties are allowed to give their own testimony, present the testimony of witnesses, and present relevant evidence to the panel. During the hearing, the reporting party and responding party may not directly question or cross-examine each other. The complainant and respondent may have an attorney or other advisor present for support and advice. The TIXC or designee will present the findings and determination of the investigation. At the chairperson’s discretion, the panel hearing may be conducted as an open or a closed proceeding, based on the allegations, facts and findings of the case, and the desire for privacy or anonymity on the part of one or more of the participating parties.
- Based on the nature of the complaint or allegations, the reporting party’s presence at the hearing is not a prerequisite for the hearing to proceed.
- Within fifteen (15) business days after completion of the hearing, the chairperson will issue a hearing panel determination to include sanctions and follow up actions, as appropriate. The hearing panel determination will be forwarded to the TIXC for concurrent distribution to the reporting and responding parties.
- The hearing panel determination is final and binding.
- Appeals Process for Other Reports / Allegations:
- Appeals for academic reports or allegations should be directed to the Provost for follow up.
- Appeals for student life reports or allegations should be directed to the Dean of Student Affairs.
- Appeals for employment or employee reports or allegations should be directed to the Director of Human Resources.
- Investigation Documentation
- Individuals involved in the investigation and appeal process will adequately document the testimony of the parties and witnesses, completed forms and relevant investigation documents, all facts and evidence reviewed, the rationale for determinations, and interim and final remedies and sanctions imposed, if any.
- Resources
- Title IX Coordinator(s): Kate Bergel, Title IX Coordinator; Allison Orr, Deputy Title IX Coordinator; (906) 635-2213, 650 W. Easterday Ave., Sault Ste. Marie, MI 49783, Administration Building, Room 114
- EEOC Officer: Kate Bergel, Director of Human Resources; (906) 635-2213, 650 W. Easterday Ave., Sault Ste. Marie, MI 49783, Administration Building, Room 114
- Campus Public Safety: (906) 635-2100, 650 W. Easterday Ave., Sault Ste. Marie, MI 49783, Administration Building
- Campus Student Life: (906) 635-2236, 650 W. Easterday Ave., Sault Ste. Marie, MI 49783, Cisler Center, Room 125
- Campus Housing: (906) 635-2411, 650 W. Easterday Ave., Sault Ste. Marie, MI 49783, Cisler Center, Room 125
- Counseling Center: (906) 635-2752, 623 W. Easterday Ave., Sault Ste. Marie, MI 49783, Counseling Center
- Student Health Center: (906) 635-2110, 621 W. Easterday Ave., Sault Ste. Marie, MI 49783, Health Care Center
- Student Against Sexual Assault: Campus Student Life, (906) 635-2236, 650 W. Easterday Ave., Sault Ste. Marie, MI 49783, Cisler Center, Room 125
- Dianne Peppler Center (Advocacy/Women’s Shelter): (906) 635-0566, PO Box 698, Sault Ste. Marie, MI 49783
- War Memorial Hospital Emergency Department: (906) 635-4460, 500 Osborn Blvd., Sault Ste. Marie, MI 49783
- Sault Ste. Marie Police: (906) 632-5745, 225 East Portage Ave., Sault Ste. Marie, MI 49783
- Emergency: 911
- U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights, Regional Office, 1350 Euclid Avenue, Suite 325, Cleveland, OH 44115, (216) 522-4970, FAX: (216) 522-2573, Email: [email protected]
- U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights, Lyndon Baines Johnson Department of Education Building, 400 Maryland Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20202-1100, Telephone: (800) 421-3481, FAX: (202) 453-6012; TDD: (800) 877-8339, Email: [email protected]
- Michigan Department of Civil Rights, Marquette Office, 234 W. Baraga Avenue, Marquette, MI 49855, (906) 226-6393, FAX: (906) 226-3974
- Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), Detroit Field Office, Patrick V. McNamara Building, 477 Michigan Avenue, Room 865, Detroit, MI 48226, 800-669-4000, FAX: (313) 226-4610, TDD: (800) 669-6820
In accordance with local health codes, shoes and shirts are to be worn in the dining rooms, academic areas and public buildings.
The possession, use, sale, distribution or manufacture of any illegal or controlled substance is prohibited at all University events and in any building or property owned and/or facilitated by LSSU. Violators will be subject to disciplinary and/or legal action (including arrest), which may result in dismissal from Lake Superior State University.
FERPA (Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act)
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), also known as the “Buckley Amendment”, is a federal law which provides that Colleges and Universities will maintain the confidentiality of student educational records. The law basically states that no one outside the University shall have access to students’ educational records nor will the University disclose any information from those records without the written consent of students. There are exceptions, such as allowing certain personnel within the University with a legitimate educational interest to see the records, or releasing the records in an emergency in order to protect the health or safety of students or other persons.
Under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, the University can release directory information about you without your prior authorization. LSSU considers the following directory information: name, address, telephone number, email address, place of birth, enrollment status (e.g., undergraduate or graduate, full-time or part-time) major field of study, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, height and weight of members of the athletic teams, dates of attendance, degrees, honors and awards received (including scholarships), and most recent previous educational agency or institution attended by the student.
You have the right to refuse to permit the release of any or all of your directory information. If you would like to prohibit or restrict the use of your information, please complete and sign a Directory Restriction Request and submit it to the Registrar’s Office.
Word of Warning: When you restrict your name, you are telling us that you do not want us to acknowledge you as a student in any way. Your name will not appear in any official University publications nor will we be able to verify your enrollment to any outside source. This also means we will not be able to provide service to you by telephone, nor will we be able to help you in person without proper picture identification. A restriction that you place on your record remains in place until you request, in writing, that the restriction be removed.
If you do not want your directory information to be included in the Student Directory that LSSU publishes each year, your written request needs to be received before the end of the sixth day of the fall semester.
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords students certain rights with respect to their education records. They are:
The right to inspect and review the student’s education records within 45 days of the day the University receives a request for access. Students should submit to the Registrar, head of the academic department, or other appropriate official, written requests that identify the record(s) they wish to inspect. The University official will make arrangements for access and notify the student of the time and place where the records may be inspected. If the records are not maintained by the University official to whom the request was submitted, that official shall advise the student of the correct official to whom the request should be addressed.
The right to request amendment of the student’s education records that the student believes are inaccurate or misleading. Students may ask the University amend a record that they believe is inaccurate or misleading. They should write the University official responsible for the record, clearly identify the part of the record they want changed, and specify why it is inaccurate or misleading.
If the University decides not to amend the record as requested by the student, the University will notify the student of the decision and advise the student of his or her right to a hearing regarding the request for amendment. Additional information regarding the hearing procedures will be provided to the student when notified of the right to a hearing.
The right to consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information contained in the student’s education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent. One exception which permits disclosure without consent is disclosure to school officials with legitimate educational interests. A school official is a person employed by the University in an administrative, supervisory, academic or research, or support staff position (including law enforcement unit personnel and health staff); a person or company with whom the University has contracted (such as an attorney, auditor, or collection agent); a person serving on the Board of Trustees; or a student serving on an official committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance committee, or assisting another school official in performing his or her tasks.
A school official has a legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review an education record in order to fulfill his or her professional responsibility.
The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by Lake Superior State University to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The name and address of the Office that administers FERPA is:
Family Policy Compliance Office – U.S. Department of Education – 400 Maryland Avenue, SW – Washington, DC 20202
Financial Obligations
Your fees, loans, fines, driving and parking penalties, etc., are your responsibility and must be paid when due. Delay in meeting your financial obligations means that you may face all or some of the following consequences: your transcripts may be withheld, you may not be able to register for future semesters, your registration may be canceled for the current semester, you may be denied financial aid, and, in severe cases, you may face legal action from an outside agency (including the state of Michigan).
Firearms, Explosives and Weapons (See Official Weapons Policy below)
You are allowed to bring firearms and weapons to campus for classroom and sporting purposes. However, having a weapon on campus is a serious responsibility and you must follow these guidelines to ensure everyone’s safety. Please see complete guidelines below.
If you bring a weapon to campus, you must register it immediately with the Public Safety Office in the Administration Building. This includes all firearms, ammunition, bows, arrows, knives, paint-ball guns, BB and pellet-type guns, and any other dangerous weapons. Information regarding manufacturer, caliber, model and serial number will be needed to register firearms, as well as a safety inspection certificate.
All weapons and ammunition must be stored in the designated area by the Public Safety Office and may not be stored anywhere else on campus. Any exceptions to this policy, such as weapons used in class (including any criminal justice student activity), must be authorized by the Public Safety Office.
You should provide a lock to secure the locker in which your weapon will be stored. Weapons may be removed or returned at any time. Student IDs are required when checking out weapons. Firearms and ammunition must never be taken to any room or apartment. Cleaning firearms is permitted only in the designated area set by the Public Safety Office.
Explosives, firecrackers, concealed weapons and similar items are not permitted on campus, except by a certified law enforcement officer in accordance with their duties.
Any failure to comply with these regulations will result in severe disciplinary action and/or dismissal from Lake Superior State University, as well as possible criminal prosecution.
Lake Superior State University – Gender-Based Discrimination and Sexual Misconduct Policy – Policy Number: 1.5.2 – Interim Policy – Effective: July 1, 2015
- Policy Statement
- Members of the Lake Superior State University campus community are entitled to an educational and working environment free of all forms of gender-based discrimination and sexual misconduct. All members of the campus community are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that does not infringe upon the rights of others. When an allegation of prohibited conduct, as later defined, is brought to an appropriate responsible employee’s attention and a responding party is found to have violated this policy, sanctions will be used to reasonably make sure similar actions do not occur in the future.
- This policy applies to all Lake Superior State University students, faculty, staff, administrators, board members, consultants, vendors, others engaged to do business with the University, guests and visitors (collectively or individually referred to as “covered individuals,” as defined in the policy). The policy also applies to other third parties under circumstances within the University’s control.
- This policy is intended to define community expectations, to establish a process for determining when those expectations have been violated, and to set guidelines for follow up and action, as appropriate. The University is committed to providing safe opportunities for concerns to be reported, appropriately investigated, the taking of appropriate action to end prohibited conduct, to educate and increase awareness in order to prevent the reoccurrence of prohibited conduct, and to remedy the impact on the campus community.
- Summary of Policy
- This summary highlights key parts of this policy for easy reference.
- The University has obligations under Title IX, a federal law that prohibits gender-based discrimination in education. The law requires that sexual misconduct must be reported and investigated and that follow up action be taken. The full policy language provides greater detail.
- Gender-based discrimination includes sexual misconduct. Sexual misconduct includes non-consensual sexual contact with others.
- Consent is given when each person in a sexual situation articulates an affirmative decision to engage in sexual activity. Consent is not body language or dress: The way a person dresses or looks is not consent. Consent is not silence: If a person does not verbally say “no” it does not mean they are saying “yes” – only “yes” means “yes.” Consent is not a dating relationship or previous sexual activity; a current or prior relationship does not constitute consent. Consent to one behavior does not mean consent has been given to other behaviors. Consent cannot be given by a person who is incapacitated or unconscious, asleep or under the age of sixteen (16). Consent cannot be given under threat or coercion. Consent is only a conscious, articulated, affirmative decision.
- Compliance with the law states that employees, faculty and staff, have a duty to report sexual misconduct. If you know, or reasonably should know, of sexual misconduct you are expected to report it, since the University has an obligation to promptly investigate and take appropriate action. When reports are made the University is able to provide assistance to individuals affected by sexual misconduct and also helps ensure the safety of the campus community.
- Reports should be made to the Title IX Coordinator at (906) 635-2213. Reports may also be made to Public Safety, Student Life, the Provost’s Office, your immediate supervisor or a faculty member. As responsible employees, with a duty to report, these individuals or offices will forward reports to the Title IX Coordinator.
- Definitions
- Prohibited Conduct: Prohibited conduct includes sexual and gender based discrimination, sexual and gender-based harassment, sexual assault, non-consensual sexual contact, sexual exploitation, stalking, cyber stalking, intimate partner violence, retaliation, and prohibited relationships by persons in authority. The University will treat attempts to commit any prohibited conduct as if those attempts had been completed.
- Sexual or Gender Based Discrimination: This prohibited conduct includes any distinction, preference, advantage for, detriment to, or adverse treatment of an individual compared to others that is based on that individual’s actual or perceived gender, gender identity, genetic information, marital status, pregnancy, sex or sexual orientation. This policy covers sexual and gender based discrimination in employment and in access to educational opportunities. Discrimination against any employee, applicant for employment, student or applicant for admission is prohibited.
- Sexual and Gender Based Harassment: This prohibited conduct includes any unwelcome sexual advance, request for sexual favors, or other unwelcome verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when (1) submission to or rejection of such conduct is made, either explicitly or implicitly, a term or condition of an individual’s employment, evaluation of academic work, or participation in any aspect of a University program or activity; or (2) submission to or rejection of such conduct is used as a basis for decisions affecting the individual; or (3) such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s work or academic performance. (For example, the conduct forms a pattern, is sufficiently serious, pervasive or persistent as to create an intimidating, hostile, humiliating, demeaning, or sexually offensive working, academic, residential, or social environment under both a subjective and objective standard.) A single isolated incident of sexual harassment may create a hostile environment if the incident is sufficiently severe. The more severe the conduct, the less need there is to show a pattern or a repetitive series of incidents to create a hostile environment, particularly if the harassment is physical. This also includes gender-based harassment, which may include acts of verbal, non-verbal, or physical aggression, intimidation, or hostility based on sex or sex stereotyping, even if those acts do not involve conduct of a sexual nature.
- Sexual Assault: This prohibited conduct includes having or attempting to have sexual intercourse, or to engage in other forms of sexual activity such as inappropriate touching, with another individual (1) by force or threat of force; (2) without consent; or (3) where the individual is incapacitated and lacks capacity to give affirmative consent. Sexual intercourse includes vaginal or anal penetration, however slight, with a body part (e.g. penis, tongue, finger, hand) or object, or oral penetration involving mouth to genital contact.
- 4. Non-Consensual Sexual Contact: This prohibited conduct includes having sexual or intimate or socially unacceptable contact with another individual (1) without affirmative consent; (2) by force or by threat of force; and / or (3) when that individual is incapacitated and lacks capacity to give affirmative consent. For example, sexual contact includes, but is not limited to, intentional contact with the intimate parts of another, causing another to touch one’s intimate parts, or disrobing or exposure of another without permission, or other contact of a sexual or intimate nature. Intimate parts may include the breasts, genitals, buttocks, groin, mouth, legs, back, or any other part of the body that is touched in a sexual manner.
- Sexual Exploitation: This prohibited conduct includes taking non-consensual or abusive sexual advantage of another for one’s own advantage or benefit, or to benefit anyone other than the one being exploited. Examples of sexual exploitation include, but are not limited to: (1) surreptitiously observing another individual’s nudity or sexual activity or allowing another to observe consensual sexual activity without the knowledge and consent of all parties involved; (2) non-consensual sharing or streaming of images, photography, video, or audio recording of sexual activity or nudity, or distribution of such without the knowledge and consent of all parties involved; (3) exposing one’s genitals or inducing another to expose their own genitals in non-consensual circumstances; (4) knowingly exposing another individual to a sexually transmitted disease or virus without their knowledge; (5) sexually-based bullying; and (6) inducing incapacitation for the purpose of making another person vulnerable to non-consensual sexual activity.
- Stalking: This prohibited conduct includes physical or verbal conduct (generally demonstrated by two or more events) directed at another individual in a manner that could be reasonably regarded as likely to alarm, intimidate, control, coerce, harass, cause fear of harm or injury to that person or to a third party. The feared harm or injury may be physical, emotional, psychological, or related to the personal safety, property, education, or employment of the individual. For example, failure to comply with a no contact order may be construed as stalking behavior.
- Cyber-Stalking: This prohibited conduct is stalking through the use of electronic media such as the Internet, social networks, blogs, cell phones, texts, or other similar devices or forms of contact are used as the manner of contact.
- Intimate Partner Violence: This prohibited conduct includes violence towards an intimate partner (also known as dating violence, domestic violence or relationship violence) which includes any act of violence or threatened act of violence against a person who is, or has been, involved in a sexual, dating, domestic or other intimate relationship with the responding party. Intimate partner violence can encompass a broad range of behavior including, but not limited to, physical violence, sexual violence, emotional violence, and economic abuse. It may involve one act or an ongoing pattern of behavior. Intimate partner violence may take the form of threats, assault, property damage, violence or threat of violence to one’s self, one’s sexual or romantic partner, or to the family members or friends of the sexual or romantic partner. Sexual harassment, sexual assault, sexual exploitation, harm to others, stalking, and retaliation may all be forms of intimate partner violence.
- Retaliation: This prohibited conduct includes actions, behaviors, words, or attempts to take adverse action against the reporting party, responding party, or any individual or group of individuals because of their good faith complaint or participation in an investigation or resolution of an allegation of prohibited conduct. Retaliation can be committed by an individual or group of individuals, including, but not limited to a reporting party or responding party. Retaliation can take many forms, including threats, harassment, intimidation, pressuring, continued abuse, violence, or other forms of harm to others. Retaliation has significant potential to interfere with a person’s ability to file a complaint or participate in an investigation, and to interfere with or limit the University’s ability to investigate, stop, prevent and remedy allegations of prohibited conduct, such that any allegations of retaliation will be assessed and promptly investigated.
- Prohibited Relationships by Persons in Authority: This prohibited conduct includes sexual or other intimate relationships between persons occupying asymmetrical positions of power (or perceived positions of power), even when both consent. Such relationships raise suspicions that the person in authority has violated the standards of professional conduct. Romantic or sexual relationships between individuals in unequal positions may be less consensual than perceived by the individual whose position confers power. Therefore, relationships in which one party maintains a direct supervisory or evaluative role over another party are prohibited. In general, this includes all sexual or other intimate relationships between students and their employers, supervisors, professors, coaches, advisors, or other non-student University personnel. Similarly, University employees who supervise or otherwise hold positions of authority over others are prohibited from having a sexual or other intimate relationship with an individual under their direct supervision. The effect of such a relationship may render an individual’s work, academic, or social environment intimidating, offensive, or hostile. Persons with direct supervisory or evaluative responsibilities who contemplate beginning or are involved in such relationships are required to promptly (1) discontinue any supervising role or relationship over the person; and (2) report the circumstances to their direct supervisor. This includes RAs and students over whom they have direct responsibility.
- Covered Individuals: This policy applies to all Lake Superior State University students, faculty, staff, administrators, board members, consultants, vendors, others engaged to do business with the University, guests and visitors (collectively or individually covered individuals). The policy also applies to other third parties under circumstances within the University’s control.
- Title IX Coordinator or designee: The term Title IX Coordinator or designee (TIXC) refers to University employees designated as the Title IX Coordinator, Deputy Title IX Coordinator, Assistant Title IX Coordinator, and may also refer to those employees designated to investigate, review or adjudicate complaints, allegations and appeals based on this policy. These individuals participate in mandatory training.
- Student: The term student or students includes all persons taking one or more courses at Lake Superior State University. This includes both full-time and part-time students taking undergraduate, graduate, professional studies, or continuing education courses. Anyone who withdraws from the University after a charge for an alleged violation of this policy, or who is not officially enrolled for a particular term, is still considered a student if they have a continuing relationship with the University as a student. For example, a student who is on a summer break or a student on a leave of absence, remains identified as a student under this policy. Student also refers to any student who is visiting the University from another school, college or university.
- Responsible Employees: The term responsible employee refers to (1) any employee who has the authority to take action to redress the prohibited conduct; (2) any employee who has the duty to officially report prohibited conduct by students or employees; or (3) any employee a student could reasonably believe has the authority or responsibility to take action (such as a member of staff or faculty). A responsible employee has a duty to report a violation.
- Confidential Employee: A confidential employee is a campus or community professional who, when acting in the capacity of his or her professional role (the role for which they are actively employed in by the University), can hold a legally-privileged conversation. For example, a licensed nurse employed by the university as a licensed nurse in a caregiver capacity is a confidential employee. However, a licensed nurse who is employed by the university in a non-caregiver capacity is not a confidential employee (since they are not employed as a clinical care giver); this person is a responsible employee with a duty to report.
- These individuals include those employees who are actively employed by the University as medical providers, mental health professionals, ordained clergy/pastoral counselors, or rape crisis counselors. Confidential employees are prohibited from breaking confidentiality without express permission of the individual seeking services, unless there is an imminent threat of harm to self or others or the conduct involves suspected abuse of a minor.
- If you believe a reporting party or person seeking advice or assistance erroneously considers you to be a confidential employee (and you are not officially employed in such a role), you have a duty to inform that person that, in your role, you are not a confidential employee. You must let them know you have a legal duty to report.
- When a report involves suspected abuse of a minor under the age of 18, these confidential employees are required by state law to notify child protective services and/or local law enforcement.
- Privacy: All University employees who are involved in LSSU’s Title IX response, including the Title IX Coordinator, Deputy Title IX Coordinator, Assistant Title IX Coordinator, and Title IX Investigators, receive instruction about respecting and safeguarding private information. Throughout the process, every effort will be made to protect the privacy interests of all individuals involved in a manner consistent with the need for a thorough review of the report. Information related to the report of prohibited conduct will only be shared with a small circle of individuals on a need to know basis. The use of this information is limited to those University employees who are directly involved in the resolution of a report under this policy. While not bound by legally-privileged confidentiality, these individuals will be discreet and respect the privacy of all individuals involved in the process. Reporting and responding parties are asked to keep details private. Privacy violations may result in corrective action. Reporting, responding parties and witnesses are not restricted from sharing or discussion information related to a complaint or allegation with others who may support them or assist them during an investigation process.
- Confidentiality: Confidentiality means that information shared by an individual with designated campus or community professionals cannot be revealed to any other individual without express permission of the individual (for example, a licensed therapist employed by the University to serve as a licensed therapist). Those campus and community professionals who are employed by the University to perform such functions, can hold legally-privileged conversations recognized by law, this includes: medical providers, health care providers, mental health professionals, ordained clergy/pastoral counselors, and rape crisis counselors. These individuals are prohibited from breaking confidentiality without express permission of the individual seeking services, unless there is an imminent threat of harm to self or others, or the conduct involves suspected abuse of a minor. When a report involves suspected abuse of a minor under the age of 18, these confidential resources are required by state law to notify child protective services and/or local law enforcement.
- Reporting Party: Any person, including a visitor, may initiate a complaint. The University may initiate a complaint on its own initiative. The reporting party is the person who reports an event, is the subject of prohibited conduct, the person who files a complaint or the person who makes an allegation. The University reserves the right to take action or pursue a complaint even if criminal charges are pending, reduced, or dismissed. All complaints shall be referred to the University’s Title IX Coordinator (TIXC) or Deputy Title IX Coordinator (DTIXC), who can assist in supporting the reporting party, identifying university and external reporting options, and implementing reasonably available interim measures.
- Responding Party: Any person, including a visitor, may be named in a complaint or an allegation. The responding party is the person or persons about whom a complaint is filed, an allegation is made, or are named in a report of prohibited conduct.
- Location of Prohibited Conduct: This policy applies to prohibited conduct that (1) takes place on or near any LSSU campus or LSSU location; (2) takes place in the context of any educational program or any activity supported by or sponsored by the University, regardless of location; (3) takes place in the context of any service learning activities, study abroad program, internship programs, or community program in which the University participates; (4) takes place between persons where the reporting party or responding party are members of the LSSU community, regardless of location; or, (5) takes place off-campus when the conduct has continuing adverse effects on any person’s participation in any on campus or off-campus education program or activity.
- Timing of Prohibited Conduct: This policy may be applied to conduct that takes place from the time a person applies for admission as a student and continues while the person maintains a continuing relationship with the University as a student, including semester breaks and the periods between semesters. For faculty, staff, administrators, and other non-student covered individuals, this policy may be applied to conduct that takes place from the time the person accepts employment at the University, or initiates a relationship with the University, and continues as long as the individual maintains that relationship with the University. This policy covers conduct that occurs during the time a person has a relationship with the University, and is applicable even if a report or allegation is filed after a person leaves or severs their relationship with the University, so long as the reported violation occurred during the time the responding party had a relationship with the University. For example, if a student transfers to another university or if an employee resigns, any allegation of misconduct reported for behavior while that person was with the University continues to be covered by this policy.
- Online Conduct: Online and/or social media conduct may also violate this policy if the conduct meets the definition of any form of prohibited conduct. Blogs, web page entries on sites such as Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter and other similar online postings are in the public sphere and are not private. Therefore, these postings can be subject to allegations of conduct violations. The University does not regularly search for information but may take action if and when such information is brought to the attention of University officials.
- Consent, Force, Coercion, and Incapacitation: For all forms of prohibited conduct covered by this policy, the terms consent, force, coercion, and incapacitation are defined as follows:
- Consent: Consent consists of an affirmative, conscious decision by each participant to engage in mutually agreed-upon sexual activity. Participants must act freely and voluntarily and have knowledge of the nature of the act or transaction involved. The following are essential elements of consent: (1) Informed and reciprocal. All parties must demonstrate a clear and mutual understanding of the nature and scope of the act to which they are consenting and a willingness to do the same thing, at the same time, in the same way; (2) Freely and actively given. Consent must be an affirmative action or communication that is freely, actively and voluntarily given. Consent cannot be obtained through the use of force, coercion, threats or intimidation, or by taking advantage of the incapacitation of another individual; (3) Mutually understandable. Communication regarding consent consists of mutually understandable words and/or actions that indicate a willingness to engage in sexual activity. Consent must be clearly communicated or outwardly demonstrated; therefore, consent cannot be inferred from silence, passivity, lack of resistance, or lack of active response. An individual’s choice of clothing cannot be considered demonstrated consent to a sexual activity; (4) Not indefinite. Consent may be withdrawn by either party at any time. Withdrawal of consent can be an verbally expressed statement, such as “no” or “stop”, or can be based on an outward demonstration that conveys that an individual is hesitant, confused, uncertain, or is no longer a willing participant; and (5) Is limited. Each participant in a sexual encounter must consent to each form of sexual contact with each participant. Consent to one form of sexual contact does not constitute consent to all forms of sexual contact, nor does consent to one sexual activity with one person constitute consent to activity with any other person.
- Force: Force is the use of, or threat of, physical violence or intimidation to overcome an individual’s freedom of will to choose whether or not to participate in sexual activity. To demonstrate the use of force, the reporting party does not have to resist the sexual advancement or request; however, resistance by the reporting party will be viewed as a clear demonstration of non-consent. Force can include a wide range of behaviors, including, but not limited to intimidation, manipulation, threats, and blackmail. A person’s words or conduct are sufficient to constitute force if they wrongfully impair another individual’s freedom of will and ability to choose whether or not to engage in sexual activity.
- Coercion: Coercion is the improper use of pressure to compel another individual to initiate or continue sexual activity against the individual’s will. Coercion can include a wide range of behaviors, including, but not limited to intimidation, manipulation, threats, and blackmail. A person’s words or conduct are sufficient to constitute coercion if they wrongfully impair another individual’s freedom of will and ability to choose whether or not to engage in sexual activity.
- Incapacitation: Incapacitation is a state during which an individual lacks the ability (mentally or physically) to make an informed and rational decision to engage in sexual activity because the individual lacks conscious knowledge of the nature of the act (e.g. to understand the who, what, when, where, why, or how of the sexual interaction) and/or is physically helpless. Incapacitation may result from the use of alcohol, medication, and/or drugs. The impact of alcohol and drugs varies from person to person. Alcohol consumption, medication usage, and/or use of other drugs can affect a person’s ability to consent. To determine whether a party should have known about the incapacitation, consider the position of a sober, reasonable person. Being intoxicated or impaired by drugs, medication, or alcohol is never an excuse for failing to obtain consent from another person. An individual is also considered incapacitated, and therefore unable to give consent, when asleep, unconscious, or otherwise unaware that sexual activity is occurring. Incapacitation may also exist because of a mental or developmental disability that impairs the ability to consent to sexual contact.
- Policy Violations
- Engaging in any prohibited conduct, as defined in this policy, is a policy violation and a deemed violation of the university community standards. Violations should be reported, in accordance with this policy, and will be reviewed and investigated, in accordance with this policy. Specific examples of behaviors that may violate this policy are provided below.
- Physical Contact: Prohibited conduct includes unwelcome, non-consensual touching, sexual assault, physical assault, and/or impeding, restraining, or blocking movements.
- Verbal Contact: Prohibited conduct includes unwelcome derogatory comments, epithets, slurs or humor, verbal abuse of a sexual nature, graphic verbal commentaries, sexually degrading or other degrading words used to describe an individual, language designed to control or intimidate others, and/or suggestive or obscene letters, notes, or invitations.
- Visual Contact: Prohibited conduct includes leering, making sexual gestures, displaying of suggestive objects or pictures, cartoon or posters in a public space or forum, or severe, persistent, or pervasive visual displays of suggestive, erotic, or degrading sexually oriented images that do not serve a legitimate educational purpose.
- Written Contact: Prohibited conduct includes letters, notes, or communications (whether written, printed, electronic or in other form) containing comments, words or images in a public space or forum, or severe, persistent, or pervasive written displays of suggestive, erotic, or degrading sexually oriented images that do not serve a legitimate educational purpose.
- Quid Pro Quo Conduct: Prohibited conduct includes direct propositions of a sexual nature between those for whom a power imbalance or supervisory or other authority relationship exists, offering employment benefits in exchange for sexual favors, making submission to sexual advances an actual or implied condition of employment, work status, promotion, grades, or letters of recommendation, including subtle pressure for sexual activity, an element of which may be repeated requests for private meetings with no academic or work purpose, or making or threatening reprisals after a negative response to sexual advances.
- Prohibited conduct may be evident based on these examples or it may be evident based on other behaviors not explicitly mentioned in this policy, however, which clearly violate the intent of this policy.
- Reporting of Policy Violations
- Any person, at any time, may report a concern to the Title IX Coordinator or designee, to Public Safety, to a responsible employee, who in turn will report to the Title IX Coordinator or designee.
- All University responsible employees (faculty, staff, and administrators) are expected to report actual or suspected violations of this policy to the TIXC / DTIXC. Failure of a non-confidential employee to report an incident or incidents of prohibited conduct is a violation of this policy.
- Reporting parties can expect to have complaints followed up on by the University when reported, and to have those incidents investigated and resolved through the procedures within this policy.
- Responding parties can expect to be provided notice of allegations and shall have an opportunity to respond to the allegations before a determination is made.
- Complaint information may be shared with investigators, witnesses, the responding party, and appropriate university officials on an as needed basis. Employees with access to this information are required to respect the privacy of those involved.
- Responsible Employee Duties
- Responsible Employees are required by the University to share known details of an incident, the names of the parties involved, and a brief description of the incident with the TIXC or designee in person, by telephone, or by email. This connects a reporting party to information and resources and enables the University to take appropriate action to eliminate, prevent, and address prohibited conduct.
- Reporting Options
- All individuals are encouraged to promptly report conduct that may violate this Policy to the University. In addition, all individuals are encouraged to report conduct that may also violate criminal law to both the University and local law enforcement. These processes are not mutually exclusive. Any University student, employee, or third party who seeks to make a complaint or report may (1) make an internal complaint to the TIXC; (2) contact Public Safety for assistance in filing a criminal complaint or preserving physical evidence; and/or (3) contact local law enforcement to file a criminal complaint. Reporting parties may pursue some or all of these steps at the same time; and/or (4) contact a responsible employee. Reports made to a responsible employee (other than the TIXC) will in turn be forwarded by that responsible employee to the TIXC.
- Constructive Notice: An individual has received constructive notice of prohibited conduct when the individual knew or should have known about the prohibited conduct. Therefore, an individual or responsible employee cannot avoid reporting obligations by deliberately choosing to avoid hearing or learning about the potential prohibited conduct. If an individual believes they may have received constructive notice, that individual has an obligation to report this to the TIXC / DTIXC for follow up.
- Timeliness and Location of Incident: All individuals are encouraged to report prohibited conduct as soon as possible in order to maximize the University’s ability to respond promptly and effectively. Promptly, as referred to within this policy, generally indicates an action that is taken within 24 hours. However, no victim or recipient of prohibited conduct is forced to report if they are not comfortable or ready to do so. If the responding party is not a member of the Lake Superior State University community at the time of the report, the University will still seek to meet its Title IX obligations by providing reasonably available support for the reporting party, but its ability to investigate and/or take action may be limited. The University will assist a reporting party in identifying external reporting options.
- Coordination of Reporting: The University will share information as appropriate and as needed, to be in compliance with other regulatory requirements, such as those enumerated by the Clery Act and VAWA. Such coordination is the responsibility of the TIXC or designee.
- Amnesty for Alcohol and Other Drug Use
- Lake Superior State University encourages the reporting of prohibited conduct under this policy. It is in the best interest of the campus community that as many individuals as possible choose to report and that witnesses come forward to share what they know.
- To encourage reporting, individuals who in good faith report conduct prohibited by this policy, either as a reporting party or a witness, will not be subject to disciplinary action by the University for their own personal consumption of alcohol or drugs at or near the time of the incident, provided that any such violations did not and do not place the health or safety of any other person at risk.
- The University may initiate non-punitive remedies, such as attendance at an educational session.
- Investigation and Appeal
- When a report is made, the Title IX Coordinator or designee will conduct an initial assessment and determine whether an informal or a formal investigation is required. If the matter can be resolved with an informal approach and an informal approach is warranted given the facts of the case and the safety interest of the University community, this may be done.
- The University will take steps to investigate and respond to complaints consistent with a reporting parties request for privacy. The University’s ability to respond may be limited by such a request. However, privacy does not take primacy over protecting an individual or the campus community from harm. Parties are notified in writing of the complaint and have an opportunity to respond.
- After completion of an investigation, findings are reviewed and a determination with sanctions or remedies, if appropriate, is made. Parties are notified of their rights to appeal the determination, sanctions or remedies.
- Conflicts of interests or perceived conflicts of interest involving investigators and others involved during the resolution of a complaint or allegation should be brought to the attention of the TIXC, or designee, as soon as possible.
- Details regarding the process followed for an investigation are addressed by the Misconduct and Prohibited Conduct Investigation Policy (Interim Policy #1.5.3.).
- Coordination and Cooperation with Law Enforcement
- The University encourages reporting parties and responding parties to pursue their rights under Michigan law regarding claims of prohibited conduct that may also violate state law. The University will offer assistance to involved parties by directing them to law enforcement agencies regarding criminal reports and cooperate with these law enforcement agencies. A reporting party has the right to notify, or decline to notify, law enforcement.
- At the request of law enforcement, the University may agree to defer its Title IX fact gathering until after the initial stages of a criminal investigation. The University will nevertheless communicate with the reporting party regarding Title IX rights, procedural options, and the implementation of interim measures to assure safety and well-being. The University will promptly resume its Title IX fact gathering as soon as it is informed that law enforcement has completed its initial investigation.
- Reports Involving Minors or Suspected Child Abuse
- Under federal and Michigan law, certain school administrators, school counselors, and school teachers are required to file a report of suspected child abuse when they have reasonable cause to suspect abuse or neglect. University employees are also required to report, in good faith, suspected criminal acts against minors to the Lake Superior State University Department of Public Safety. The source of the suspected crime does not need to be known in order to file a good faith report.
- It is not the responsibility of any employee, student, or volunteer to investigate suspected child abuse or other criminal acts; rather, this is the role of the Michigan Department of Human Services (DHS) and law enforcement authorities. Confidential employees are also required to report to the DHS.
- Interim Measures
- Upon receipt of a report, the University will impose reasonably available interim measures designed to protect the parties involved. The provision of interim measures may be imposed at any time regardless of whether the reporting party or University is seeking disciplinary action. Interim measures are initiated based on information gathered during a report and are not intended to be permanent resolutions; hence, they may be amended or withdrawn as additional information is gathered.
- The Title IX Coordinator and/or Title IX Investigator, in consultation with other administrators, will maintain consistent contact with the parties so that safety (physical and emotional) concerns can be reasonably addressed.
- Interim measures will be kept private to the extent that maintaining that privacy does not impair the ability of the University to provide the interim measures. Interim measures are provided, to the extent possible, with no cost or undue burden to the reporting party.
- Specific interim measures implemented and the process for implementing those measures will be case and fact specific. Lake Superior State University will consider the following factors in determining which interim measures to take: (1) the specific needs expressed by the reporting party; (2) the age of the individuals involved; (3) the severity or pervasiveness of the allegations; (4) any continuing effects on the reporting party; (5) whether the reporting party and responding party share the same residence hall, dining hall, class, transportation, or job location; and (6) whether other judicial measures have been taken to protect the reporting party (e.g. civil protection orders). Interim measures will be imposed in a way that minimizes the burden on the reporting party to the extent possible, while still balancing the rights of the responding party.
- Communication and Education
- The University is committed to the prevention of prohibited conduct through education and awareness programs. Prevention and education programs include an overview of the University’s policies and procedures, relevant definitions, including prohibited conduct, discussion of the impact of alcohol, medication, and illegal drug use, effective consent, safe and positive options for bystander intervention, and information about risk reduction.
- Incoming first year students and new employees will receive primary prevention and awareness training as part of orientation.
- All educational programs include a review of resources and reporting options available for students, faculty, and staff.
- Publication of Policy
- As part of the University’s commitment to provide an educational and work environment free of prohibited conduct, this policy will be disseminated widely to the University community through email communication, publications, websites, new employee orientations, student orientations, and other appropriate channels of communication.
- References
- Overview of Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972: On June 23, 1972, the President signed Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, 20 U.S.C. §1681 et seq., into law. Title IX is a comprehensive federal law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in any federally funded education program or activity. The principal objective of Title IX is to avoid the use of federal money to support sex discrimination in education programs and to provide individual citizens effective protection against those practices. Title IX applies to federally funded education programs or activities. In addition to traditional educational institutions such as colleges, universities, and elementary and secondary schools, Title IX also applies to any education or training program operated by a recipient of federal financial assistance. The Department of Education has issued regulations on the requirements of Title IX, 34 C.F.R. § 106.1 et seq. The Title IX common rule published on August 30, 2000 covers education program providers/recipients that are funded by other federal agencies. Additional compliance requirements are published by the Department of Education in the form of as periodically issued “Dear Colleague Letters” which provide regulatory guidance. This policy takes guidance from “Dear Colleague Letters” and from the Association of Title IX Administrators.
- Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013 (VAWA): VAWA, enacted on March 7, 2013, improves and expands legal tools and grant programs addressing domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking. VAWA 2013 reauthorizes critical grant programs created by the original Violence Against Women Act and subsequent legislation, establishes new programs, and strengthens Federal laws.
- Clery Act: The federal Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (Clery Act). 20 U.S.C. § 1902(f), requires colleges and universities, both public and private, participating in federal student aid programs, to disclose campus safety information, and imposes certain basic requirements for handling incidents of sexual violence and emergency situations. Disclosures about crime statistics and summaries of security policies are made once a year in an Annual Security Report (ASR) and information about specific crimes and emergencies is made publicly available on an ongoing basis throughout the year. Requirements for implementing the Clery Act are contained in the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations at 34 C.F.R. 668.46.
- Resources
- Title IX Coordinator(s): Kate Bergel, Title IX Coordinator; Allison Orr, Deputy Title IX Coordinator; (906) 635-2213, 650 W. Easterday Ave., Sault Ste. Marie, MI 49783, Administration Building, Room 114
- EEOC Officer: Kate Bergel, Director of Human Resources; (906) 635-2213, 650 W. Easterday Ave., Sault Ste. Marie, MI 49783, Administration Building, Room 114
- Campus Public Safety: (906) 635-2100, 650 W. Easterday Ave., Sault Ste. Marie, MI 49783, Administration Building
- Campus Student Life: (906) 635-2236, 650 W. Easterday Ave., Sault Ste. Marie, MI 49783, Cisler Center, Room 125
- Campus Housing: (906) 635-2411, 650 W. Easterday Ave., Sault Ste. Marie, MI 49783, Cisler Center, Room 125
- Counseling Center: (906) 635-2752, 623 W. Easterday Ave., Sault Ste. Marie, MI 49783, Counseling Center
- Student Health Center: (906) 635-2110, 621 W. Easterday Ave., Sault Ste. Marie, MI 49783, Health Care Center
- Student Against Sexual Assault: Campus Student Life, (906) 635-2236, 650 W. Easterday Ave., Sault Ste. Marie, MI 49783, Cisler Center, Room 125
- Dianne Peppler Center (Advocacy/Women’s Shelter): (906) 635-0566, PO Box 698, Sault Ste. Marie, MI 49783
- War Memorial Hospital ER: (906) 635-4460, 500 Osborn Blvd., Sault Ste. Marie, MI 49783
- Sault Ste. Marie Police: (906) 632-5745, 225 East Portage Ave., Sault Ste. Marie, MI 49783
- Emergency: 911 (if on campus 9911)
- U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights, Regional Office, 1350 Euclid Avenue, Suite 325, Cleveland, OH 44115, (216) 522-4970, FAX: (216) 522-2573, Email: [email protected]
- U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights, Lyndon Baines Johnson Department of Education Building, 400 Maryland Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20202-1100, Telephone: (800) 421-3481, FAX: (202) 453-6012; TDD: (800) 877-8339, Email: [email protected]
- Michigan Department of Civil Rights, Marquette Office, 234 W. Baraga Avenue, Marquette, MI 49855, 906-226-6393, FAX: 906-226-3974
- Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), Detroit Field Office, Patrick V. McNamara Building, 477 Michigan Avenue, Room 865, Detroit, MI 48226, (800) 669-4000, FAX: (313) 226-4610, TDD: (800) 669-6820
- University Commitment
- The University is committed to the protection of the rights of all individuals in the University community and to the elimination of barriers that would prevent individuals from realizing their highest potential.
- All members of the Lake Superior State University community share a responsibility for upholding this policy as we strive to attain our goal of creating a safe community.
Good Samaritan Practice
The welfare of our students is of the highest importance to Lake Superior State University. There will be times when individual students, both on and off campus, may be in critical need of assistance from medical or other professional personnel. LSSU wants to minimize any hesitation that students or student organizations might have in obtaining help due to concern that their own behavior might be a violation of University policy.
While policy violations cannot be overlooked, the University will consider the positive impact of reporting an incident on the welfare of students when determining the appropriate response for policy violations by the reporter of the incident. Any possible negative consequences for the reporter of the problem will be evaluated against the possible negative consequences for the student who needed intervention. At a minimum, LSSU hopes that a student or student organization would make an anonymous report that would put the student in need in touch with professional assistance.
Examples where the Good Samaritan Policy may influence educational sanctions are:
- A female student is reluctant to report that she has been sexually assaulted because she had been smoking marijuana prior to the assault.
- A student is reluctant to call for medical assistance when a friend becomes unconscious following excessive consumption of alcohol because the reporting student is under the age of 21 and was also consuming alcohol.
- A member of a student organization is reluctant to report a possible suicide attempt by a prospective member because prospective members have been required to perform activities that might be considered hazing.
In all three of these examples, a student’s physical and/or psychological well being is in serious jeopardy. Immediate action is required to assist the individual.
If you or someone you know needs help, contact Public Safety at 635-2100 or ext. 2100.
Hazing and Initiation
Policy: No person or group shall conduct hazing activities under any circumstance. Hazing is defined as: “Any intentional, knowing or reckless action taken or situation created, whether on or off campus, to produce mental or physical discomfort, embarrassment, harassment or ridicule. Such activities may include but are not limited to the following: Use of alcohol; paddling in any form; creation of excess fatigue; physical and psychological shocks; inappropriate non-academic quests, treasure hunts, scavenger hunts, road trips or any other such activities either on or off-campus; wearing of public apparel which is conspicuous and not normally in good taste; engaging in public stunts; morally degrading or humiliating games and activities; and any other activity which is not consistent with the regulations and policies of Lake Superior State University, or the State of Michigan and National/International policies.”
Reporting Procedure: Alleged hazing incidents should be immediately reported to the Campus Life Office. With respect to confidentiality, staff will inform the individual(s) of their options. The Campus Life Office may choose to utilize the Student Judiciary Committee and/or Inter-Greek Council in the process of adjudication and or sanctioning. Hazing has no place in an academic community and will be treated severely. Both individuals and organizations involved in hazing will be subject to disciplinary action that may include removal from the institution.
All events for any student organization must be reviewed by the Campus Life Office prior to the event taking place. Any event that takes place without the prior review of the Campus Life Office may result in disciplinary action for the individuals and/or organization.
Indecent Behavior
Public urination and indecent exposure of any means is expressly not allowed on the campus of Lake Superior State University. These behaviors are unacceptable and considered a serious offense.
Information Technology Policy
In order to carry out its educational, research and public services missions, Lake Superior State University (LSSU) strives to create an intellectual environment with access to information resources and technology in which faculty, students and staff may create, work and collaborate with each other and with colleagues at other institutions, without fear that the products of their efforts will be violated by any inappropriate use, taking or destruction.
This policy and the guidelines herein set forth the conditions for the use of information technology resources, including the University Local Area Network (ULAN) computer technology equipment, software and digital media. Lake Superior State University, as a state constitutionally created body, has a public trust to maintain with regard to its mission, activities, services and property. Computing and information resources, services, activities and property must therefore be used by all members of the University community with respect for the public trust through which these state resources are provided.
Access to, and use of, LSSU computing networking and information technology resources is a privilege extended to faculty, students and staff and is subject to compliance with this and other related LSSU policies, rules and regulations; laws; all applicable contracts, including those pertaining to computers and software; and all associated ethical principles and standards adopted by the University community.
Compliance with these provisions is required for continued use and access to information technology resources.
This policy is applicable to all members of the LSSU community whether at the University or off campus and this policy covers all information resources and equipment even if owned by an individual or shared, or networked.
Every individual user who has access to University information technology resources systems and other resources such as services, equipment, and programs is required to protect the rights of the entire University community. Any individual who without authority accesses, appropriates, changes, destroys or tampers in any way with the ULAN system or any University information resources system, equipment or program, or that of a third party, is acting in violation of this policy and prejudices the intellectual environment of the University community. In order to preserve the integrity of the information resources systems and programs, the University will take appropriate action for any violation of its policies, the law or any applicable contract provision. The full range of disciplinary actions, including dismissal and legal action, may be used. Violations will be processed in accordance with University policies, employment contracts and the law.
The following list, while, not exhaustive, provides some examples and guidelines on what constitutes inappropriate, unacceptable or illegal use of information technology, computing and networking resources and would be the just cause for taking disciplinary and/or legal action:
- Destruction of, or damage to, equipment, software, or data belonging to LSSU;
- Disruption of, unauthorized access or seeking such access, or monitoring of electronic communications;
- Violations of computer system security, including menuing systems;
- Unauthorized use of computer accounts, access codes, or network identification numbers assigned to others;
- Use of computer and/or network facilities in ways that may unduly impede the performance of a computer system, or deprive authorized personnel of resources or access to any University computer system resource;
- Use of computing facilities for personal or business purposes unrelated to the mission of the University;
- Violation of University or third party copyrights, patents, licenses, authorizations and contracts;
- Violation of usage policies and regulations of the networks that LSSU is a member of or has authority to use;
- Violation of another user’s privacy;
- Academic dishonesty (plagiarism or cheating);
- Harassment or libelous conduct of other individuals or users as defined by law; and
- Engaging in any action in violation of the law or University policies.
The University considers electronic mail and computer files private to the extent permitted by law. Generally, access requires the permission of the sender or recipient of a message, or the owner of the file, or such access must be based on a court order or some other statutory or legal basis. The law governing the privacy of electronic mail is in a developing stage, and the limits of privacy are not clearly defined. Users of electronic mail should utilize this service with the understanding that such mail may be disclosed without consent because of a statutory provision or a court ruling.
As in the use of other institutional resources, electronic mail should be used for the institutional purposes set forth in this policy related to the community’s need to create, work and collaborate with each other and colleagues in the sharing of knowledge and information related to the mission of the University.
The University reserves the right to monitor its computing resources property to ensure the integrity of the system and compliance with its policies, rights, the law and its contractual agreements. In the course of a University review or investigation for alleged misuse or misconduct, e-mail or files may be locked or copied to prevent destruction or loss of information.
LSSU is not liable for damages of any nature or losses, including lost revenues, or for any claims or demands against the user by any other party. In no event can LSSU be held liable for consequential damages even if LSSU has been advised of the possibility of such damages. LSSU cannot be held responsible for any damages due to the loss of output, loss of data, time delay, system performance, software performance, incorrect advice from a consultant, or any other damages arising from the use of LSSU’s computer facilities.
Requests for the disclosure of information subject to a court order or the provisions of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act or the Freedom of Information Act shall immediately be referred to the designated University employee responsible for processing these inquiries.
Infractions of State Law
Students may be prosecuted under state and local laws pertaining to alcohol consumption, use, possession, manufacture or furnishing to minors. University policy does not supersede such action.
Personal Property Insurance: The University is not liable for the loss of money or valuables by any person or for the loss of, or damage to, any resident’s property, or bodily injury sustained on the premises. Your parents’ homeowners insurance policy may cover private property away from home or you can have a rider attached. If not, you may wish to obtain renters’ insurance.
Medical Marijuana
We are anticipating that there will be some LSSU students who will be registered qualifying users of medical marijuana or registered primary care givers (marijuana growers) for those qualified users. To prepare for the issues involved, we propose the following:
Given the requirements and parameters of several federal laws, the use or possession of marijuana, including marijuana prescribed for medicinal purposes, is not permitted on the campus of Lake Superior State University.
The federal Controlled Substances Act prohibits the possession, manufacturing, dispensing, and distribution of marijuana. The federal Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 and the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendment of 1989 prohibit the use or possession of marijuana on campus. As a condition of receiving funds or any other form of financial assistance under any federal program, an institution of higher education must certify that it has adopted and implemented a program to prevent the possession, use, or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol on campus in order to comply with the Drug-Free Schools and Campuses Regulations. There is no “medical necessity” exception for marijuana under federal law. Federal law supersedes state law where they are in conflict.
Non-Discrimination Policy
It is the policy of Lake Superior State University that no person shall be discriminated against, excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, or otherwise be subjected to discrimination in employment, or in any program or activity for which the University is responsible on the basis of race, color, national origin or ancestry, sex, age, disability, sexual preference, religion, height, weight, marital status or veteran status. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the nondiscrimination policies: Applicants for admission, employment, employees, public and ADA concerns, and students.
Director of Human Resources – Administration Building – Lake Superior State University – Sault Ste. Marie, MI 49783 – (906) 635-2213
Grievance Procedure: The Director of Human Resources is the designated grievance officer for students, applicants for admission, employees, applicants for employment and the public community.
The University encourages individuals to promptly report instances of discrimination and discriminatory harassment. Once the University has been informed of such behavior, it will take timely and appropriate steps to investigate the problem. At any step of the grievance process, time schedules as outlined in the procedure may be outlined in writing. Individuals may discuss concerns they have regarding possible discrimination or harassment with the grievance officer and learn what options are available.
The University not only prohibits discrimination, including harassment, but also strictly prohibits any retaliation against any individual who in good faith has registered a complaint under this procedure. Any supervisor, agent or employee of the University who, after investigation, has been determined to have retaliated against any individual for using the complaint procedure in this policy will be subject to appropriate discipline up to and including immediate discharge. If an employee or student believes he or she has been retaliated against for exercising his or her rights under this policy, this complaint procedure should be used.
All matters discussed in this process will be kept as confidential as possible.
Individuals have the right under the law to seek remedies from the Michigan Department of Civil Rights, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, the Office for Civil Rights, Department of Education or by court action. Individuals may file complaints of illegal discrimination on the basis of gender (Title IX) or disability (Section 504 ADA) with the Office for Civil Rights, Department of Education, at the same time a grievance is filed under the University’s procedure, during or after the use of the grievance process, or without using the grievance process at all. A Title IX, Section 504, or ADA complaint must be filed in writing with the Office for Civil Rights no later than 180 days after the occurrence of the possible discrimination. This is the process to investigate and resolve complaints alleging discrimination:
Step 1: Informal Complaint: If you have a discrimination or harassment complaint as outlined above, you may contact the grievance officer in person. He or she will speak with you and try to resolve the matter on an informal basis. Any information will be kept confidential to the extent possible.
Step 2: Formal Complaint: If the problem cannot be resolved at Step 1 within five (5) working days from the date you first contacted the grievance officer, you (the complainant) may submit a written complaint on a form provided by the grievance officer. He or she will help you complete the form if you wish.
Within five (5) working days of receiving the written complaint, the grievance officer will send a Notice of Complaint, a copy of the complaint form, a response form and a copy of this procedure to the respondent. The respondent will submit a completed response within five (5) working days from the date he or she receives the complaint.
The grievance officer will conduct an investigation. The investigation should be completed within twenty (20) working days after receipt of the response. If the complaint is against the University as the employer, the grievance officer will have 30 days from receipt of the written complaint to investigate the matter.
Within ten (10) working days of completion of the investigation, the grievance officer will give you a written Determination stating whether the allegations of the complaint are true and any remedial action recommended. At Step 2, information will be kept confidential to the extent possible.
Step 3: Hearing: If either the complainant or the respondent is dissatisfied with the grievance officer’s determination, he or she may request that the matter be referred to the Hearing Panel for a hearing by submitting a form. The request for a hearing must be submitted in writing to the grievance office within five (5) working days after receipt of the determination.
The president will appoint a permanent Hearing Panel composed of three members including, if possible, at least one female and one minority member. The vice president for Business and Financial Operations will be the chairperson and will conduct the hearing. The grievance officer will send a Notice of Hearing and a copy of the Request for Hearing to the complainant, respondent (if any), and Hearing Panel, scheduling the hearing within fifteen (15) working days, unless the panel chairperson provides otherwise and so notifies those involved.
At the hearing the complainant and respondent will be allowed to give their own testimony, present the testimony of witnesses, documentary evidence or other evidence relevant to the proceedings, and cross-examine the other party’s witnesses. The complainant and respondent may have an attorney or other advisor present. The grievance officer will present the findings of the investigation conducted at Step 2 and may present witnesses as appropriate. To ensure the privacy of those involved, witnesses (other than the complainant and respondent) will be allowed into the hearing room only during their testimony. At the chairperson’s discretion, the hearing may be recorded.
Within fifteen (15) working days after completion of the hearing, the chairperson will issue the decision and recommended order of the Hearing Panel. The decision will be mailed to the complainant and respondent with a copy to the grievance officer. The chairperson will implement any action recommended by the panel.
Step 4: Appeal: The decision of the Hearing Panel will be final and binding. If the grievant wish to pursue the matter further, they may file with the outside agencies listed earlier in this procedure.
Section 5.02 of the by-laws of the Board of Trustees, approved July 24, 1989, will not be invoked for grievances submitted for settlement under this procedure.
Off-campus Activities
The University accepts no responsibility for the use or distribution of alcoholic beverages at off-campus social functions sponsored by University-related organizations or individuals.
All persons planning or attending such an off-campus activity should be aware of the alcoholic beverage laws that apply to the situation. Each person participating in the activity assumes responsibility for his or her own actions. Violations of pertinent alcoholic beverage laws may result in disciplinary action by both the University and the civil authorities.
Parental/Guardian Notification
In October of 1998, Congress passed an amendment to the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) which allows an institution of higher education to disclose to parents or legal guardians of a student, information involving a violation of federal, state or local law, or a rule or policy of the institution governing the use or possession of alcohol and/or other drugs if the student is under the age of 21 and the institution has determined that a disciplinary violation occurred. In response to the recent alcohol-related tragedies in the State of Michigan and across the country, LSSU has adopted this Parental Notification policy.
LSSU reserves the right to inform a student’s parent/guardian of information regarding any violation of any Federal, State, or local law, or of any rule or policy of the institution governing the use or possession of alcohol or a controlled substance if the student is under the age of 21.
You need to register your vehicle on-line in Anchor Access each year you are enrolled. To register, you need to pay a registration fee and present your valid driver’s license. You’ll receive a sticker for your vehicle; you can then park in designated areas only. Public Safety enforces parking and driving ordinances and you may be assessed fines or have your on-campus driving privileges revoked if you do not comply. Disputes regarding parking citations should be brought to the Parking Committee. If you need to make special parking arrangements for health or personal reasons, you may do so at the Public Safety Office in the Administration Building. Parking and driving violations are also civil infractions that may be referred to the 91st District Court. For further information regarding parking rules and regulations visit their website at
Parking Ban
The city of Sault Ste. Marie requires that all vehicles are removed from city streets, alleys, and parking lots between 3 a.m. and 6 a.m. from December 1 through April 1 to allow for snow removal. This includes Meridian Avenue (adjacent to the Norris Center). The Sault Area Police Department will ticket vehicles violating this policy.
Payment Information (Tuition, Fees, and Housing)
Payment Plans: Lake Superior State University offers two primary options for paying your total semester charges–traditional full payment and monthly payment plan.
Traditional Full Payment Option: If you select this option you will need to pay the full amount of your total charges for the semester by the due date listed on the invoice.
Monthly Payment Plan: The University offers a 4-month payment plan for educational expenses.
There is a $60 per semester service charge for all plans. To sign up for the payment plan, log in to the Bill and Payment Suite through Anchor Access. For more information on using the Bill and Payment Suite, go to LSSU accepts Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express. Credit card payment can be made on-line at
Penalties: If you do not make your payment by the due date, you will be charged a 1.5% late penalty fee and your classes may be subject to cancellation. For each month thereafter, you will be charged an additional 1.5% late fee for any outstanding balance and a hold will be placed on your student account until the full payment is made. The hold will not allow you to register for classes for the following semester or receive a copy of your University transcript. If your balance is still outstanding by the third billing, your account will be turned over to collections. Failure to receive an invoice is not a basis for non-payment. The Business Office staff is available to work with students who have special financial needs. You may visit the Business Office in the Fletcher Center or call (906) 635-2276.
Posting Policy
The University encourages the promotion of activities and opportunities. This policy is designed to encourage posting consistency throughout campus while alleviating damage and inappropriate promotion. All postings must first be approved by the Campus Life Office, located in the Cisler Center. Postings must bear the most recent stamp of approval. Postings can only be placed in designated areas. Legitimate posting areas will be indicated as such. Postings cannot be attached to walls, doors, ceilings, windows or University staff boards, nor are they to be slid under doors or placed on vehicles without the prior written permission of the Campus Life Office. Postings deemed offensive, sexist, vulgar, discriminatory or suggestive will not be approved. Failure to comply with this policy will result in the removal and disposal of the postings in addition to possible future posting denial and/or disciplinary sanctioning of the individual(s) involved. Please contact (906) 635-2236 with any questions.
Public Relations
Unless a written statement to the contrary is filed with the Division of Student Affairs, all students give implicit permission and authorization to Lake Superior State University to use any still photograph of themselves that is taken or is authorized by a LSSU staff member for instructional or promotional purposes. By granting permission, students release any and all claims for damages for libel, slander, or invasion of right of privacy.
You need to give honest and complete replies to all of the information requested in the University’s application, financial aid forms, and other documents. Your registration can be canceled if the information you give on these forms is not correct and complete. Forgery or other alteration of any University document or record can result in separation from the University.
Sharps Disposal (HCC)
For safety, anyone who uses needles, for any reason, is asked to obtain a sharps container from the Health Care Center. When full, or on a timely basis, they can be returned to the Health Care Center for disposal and a new container obtained.
Skateboard Policy
All skateboarders shall keep all 4 wheels on the pavement at all times. All stunts or acrobatics are prohibited due to the potential for injury and property damage.
Enforcement will include one warning to violators. Any additional incidents will result in immediate confiscation of the skateboard. Skateboards will be returned to owner after appearing before the University adjudication committee. Non-students’ skate boards will be returned to their parent/guardian.
Student Code of Conduct
Scope of Coverage: Lake Superior State University strives to preserve for all of its students an environment that is conducive to academic pursuit and social development. It is essential that the needs of others be respected by all members of the University community. Behavior which violates these values is considered disruptive and is subject to disciplinary action.
Policies are applicable to all students, whether enrolled for credit or non-credit, while on the premises and at University-sponsored or University-related events off-campus.
Disruptive behavior includes, but is not limited to the following:
- Theft of property, intentional destruction, damage or unauthorized possession/use of University property or of the property of any member of the college community.
- Abuse, disrespect, noise or other actions that disrupt the educational enterprise and campus environment.
- Unauthorized entry into or unauthorized use or misuse of any room, building, structure or facility.
- Threatening or inflicting physical or psychological violence to the person or property of any member of the campus community, their family, or campus visitors.
- Distribution, sale, use, or possession of alcoholic beverages other than as specified in the policy for use of alcohol.
- Unauthorized possession or use of explosives, dangerous chemicals, or weapons on campus property or at a University function.
- Harassment, stalking, hazing, or initiation/induction rites.
- Possession or distribution or sale of any drugs or controlled substances having potential for abuse, except as authorized by law.
- Failure to comply with the directions of University officials or designated agents in the performance of their duties.
- Abuse of or tampering with fire alarm systems, fire emergency equipment, or any emergency equipment.
- Failure to comply with LSSU policies as stated in the Student Handbook and other official documents.
LSSU Slacklining Policy
Slacklining is defined as an activity in which the participant walks on a span of nylon climbing or slackline webbing, positioned horizontally above the ground and anchored at two fixed points. The practice as defined, and commonly known, as slacklining and all associated equipment are regulated by this document when used on LSSU property.
Permitted Activity: Slacklining is permitted between the hours of sunrise and sunset. To provide for the safety of the campus community the following guidelines have been established:
- Assumption of Risk:
- Participants and spectators assume any and all risk associated with this activity. For participants, the risks include but are not limited to, death, paralysis, and serious injury. Participants and spectators take full responsibility for following these LSSU slacklining guidelines and best safety practices within this activity.
- Set Up and Tear Down:
- All slacklines may be affixed on a temporary basis while in use by a responsible person and slacklines must be removed when not in use. The owner of the slacklining equipment is responsible for setting up and taking down the equipment by sunset each day and may not leave equipment unattended. Unattended slack lining equipment may be removed and stored without notice.
- All equipment associated with the practice of Slacklining should be maintained in an operable and safe condition. This is the sole responsibility of the equipment owner.
- Lines may only be affixed to appropriately sized trees and in the manner set forth below:
- Only Trees with a diameter of one (1) foot or greater may be used as anchor points.
- To protect the bark on the trees some type of fabric, e.g. burlap, carpet squares, towel tubes, or similar material, must be placed between the tree and the line that is tied to the tree. A clear, flat, non-paved landing surface must be present under the full length of the slack line and extending a minimum of four (4) feet on each side.
- Trees must be located on flat terrain
- Use of a padded landing surface is strongly recommended.
- Spotters are strongly recommended.
Prohibited activity:
- The slackline may not be elevated higher than 4 feet from the center of the span.
- Slacklines may not exceed 70 feet in length.
- Memorial trees or other trees posted by sign may not be used as anchors for this activity.
- University Officials may direct that equipment that appears to be unsafe or improperly set up be removed.
- Participants may not be under the influence of any drugs or alcohol.
- Slacklines may not be set up within a Special Event Zone.
- Slacklines may not cross or enter into any sidewalks, roads or other paved areas.
- Slacklines may not be affixed to any other campus fixture including but not limited to buildings, bike racks, handrails, art objects, fences or light poles.
- Slacklines will not be up when grounds personnel are visibly mowing on campus until the area to be used for slacklining purposes has been mowed extending out in all directions 100 feet.
- University officials, for any reason, may request the activity to be curtailed and all equipment removed immediately.
This policy may be enforced by the Public Safety Department, the University Risk Manager, the Campus Life Office or the Grounds Manager for the safety of the active slackliners and spectators as well as to maintain the functions and processes of the University. All University policies and regulations, State laws, local ordinances are in effect and may be enforced. Violations of this policy may result in the administering of one or more of the following University sanctions: verbal warning, written warning with a reminder of the policy or temporary suspension of the activity. In addition, the severity and/or frequency of violations may result in the elimination of this activity as an authorized activity on University property.
Everyone is expected to show respect for University and individual property. Theft of any kind, whether of money, property, or services, violates the entire community and will not be tolerated. Destruction or mutilation of books, magazines, or other library material is considered a form of theft. Theft of, damage to, or destruction of the property of others is considered a serious offense against the University community and will result in the separation of the student from the University as well as criminal prosecution.
If you have anything stolen while on University property, please notify the Public Safety Department by calling (906) 635-2100 as soon as possible.
Tobacco Use
In the interest of providing a safe and healthy environment, and in accordance with the Michigan Clean Indoor Air Act of 1986 and subsequent amendments, smoking and tobacco use are prohibited in any public building throughout the campus. Smoking and tobacco use are also prohibited within 20 feet of a University facility.
Treatment of Others
Everyone is expected to treat other members of the University community, whether students, faculty, or staff, with respect and consideration at all times. Lake Superior State University and its Board of Trustees subscribe to the principles of equal opportunity and non-discrimination, and comply with all applicable federal and state laws and regulations prohibiting discrimination, including harassment. The University is committed to the protection of the rights of all individuals within the University community, the equal and fair treatment of all individuals, and to the elimination of barriers that would prevent individuals from reaching their highest potential. It is the responsibility of all students, employees, and other members of the University community to uphold this commitment in the daily activities of University life.
Any acts that infringe on others’ rights and safety, including but not limited to, physical or verbal abuse, sexual misconduct, or acts of discrimination, prejudice, or harassment, will result in disciplinary action by the University. Acts that threaten or endanger the health or safety of anyone on the University campus or at University related activities will also be subject to disciplinary action.
Trespass Policy
- Purpose
The purpose of this policy is to establish warning and enforcement guidelines for use of the Michigan Trespass Statute. This policy is administered in conjunction with the Lake Superior State University Campus Violence and Weapons policy and with other bona fide University agreements.
- Policy
For the protection of the University community and property and to reduce disruption of the University’s activities and functions, it is sometimes necessary to prohibit individuals as described below in IV.B.1. from entering or remaining upon property owned or leased by Lake Superior State University, by issuing a trespass warning.
Ill. Scope
This policy applies to all Lake Superior State University owned or leased property in the State of Michigan.
- Procedures
- Authorization
- The Director of Public Safety as provided by the President of the University, has the authorization to delegate officers to act as agents of the University for the purpose of the Trespass Act.
- This delegation shall be authorized in writing.
- Trespass Warning
- Officers may use their professional discretion, consistent with this policy, to issue a trespass warning if an individual:
- Committed or is suspected of committing a crime while on campus against persons or property;
- Refuses or fails to comply with established University rules that protect the health and safety of persons or property;
- Disrupts the lawful operations and functions of the University; or
- Demonstrates a risk of physical harm or injury to others or property.
- When an officer issues a trespass warning, the officer shall read the trespass warning to the individual and give a trespass warning form to the individual in the presence of a police officer (as defined by Section 257.42 of the Michigan Vehicle Code). In any incidents at which an individual is instructed to leave campus without the issuance of a trespass warning, the incident report will be forwarded to the Director of Public Safety for review. If warranted, a trespass warning may, subsequently, be issued.
- Faculty, students, and staff may be issued a trespass warning only in extenuating circumstances (e.g., posing an immediate threat to the safety of others). Administrative alternatives to issuing the warning to faculty, students and staff include but are not limited to referral to:
- Staff responsible for administration of the policies contained in the Student Handbook;
- The individual’s manager, the Office of the Provost or the Human Resources Office;
- Other University disciplinary action.
- Issuing a trespass warning does not preclude the officer from taking other law enforcement action or from recommending that a complainant seek a civil personal protection order.
- Officers must submit each trespass warning to the Director of Public Safety at the end of the officer’s shift. The Director will undertake a review that includes compliance with this policy when the Director returns to his or her office. The Director, upon review, may lift or modify the warning at his or her discretion.
- Trespass warnings shall remain in effect for one year or until rescinded or modified by the Director of Public Safety. Unless an earlier time period is granted on appeal, each warning shall be reviewed by the Director of Public Safety on an annual basis for possible rescission or modification. After an annual review, a decision not to rescind a warning by Public Safety must be accompanied by a written justification for continuing the warning. Notice of the decision to extend the trespass warning must be sent to the individual, if possible, including notice of the right to appeal a negative decision.
- At the time of the annual review, Public Safety may extend the duration of a trespass warning for a certain number of years or indefinitely if an individual poses a long-term danger to a faculty member, staff member or student or to the members of the University community in general. An extended warning of this nature shall be provided to the individual in writing, if possible. The decision to issue an extended warning may be appealed.
- Trespass Warning Violation
- If the individual is provided with the trespass warning and refuses to depart, the Public Safety officer will contact city police to press charges for violation of the Trespass Act.
- If an individual who has previously been issued a trespass warning enters upon prohibited University-owned or leased property, the subject has violated the trespass statute. A written trespass Incident Report shall be generated. At the officer’s discretion, the officer may seek an arrest warrant, and/or document the violation of the trespass warning in the Incident Report.
- Trespass Appeals
- All individuals issued a trespass warning have the right to appeal the warning in its entirety or in part and shall be informed of that right when the warning is issued. A request for an initial appeal of a trespass warning may be submitted at any time after the warning is issued.
- Trespass warning appeals will be heard by the Director or his or her designee. Individuals wishing to make an appeal shall be directed to make an appointment with the Director. An appeal meeting will be offered within 30 days of the request.
- After the appeal is heard, the Director or his or her designee shall issue a decision in writing within 10 business days. Notice of a negative decision will be accompanied by information regarding the subsequent available appeal described in #5 (below).
- A negative decision by the Director may be appealed to the Dean of Student Affairs or his or her designee. An appeal meeting will be scheduled within 30 days and a decision issued within 10 business days. The decision of the Dean of Student Affairs will be final.
- After the initial appeal, no further appeal will be granted unless the individual can demonstrate a change in circumstances which must be submitted in writing along with the request for an additional appeal meeting. The extension of a trespass warning by Public Safety after an annual review will be considered sufficient change in circumstances to grant a new appeal.
- Generally, a trespass warning will not be modified or rescinded on appeal until any related criminal matter is adjudicated.
- Generally, appeals after second or subsequent violations of the Trespass Act will not be granted.
- Trespass Warning Form
- Authorized agents of the University will issue Trespass Warning Forms.
- Refusal to stay long enough to hear the warning or refusal to accept the issued form shall be documented in an incident report and will be considered if the warning is appealed.
- Trespass warnings shall be recorded and maintained by Public Safety 7 years after the warning is rescinded.
- Annual Review
Public Safety will share data related to trespass warnings issued during each calendar year with the Shared Governance Oversight Committee and the LSSU Cabinet by February 1of the following year. The data will be stripped of all personal identifying information concerning the individual who received the warning. The data will include the number of warnings issued, the number of individuals who received warnings, the basis, geographic scope and duration of each warning. The Shared Governance Oversight Committee and the LSSU Cabinet shall review the data and make any recommendations related to application of this policy by the Department of Public Safety to the Dean of Student Affairs.
Weapons Policy
- Purpose
Lake Superior State University strives to provide a safe work and educational environment. No person, within the University environment, on property owned, leased or otherwise under the control of the University or otherwise in the course of University business, will be allowed to possess weapons or explosives, (except as provided in this policy), or to harass or assault any other person by threatening or exhibiting violent behavior. Violators of this policy (students, employees or visitors) will be subject to discipline by the University, up to and including termination of employment, or dismissal or expulsion from the University. Visitors or contractors in violation will be asked to leave campus. Visitors or contractors who fail to comply, will be issued a No Trespass notification, and local law enforcement will be called to implement this action. Signs will be posted around University buildings indicating that weapons are not allowed in this building. This policy constitutes a Rule and/or Regulation pursuant to MCL 4.201 et seq and MCL 752.581 et seq.
- Prohibited Conduct
The following rules, while not all inclusive, are examples of prohibited behavior for all employees, students and any others who are on property owned, leased or otherwise under the control of the University, or who are in the course of University business.
- Causing or threatening physical injury to another.
- Aggressive or hostile behavior that creates either a reasonable fear of injury to another person or unreasonably subjects another to emotional distress.
- Intentionally damaging University property or the property of another.
- Possession of a weapon, except as provided by this policy, regardless of whether a person has a concealed weapon permit or is otherwise authorized to possess, discharge or use such a weapon.
- Possession of explosives.
- Possession of chemicals or other dangerous substances or compounds, with intent of causing injury to a person or property.
- Hunting on any properties owned, leased, or otherwise controlled by the University.
III. Reporting Procedures
All members of the campus community are encouraged to report, and all employees of the University are required to report to the Department of Public Safety or the Human Resources Department, any violence, threats of violence or weapon violations that they have witnessed or received, or any potentially dangerous situation. All reports of incidents will be investigated. Reports or incidents warranting confidentiality will be handled appropriately and information will be disclosed to others only on a need-to-know basis. Any person who has obtained a Personal Protection Order or Restraining Order, which identifies any place located on property owned, leased, or otherwise controlled by the University, as a protected area, is required to provide a copy of the Order to the Department of Public Safety.
- Definitions and Exceptions
Weapons, for the purposes of this policy, are defined as: (1) a loaded or unloaded firearm or bow/crossbow, whether operable or inoperable, (2) a knife or stabbing instrument (unless conforming to Michigan State Law), brass knuckles, blackjack, club, or other object specifically designed or customarily carried or possessed for use as a weapon, (3) an object that is likely to cause death or bodily injury when used as a weapon and that is used as a weapon or carried or possessed for use as a weapon, or (4) an object or device that is used or fashioned in a manner to lead a person to believe the object or device is a firearm or an object which is likely to cause death or bodily injury. Limited exceptions to policy prohibitions regarding weapons exist and situations where weapons may be possessed on property owned, leased or otherwise under the control of the University or otherwise in the course of University business are defined below:
- Use in the performance of training, or as a part of the course curriculum in the School of Criminal Justice, Fire Science, and EMS. Transport to and from training is permitted.
- A qualified law enforcement officer who is authorized to carry a weapon and is in the employ of Federal, State, or Local level, including Tribal, may carry a weapon.
- A qualified retired police law enforcement officer on the Federal, State, or Local level, including Tribal, as defined in Michigan law and/or federal code to possess a concealed handgun and is currently permitted to do so.
- A contractor whom the University employs, and whose job requires the carrying of a firearm/weapon (e.g., an armed transport), and is authorized by the Director of Public safety with the authority from the President’s Cabinet, may carry a weapon as so authorized.
- An employee who is not a law enforcement officer, may use or possess a weapon, as authorized by the Director of Public Safety with the authority from the President’s Cabinet, to possess or use such a weapon during the time when the employee is engaged in work for the University requiring such a weapon.
- Norris Center:
- University Firing Range: Persons using the University shooting range, with one exception, must use the University’s weapons at the range. The one exception to this is when police and/or law enforcement officers have scheduled and have been authorized to use the range. Authorization is granted by the chair of the School of Criminal Justice, Fire Science and EMS, as the representative of the Dean of the Department of Arts, Letters, Social Sciences, and Emergency Services. Notification is provided to the Director of Public Safety. In this case, the officer’s weapon(s) must be in compliance with the restrictions in place at the range and the only ammunition used must be, likewise, in compliance with the restrictions in place at the range.
- Concealed Carry Course: Persons enrolled in a Concealed Carry Class may be required to bring their weapon to campus for training in assembly/disassembly and cleaning. The instructor for the course will, prior to that class session, seek permission from the Director of Public Safety regarding the time and date of the class and will inform Public Safety with the names of the Students attending. Students must park their cars in the Norris lot (securing permission from Public Safety to do so if their parking pass is not authorized for that area), and transport their weapon from their car to the classroom in an appropriate case. The firearm may not be loaded nor may non-law enforcement officials carry ammunition into the building.
- Upon obtaining prior approval of the Director of Public Safety, an individual may possess a firearm/weapon when the device is worn as part of a military or fraternal uniform in connection with a public ceremony, parade or theatrical performance. The firearm(s) must remain unloaded.
- Residence Hall and University apartment residents may register and store weapons, ammunition and used ammunition at the Department of Public Safety, and may possess such weapons on property owned or controlled by the University just long enough to deliver and retrieve the weapons from the Department of Public Safety. Persons shall park in D lot (visitor and Public Safety spots are available) and walk directly to Public Safety. The firearms are to be brought to the Public Safety building, unloaded and in a gun case. Archery equipment is to be unloaded and knives are to be sheathed. When reclaiming weapons from Public Safety individuals must, likewise, park in D lot, place the weapon in their vehicle and immediately leave campus. Likewise, University employees may follow the same procedure of registration, storage, and retrieval.
- Recognized campus outdoor organizations (e.g. Ducks Unlimited) may conduct fund raisers wherein a firearm or other hunting tool is offered as a prize, and may have the item(s) present on campus at the event providing that the organization follows the procedures and limitations outlined by Public Safety and Student Affairs.
- The Director of Public Safety may waive the prohibitions based on extraordinary circumstances, and an individual may possess a weapon only within the scope and duration of the waiver. Any such waiver must be in writing, signed by the Director, and must define its scope and duration. With input from the Dean of Student Affairs, the Director of Public Safety is also authorized to make reasonable rules to effectively implement the Storage of Weapons policy for residence halls and apartments contained herein.
Enforcement: This policy will be enforced by the Public Safety Department. Reports of violations will be initially reported to the Dean of Student Affairs.
Exceptions: Requests for exceptions to this policy must be presented in writing to the Dean of Student Affairs, reviewed with the Director of Public Safety, and approved in writing by the University President.
Review: This policy will be reviewed annually by the Director of Public Safety, with modification requests presented in writing to the Dean of Student Affairs.
Weapons Prohibition Procedure for Recognized Campus Outdoor Organizations
The procedures and limitations to the Campus Violence and Weapons Prohibition include the following:
- Both the Director of Public Safety and the Dean of Student Affairs must be informed of the intent and must give their approval to conduct such a fund raiser.
- The specific items to be offered as prizes must be identified when notification is given and a limit of no more than five firearms or other items defined as weapons may be offered or present on campus for the event.
- All firearms will have gun locks or other securing devices applied to the item before they arrive on campus.
- No ammunition will be on site.
- The organization will arrange to have a public safety officer present to inspect the items to ensure that the items are secured with an appropriate locking device and that ammunition is not present.
- Assault-type weapons and large capacity magazines are not permitted on campus.
- Transfer of ownership of any firearm must be conducted by a properly licensed firearms dealer.
Campus and Community Resources
Health Services, (906) 635-2110
LSSU Public Safety Department, (906) 635-2100
Counseling services, (906) 635-2752
Housing and Residential Life, Cisler Center, (906) 635-2411
Chippewa County Resources
Alcoholics Anonymous (906) 495-7220
Chippewa County Health Department (906) 635-3647
Great Lakes Recovery Centers (906) 632-9809
New Hope Residential Treatment Centers (906) 635-5542
Upper Michigan Behavioral Health (906) 632-0008
Web Resources