Ordering a Transcript
Lake Superior State University collaborates with National Student Clearinghouse to provide online transcript ordering. All current and former students can order transcripts online at anytime using any major credit card. Requesting a transcript online is convenient and you will get automated status notifications via text and email. You are able to request both automated electronic PDF’s or printed transcripts. Electronic PDF’s are sent to a designated email account in about 30 minutes or less, printed transcripts are normally processed within three to five business days.
Please note: Students attending Lake Superior State University prior to 1992 are only able to request printed transcripts.
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Electronic (Secure PDF): $8.00
Paper (Mailed via USPS): $9.00
Transcript requests for students with outstanding financial obligations to the University will not be processed until the obligation has been met.
Mackinac College
Lake Superior State University is the custodian of records for Mackinac College. To request a copy of your Mackinac College transcript, or for additional information, please contact our office at:  [email protected] or 906-635-2682.