Gerome “Jerry” Kahn of Cedarbrook Trout Farm lets loose about 500 rainbow trout he trucked in on June 2 from Harrisville, Mich., to a kids’ fishing pond in Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. The pond, open free to kids age 16 or younger with fishing licenses, is a joint effort between the Soo Area Sportsmen’s Club, Cloverland Electric Cooperative, the Sault parks and recreation department, and Lake Superior State University’s Aquatic Research Laboratory. Partially obscured and assisting Kahn from behind is LSSU fisheries major and ARL student employee Joseph Michael, from Holly, Mich. The pond sees action all season long, with the big event — the Connor Gorsuch Kids’ Fishing Day — coming on the last Saturday in July, drawing hundreds of participants competing for big fish and prizes. A child of legal age must accompany adults.