On Saturday, March 16, 2019 at the first Robotics Kingsford qualifier, Matt Barron, Vice President of Academic Affairs at Bay College and Kimberly Muller, Dean of the College of Innovation and Solutions at Lake Superior State University (LSSU) signed an articulation agreement for students pursuing an Associate of Science in pre-robotics engineering.
“We greatly value our relationship with Bay College and look forward to expanding it even further in the coming months and years,” said Dr. Rodney Hanley, President of LSSU.
Students can now spend two years at Bay achieving their Associates of Science in pre-robotics engineering followed by two to three years at LSSU to earn a bachelor’s degree contingent upon the student being calculus ready when entering college. Additional articulation agreements between Bay College and LSSU include computer engineering, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering technology, and mechanical engineering technology.
“We are grateful for our strong partnership with LSSU,” said Barron. “This articulation agreement builds on the solid foundation we have between our schools and offers another opportunity for students enter an engineering degree pathway.”
Engineering students will gain a strong foundation in their math and science courses at Bay College. In addition, students will experience a significant cost savings by taking the same courses at Bay that they would take at LSSU during their first two years of college. Both Bay College and LSSU have small class sizes, giving students individualized, personal attention. For more information visit https://www.baycollege.edu/LSSU