Lake Superior State University seniors majoring in fisheries and wildlife management, fire science, kinesiology, engineering, robotics engineering, nursing, criminal justice, business—plus scores of other disciplines—present their thesis and capstone projects at the sixth Lake Superior State University Undergraduate Research Symposium on Friday, April 22, 2022, 3 PM-5 PM, in Taffy Abel Arena. The event, which serves as a culminating activity for the graduating class, is free and open to the public.
“Conducting research and disseminating results are requirements for most LSSU majors. Our annual symposium proves a showcase for the design, implementation, analysis, and presentation of original student work that spans the fields offered at Lake State and that tackles real-world issues,” said event organizer Dr. Steve Johnson, dean of the College of Science & the Environment. “Most senior theses and capstone projects take at least a year to complete. Many involve collaborations with local, state, and federal organizations and area businesses. The symposium, which returns to an in-person format this year, celebrates the intellect and creativity of the next generation to enter the workforce or pursue advanced degrees by highlighting the very best of their undergraduate schooling.”
Seniors encapsulate their findings through poster displays, oral summations, video excerpts, prototype creations, and more. The symposium provides the opportunity and necessity to practice elevator speeches at what amounts to a highbrow flea market for the campus community and the general public to experience at their contemplative leisure.
“We take enormous pride in the Undergraduate Research Symposium because it embodies our innovation-driven, transformative education that develops students into professionally prepared graduates who excel,” said LSSU President Dr. Rodney S. Hanley. “Seniors demonstrate how Lake State equips them with the knowledge, practical skills, and inner strength to craft a life of meaningful employment and personal fulfillment while addressing workforce needs and enhancing the quality of life of the Great Lakes region and the world. The Undergraduate Research Symposium not only signifies achievement of our institutional learning outcomes of use of evidence, scrutiny, synthesis, communication, and responsibility but also responds to the zeitgeist all around us.”