LSSU’s Escanaba Regional Center Announces Summer 2017 Graduates

calender iconSep 07, 2017
2017 Commencement

2017 CommencementESCANABA, Mich. – Three area residents have successfully completed their requirements for a bachelor’s degree and graduated following the Summer 2017 semester from Lake Superior State University (LSSU). Graduates were eligible to walk at commencement in May.

Graduating with a bachelor’s of science degree in accounting is Kyle Nicholson of Curtis; dual majoring in accounting and business administration with a marketing minor is Rosemarie Morrison of Escanaba; and in early childhood education with a sociology minor is Kendra Kleiman of Wilson.

Kleiman graduates with Magna Cum Laude honors, earning a 3.70-3.89 grade point average (GPA) on a 4.00 scale and Morrison graduates with Cum Laude honors, earning a 3-5-3.69 GPA.

Morrison reflects on her education with LSSU and notes, “The most influential advisors and instructors throughout my time at the LSSU regional center have been Sue Beckon and Heidi Berg! They always have a positive attitude and there to give words of encouragement when the workload seemed too much.”

The graduates were taking classes at Bay College, which offers LSSU baccalaureate programs in Escanaba and Iron Mountain through a partnership with LSSU. For more information on degree programs available, please contact Heidi Berg at 906-217-4123 or [email protected].