Canadian Student Admissions

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Canadian Student Admissions Application

As a Canadian student at LSSU, you’ll find that our unique programs, small size and personal attention give you the edge that you need to have success in today’s world. The strength of our programs resides in our high-quality faculty and, as a student, you work with them from day one at LSSU.

Canadian students have been studying at LSSU since we were founded in 1946 and many continue to do so today. In fact, LSSU has over 3,200 Canadian alumni that have gone on to successful careers in Canada, the United States, and abroad. Several of these alumni have been presented with prestigious Alumni Awards as well as have been inducted into our Athletic Hall of Fame.

LSSU is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission, a commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools. Several of our programs also have additional accreditation by independent agencies.

We invite you to join Canadian students of the past as representatives of the future at LSSU. Come experience the opportunities to be part of a research team, to compete nationally and internationally in competitions, make presentations at conferences, work directly with faculty, and join a community dedicated to your undergraduate success.

Applying to LSSU

Your application will be processed when we receive ALL of the following documents.

Use the following as a checklist:

1) Apply free online.
2) Transcripts

First Time in College Students:

  • Have your secondary school send LSSU an official copy of your transcript in the mail OR email to [email protected].

Transfer Students Requirements:

  • Your Official transcripts of any attended college and/or university, via postal service
  • Your Official secondary school records, via postal service, (If you have completed less than 12 semester hours of credit prior to applying for admission)
3) ACT or SAT scores (Optional for admission) The ACT and SAT are standardized college entrance exams offered primarily in the U.S., but additional testing locations can be found throughout Canada. LSSU does not require Canadian students to submit test scores from either the ACT or SAT. Students may wish to submit test scores in order to strengthen their application for admission.

  • When registering for the ACT and SAT you can choose to have your scores sent directly to LSSU.
    • Our school code for ACT is 2031
    • Our school code for SAT is 1421
  • Already took the ACT or SAT?
    Use these websites to have the results sent to LSSU:

5) Health Requirements

All international students (F-1 Visa) attending Lake Superior State University are required to carry Health Insurance Requirements for Admissions as a condition of enrollment. Students must furnish proof annually, that they have purchased health and accident insurance which meets the requirements of Lake Superior State University.

An accident and sickness plan is available for purchase through GeoBlue. Information on GeoBlue is available at

Canadian students have the option to waive out of purchasing health and accident insurance from GeoBlue. The Ontario Ministry of Health strongly recommends commuting Canadians purchase supplementary insurance in addition to their existing provincial insurance, due to limited benefits provided to foreign health care providers. Canadian students wishing to “waive” out of purchasing additional health insurance must provide a copy of both sides of their Provincial insurance card and complete the Commuting Canadian Health and Accident Insurance Form for Admissions.

6) All application materials should be mailed to:

Office of Admissions

Lake Superior State University
650 W. Easterday Ave.
Sault Ste. Marie, MI 49783

Upon Acceptance to LSSU

The following financial information is required.

Immigration laws severely limit work for international students. Therefore, you must be prepared to pay the full costs of attendance and advise your sponsor well in advance of fee payment dates so your funds will arrive on time. We would like to emphasize that the educational and living costs at LSSU are less than most U.S. universities. Scholarships are also available for those who qualify and LSSU honors the Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP).

Immigration Form (I-20) Requirements

In order to obtain an Immigration Form (I-20), the U.S.Student and Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS) requires that we have your verification of ability to pay the following amounts depending on your classification:

  • Commuters from Ontario — $17,094 for the 23-24 academic year
  • Ontario residents intending to live in the US while in school — $28,553 for the 23-24 academic year

Financial Verification (Required for I-20)

Verification of the ability to pay university expense can be supplied as followed:

  • A written financial statement from your bank account, or from the account of whoever will be responsible for your tuition/books expenses. This can be in the form of:
    • A letter from an officer at a financial institution listing the amount of tuition/books and expenses required for the upcoming year and verifying the account holder’s ability to pay this amount, and/or
    • A bank statement showing a savings equal to this year’s tuition/books and expenses, and/or
    • Verification of loan approvals, (such as OSAP) or scholarships received.
  • If the funds are coming from someone other than yourself, your “sponsor” will also need to supply a signed letter stating that the monies available in the bank account/loan, etc. will be used to pay for your tuition/books and expenses, plus room/board if applicable.
  • You should also indicate how the remaining years will be supported.

Exceptions to the I-20 Requirements

  • If you are a Permanent U.S. Resident or able to be in the U.S. with another form of documentation. We require a copy of this documentation for our records.
  • If you are a Canadian Aboriginal or Native American (excluding METIS) with at least 50% blood quantum and have J-treaty privileges (carry a tribal ID), you are exempt from needing an I-20 form. You must provide our office with a copy of your tribal ID and letter showing proof of blood quantum.

Official Forms

Official forms allowing you to demonstrate financial ability to pay tuition, books, fees, and living expenses are available for download or may be requested by contacting the Admissions Office.

Declaration of Finances for the academic year 2023-2024

SEVIS – Bank Statement for the academic year 2023-2024

Upon Issuance of the I-20

Each student that receives a form I-20 will receive a unique SEVIS ID number assigned to him/her. The ID number and the I-20 form itself are used to obtain F-1 Status at a U.S. Port of Entry.

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has implemented a rule requiring F-1 Status applicants to pay a one-time fee to supplement the administration and maintenance costs of the SEVIS program. Because LSSU will be issuing you an initial I-20 form, you will be required to pay this SEVIS fee. Information about payment of the fee and the processing of your I-20 form upon entry to the U.S. will be provided to you with your initial I-20 form.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Admissions Office at 1-906-635-2231