Faculty Information for Accommodated Testing

Accommodated Testing Information for Faculty


Overview of Providing Testing Accommodations to Students

Students looking to receive accommodations for testing should be referred to LIBR 233 (Accessibility Services)

The Accessibility Services Coordinator can be reached at 906-635-2355 or [email protected].

Testing Services coordinates accommodated classroom testing on behalf of instructors for students with disabilities who are registered with Accessibility Services. Students intending to utilize accommodations must notify instructors by presenting an Accommodation Letter originating from Accessibility Services. Students are encouraged to engage their instructor in how their needs will be met throughout the semester. Instructors are encouraged to keep a copy of the form for their records.

Instructors are welcome to provide accommodated testing services to students. If instructors are unable to or prefer not to, Testing Services can be utilized to proctor tests for students. If you would like to provide these accommodations directly to the student, Testing Services’ staff is happy to assist you in ensuring that the accommodations you provide are in compliance with the ADA.

Testing Services’ professional staff take the security of instructors’ exams very seriously. Instructors are welcome to stop by our office to view our security features and meet our staff.

If instructors elect to have their students utilize Testing Services, the following procedures outline the faculty, student, and Testing Services roles and procedures.

Roles and Procedures

  1. Student presents an Accommodation Letter—The student will present the instructor with an Accommodation letter, which the instructor will review with the student. Instructors may make a copy for record-keeping.
  2. Student uses the Online Registration Form —Students will utilize an online registration form to register to take their exams. Student requests must be made three business days prior to the date of the test during the semester. They may register any time from the first day of the semester. Students that do not follow this time frame will be handled on a case-by-case basis. As an alternative, instructors can also provide the student with testing accommodations.
  3. Students must schedule at the same time as class—Students are instructed to schedule their tests for the same time as the rest of the class; however, this may not be possible in all situations. There are two situations that may cause the student to request an alternate time:
    • The student’s accommodations would cause their test to overlap with another class. If the student receives extended time, for example, and has a class immediately following yours, you must allow them to test at an alternate time so that they receive their full accommodation. You may choose this time as long as it fits into the student’s class schedule and the Testing Services hours of operation. You may also proctor the exam for the student on your own at a mutually agreed upon time.
    • If the time of the test falls outside of Testing Services business hours, we ask that you work with the student to find a time that is suitable for you both for the student to test. Throughout the regular Spring and Fall semester, testing is available 8:00am to 5:00pm Monday through Friday. All tests must be finished by the closing time, including any time extensions received by the student.
    • If the student requests to test at a time other than when the class is taking the test for any reason other than those just mentioned, you have the right to approve or deny that request at your discretion, as you would with any other student request to reschedule an exam.
  4. Instructor receives test request—When a student registers to take an exam in Testing Services, instructors will receive an exam request email with information regarding the testing appointment. This is usually done two business days ahead of time. Please review the information carefully, and reach out to the student with any issues regarding the date and/or time the student has chosen. If the student requests to test at a time other than when the class is taking the test for any reason other than those just mentioned, you have the right to approve or deny that request at your discretion, as you would with any other student request to reschedule an exam.
  5. Instructors submit testing materials to Testing Services—In the confirmation email, there is a list of options for test submission and a link to our Testing Cover Sheet. You may fill out this form and select the “Submit” button to submit the form to us via email. You can send us the test via the Cover Sheet as an attachment, email at [email protected], campus mail (LIBR 234) or drop it off in person at LIBR 234. Testing Services will not deviate from the instructions on the cover sheet without explicit instructions from the instructor.
  6. Testing Services proctors and returns exam—The completed test will be returned according to the details that instructors list on the Test Cover Sheet.  Testing Services makes every effort to return exams within 24 hours of the student completing the exam, however, you are more than welcome to stop by our office to pick up the exams.


Important Notes for Instructors

  • Testing Services suggests to students that when they present Accommodation Letters to you, they also speak with you then or schedule a time to meet to discuss the specifics of their accommodations and how they will be met for the term. The discussion could include letting the students know how exams will be delivered to Testing Services, such as if the student should remind you in person or email prior to each test or if the request via email will suffice. It is the student’s responsibility to initiate this discussion with you.
  • Students are entitled to accommodations by this process only if they are registered with Accessibility Services and follow the required registration procedures. Please do not send students to receive testing accommodations unless they are registered with Accessibility Services. Accessibility Services is happy to assist students with obtaining appropriate documentation of a disability if it is needed and can be contacted at 906-635-2355 or [email protected].