OAK OF AGES –The family of Mae and Lou Lukenda pose with a red oak shortly before it is planted on the south side of Lake Superior State University’s R.W. Considine Hall on June 29. The tree is in memory of Lou, who attended Lake State in the late 1940s when it was then a branch of Michigan Technological University. LSSU’s Lukenda School of Business – housed in R.W. Considine Hall – was named in 2013 to honor the Sault Ste. Marie, Ont.-native’s long connection with the university. Lukenda is a recipient of LSSU’s Outstanding Alumnus Award and received the institution’s honorary Doctorate of Humane Letters as part of the 2007 commencement ceremonies. He also served on the LSSU Foundation’s board of directors for nearly 20 years. Shown accepting the tree from LSSU physical plant director Steve Gregory (center) are Lukenda grandchildren Cooper Lukenda and Bailey Harding. (LSSU/John Shibley)