School of Chemistry, Environmental, and Geosciences

Pre-Pharmacy (Transfer Program)

Our Pre-Pharmacy transfer program is designed to prepare students for admission to US and Canadian Pharmacy Schools. Students should be aware however, that each school sets its own admissions requirements, so it is important to work closely with an advisor to ensure that you meet all the admissions requirements of your program of choice. While medical schools often require a 4 year degree for admissions, qualified students may be admitted to pharmacy schools after only 2-3 years of preparatory coursework at LSSU.

Why Study Pre-Pharmacy at LSSU?

  • Access to Faculty: The LSSU Pre-Pharmacy Program boasts a low student to faculty ratio. Class size in upper level classes are limited to 16 students. In addition, the course is team taught by faculty with varying areas of specialization.
  • Access to Instrumentation: Chemistry exists at the interface of chemistry, biochemistry and instrumental analysis. Thus, it is imperative that graduates have a strong foundation in the operation of instrumentation. At Lake Superior State University, students are not merely introduced to, but regularly operate instruments such as Q-PCR thermocyclers, ICP-MS, NMR, HPLC, GC-MS and FTIR spectrometers.
  • Research: Students in the program have the opportunity to perform a senior research project under the guidance of a faculty member. Projects are related to the student’s area of focus and culminate in a poster presentation and talk at our Research Symposium. Students have also presented their work at national conferences and been published in peer reviewed journals.
  • Internships: Internships are a great opportunity for students to gain experience with methodology, operate instrumentation and acquire job specific skills in your field of study. On campus internships are available during both the academic year and summer in faculty research projects, the Chemical Preparation Laboratory and the Superior Analytics Laboratory.
  • Placement: The Pre-Pharmacy Program at LSSU has been successful in maintaining a high placement in summer internships, jobs upon graduation, and seats in graduate and professional schools.
  • Accreditation: The Chemistry Department at LSSU is approved by the American Chemical Society. As an ACS-approved program, LSSU is charged with holding and maintaining modern instrumentation, offering a rigorous and coherent program, and employing accomplished faculty which will attract top talent entering college.

See for yourself!

We would enjoy the opportunity to discuss careers in the chemical sciences with you. During a campus visit, be sure to ask to speak with the Chemistry Department. We would like to show you our excellent facilities and take the time to discuss some of the exciting research projects now underway.

Degree Details

Pre-pharmacy students may major in Biochemistry, Chemistry, or Biology

see program catalog

Job Outlook


Median Salary (Bureau of Labor and Statistic)


Job Placement