Faculty Resources: Forms and Documents

Documents for Faculty and Staff

Forms and Policies

Course Policies and Syllabus Content

Faculty members updating existing course syllabi should note that

Academic Policies are now located at https://www.lssu.edu/registrar/policies/ and the Accessibility Services Office has moved to LBR233.

Current Policy Sections for Inclusion in Syllabi

  • The Americans with Disabilities Act & Accommodations Lake Superior State University is committed to following the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. This university is also dedicated to providing equal opportunity for participation in all programs, services and activities. If you are a student with a disability or think you may have a disability, please contact Accessibility Services, KJS Library #233, (906) 635-2355, [email protected] to discuss your request further. Once you have registered with Accessibility Services, students should contact their instructor as early as possible for assistance with classroom accommodations.
  • Academic Success Center To support you on your academic path, the Academic Success Center (ASC) is free for all students and is located on the main floor of the library. The ASC offers walk in sessions for the math center, consultations with the writing center, and tutoring sessions by appointment. In addition, many classes offer supplemental instruction, which are group sessions tailored to your course content. Contact the Academic Success Center at [email protected] to set up an appointment
  • Laker Success The Laker Success program is designed to ensure your continued progress, inside and outside the classroom. Our committed staff offer individualized attention and group programs that empower you to identify your goals and determine ways to achieve them. Laker Success can also help you overcome obstacles by fine-tuning your learning skills, study habits, sharing proven procrastination-busters, and encouraging your personal power. Contact Laker Success by emailing [email protected] or by visiting the Student Engagement Center in Cisler Center, Room 100. Laker Success staff may contact you if an instructor, advisor, or peer asks them to check-in with you, follow up on a recent grade, or to invite you to an event. Take every opportunity to benefit from the many Laker Success services and resources, and remember: Success is personal, not perfect.
  • Add/Drop PolicyCourses can be added or dropped through Anchor Access until the sixth day of the semester (fourth day for the Summer semester). After this date, students need the instructor’s permission to add a course. For additional details about add/drop or withdrawal, go to:https://www.lssu.edu/registrar/scheduling/adddrop-courses-withdrawal-information/Related dates for this semester can be viewed at: https://www.lssu.edu/registrar/important-dates/
  • English Fluency Extension Policy

    Students who attend LSSU and for whom English is not their first language, may be granted extended time (time and a half) on quizzes and exams during their first year of study at LSSU.  This temporary allowance is intended to help students while they are building and improving their English language skills.

    Students who qualify may also be allowed to use a bilingual dictionary during quizzes and exams.  This dictionary will be provided by the proctor.  Note: electronic devices such as phones do not qualify as a dictionary.

    This allowance is dependent on:

        1)      Students must apply with Academic Accessibility Services for this allowance.

        2)      Students must have taken the TOEFL (or equivalent) to qualify for this allowance.

        3)      Students will only receive this allowance for one year unless approved otherwise by the Provost’s office. It is the responsibility of the student to work towards gaining English fluency during that year.

Printable Forms, Policies and Documents

LSSU Faculty Association Contract 2022-2027

Faculty Evaluation Forms

Program Assessment Forms

Curriculum and General Education Forms

Nuventive (Tracdat) Assessment Data Entry

MASU-APR Academic Program Review Forms


King Chavez Parks

Fund Applications