Welcome to the third annual Altered Book Art Competition!

An altered book is a book that has simply been altered in some way.  According to the International Society of Altered Book Artists, an altered book is any book, old or new that has been recycled by creative means into a work of art. They can be … rebound, painted, cut, burned, folded, added to, collaged in, gold-leafed, rubber stamped, drilled or otherwise adorned.  Altered books may be as simple as adding a drawing or text to a page, or as complex as creating an intricate book sculpture.

The LSSU Campus Library, will be accepting entries for our third Altered Book Art Competition beginning Wednesday, November 1st thru Wednesday, November 29th. Supplies can be picked up at the LSSU Campus Library now thru Tuesday, November 28th at 4pm.

Competition Guidelines
  • The competition will be open to everyone, and will be judged in three categories:
  • Children: 6 – 12 years
  • Teens: 13 – 17 years
  • Adults: 18+
  • The altered book artwork must be that of the registered artist
  • Artwork must be completed, dry, and free of loose media (i.e. no flaking or rubbing off)
  • The judges reserve the right to refuse to display any work it feels is not appropriate
  • The LSSU Campus Library and the Bayliss Public Library in Sault Ste. Marie have the right to use images of any work on advertising materials or publications including on digital media.
  • There are no rules about how to alter your book – you can add to, delete from, cut up, collage, or reconfigure the book. The LSSU Campus Library will provide books or book covers that would otherwise have been recycled. Please do not repurpose library or otherwise viable books!
  • The teen and adult “book artwork” will be judged in four categories: aesthetics, technical skills, connection to Station Eleven themes (Ethics/Good vs Evil; Infectious Disease; and Sustainability of Art in a Post-pandemic World), and people’s choice.
  • All entries must be submitted by Wednesday, November 29th 2017 at 4pm to be considered for the competition. Please include a completed entry form with your artwork.
  • Winners will be announced on Thursday, November 30th at 4pm at the LSSU Campus Library
  • For some ideas on how to alter your book, you can visit some of the following websites:
The Judges

To be announced

  • Pick up supplies now through November 28th.
  • Drop off art no later than 4pm on November 29th,
  • Altered Book Art winners announced on November 29th @ 4pm