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The grant proposal submission process will vary depending on the type of proposal and the funding agency or organization. Some proposals will be submitted via email, while others will be uploaded into online database systems. The individual submitting the proposal will also vary with the type of proposal. There are Sponsors that require the approval of the University’s authorized organization representative (AOR), such as the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH). The AOR is the designated individual to submit proposals on behalf of the University. In this case, the Principal Investigator (PI) or Project Director (PD) organizing the proposal will complete and upload proposal documents, but the final submission to the Sponsor must go through the Office of Sponsored Programs. Additional sites will allow the project PI/PD to submit the proposal directly.
The proposal approval process, as with the submission process, will also fluctuate with each individual proposal. Grant proposals vary from small supply requests to multi-million dollar research projects, thus requiring different levels of review and approval from various University departments. Contact the Office of Sponsored Programs early in the development of your proposal to discuss submission requirements and the approval process for the proposed project.