
Permanent parking permits for students and LSSU employees are available at the LSSU Public Safety located in the Administration Building.

Temporary parking permits for visitors and temporary employees are available at the Public Safety Office. These permits are also available for use when driving an alternate vehicle.

Fines for parking violations may be paid in the LSSU Cashiers Office. To appeal a parking citation, please visit the LSSU Cashiers Office or online via your Anchor Access account.

Student Parking Permits

What you will need:
  • Vehicle license plate number
  • Make, Model, Year, and Color
What you will do:
  • Login to My.LSSU
  • Click on Anchor Access within the LSSU Web Services Channel
  • Click on the Student Tab
  • Click on LSSU Vehicle Registration and Ticket Information
  • Read the Terms of Vehicle Registration carefully.  If you agree, press the Accept button.  This will place you at the Vehicle Registration and Ticket Information Menu.  Click on Request a Permit and follow the prompts. You may purchase a full-year or a half-year permit.

Your parking decal may be picked up during the sign in process on move-in day. After move-in day, you will be required to pick up your decal at the LSSU Public Safety Office, located in the Administration building.

Parking FAQs

Visitor parking is available in the following lots:

  • Lot D: Located in front of the Administration building.
  • Lot K: Located in front of the Arts Center.

Student parking is available in the following lots:

  • Lot C: Reserved for residents of Brady Hall, Osborn Hall, and the Student Village, located between the Norris Center and the Physical Plant.
  • Lot F: Reserved for residents of the University Rowhouse, located behind the Univeristy Rowhouses.
  • Lot G: Reserved for residents of Easterday and Ryan Houses, located by the Library
  • Lot L: Reserved for residents of Brady Hall, Osborn Hall, and the Student Village, located across the street from Crawford Hall.
  • Lot O: Reserved for residents of Osborn Hall and the Student Village during the day, located between Osborn Hall and the Student Village.
  • Lot S: Reserved for residents of Moloney and Neveu halls, located in front of Moloney and Neveu halls.
  • Lot T: Reserved for residents of the Townhouses, located in front of the Townhouses.

Commuter parking is available in the following lots:

  • Lots A and B: Located in front of the Norris Center.
  • Lot E: Reserved for senior commuters, located behind the Center for Applied Sciences and Engineering Technology.

Yes, all vehicles possessed, owned, or operated on campus must be registered.

Parking permits for both students and visitors are available in the Public Safety Office, located inside of the Administration building.

No, a permit may only be displayed in the vehicle that it has been properly issued to.

Yes, if your car is sold or transferred before the expiration on the permit a new decal or permit can be obtained without charge by bringing identifiable portions of the previous decal or permit to the Public Safety Office in the Administration Building.

Yes, in the event of a lost or stolen permit or decal a new one can be obtained from the LSSU Public Safety Office by payment of the annual fee of registration.

No, students are prohibited from parking their vehicles on campus during winter breaks or vacation periods without the consent of LSSU Public Safety.

warn icon For more information, please click here to view the full parking policy.