W-A-Y Academy Detroit

Balloon and text Logo representing Way Detroit Academy
Mission Statement

Mission: WAY Academy (Detroit) respects the individual needs of each young person we serve by offering a personalized, blended, global learning experience that inspires self esteem, academic excellence, and lifelong learning.

Vision: WAY Academy (Detroit) students are prepared for purposeful and highly effective engagement in a global society.

Belief Statement: When our students PERCEIVE success and BELIEVE success, they will ACHIEVE success

WAY Academy Locations

8701 W. Vernor
Detroit, MI 48209

19321 West Chicago
Detroit, MI 48228

15900 Common Rd.
Roseville, MI 48066

(313) 444-8082


WAY Academy Contact Information

West Chicago Director

Isaiah Pettway
[email protected]

West Vernor Campus Director

Isaiah Pettway
[email protected]

Management Company:
WAY – Widening Advancement for Youth
Executive Director: Beth Baker, [email protected]

Board of Directors:


LSSU Oversight Officer:

Garnet Green
(248) 961-4601
[email protected]

Chris Oshelski
Executive Director Charter Schools
[email protected]

WAY Academy Detroit 2022 Contract