Assessment of Student Learning

LSSU uses assessment data and program review to plan effectively for continuing improvements in departmental operations, budgets, institutional effectiveness, and in other functional areas.

Faculty Resources for Assessment of Student Learning


General Education Courses:

University-Wide Assessments

LSSU’s University Assessment Committee collects and reviews annual assessment data on Institutional Learning Outcomes through Student Worker Evaluations (in cooperation with Human Resources), Student Athlete Evaluations (in cooperation with the Athletics Department), and capstone courses (in cooperation with academic program faculty). The committee uses that data to recommend and initiate changes to improve student learning across the university as it relates to the achievement of those outcomes.

The University Assessment Committee also reviews annual assessment data for the General Education Program, and for cocurricular and extracurricular areas. The committee uses this assessment data to provide assessment support to those areas and to make recommendations to improve student learning and student experiences across the University.

Assessment of Institutional Learning Outcomes:

Pending: 2023-2024 University Assessment Committee Annual Report

General Education Committee Assessment Report

Pending: 2023-2024 General Education Committee Annual Assessment Summary

Cocurricular and Extracurricular Assessments

School-level program assessments (Next scheduled 5-Year Full Program Review: fall 2023)