Safety and Risk Management

Risk Management strives to offer protection for the campus against losses incurred by accidents or other threats to property and human life

Risk Management is part of the Human Resources Department. University services provided by the Risk Management Office include:

  • Questions or issues related to LSSU’s property and liability insurance programs
  • Risk Identification
  • Insurance negotiations and purchase
  • Contract review
  • Certificates of Insurance
  • Claims administration
  • Risk management consultations
  • Loss control and loss prevention assessments
  • Questions related to practicum or internship agreements

Lake Superior State University is an active member of Michigan University Self-Insurance Corporation (M.U.S.I.C.). Through this organization, Risk Management strives to offer protection for the campus against losses incurred by accidents or other threats to property and human life. Risk management includes offering a proactive approach through education and administration of policies and procedures.

The LSSU Risk Manager works in consultation with the Office of Public Safety, the Physical Plant and various other offices, as needed, to analyze and identify risks and potential losses to the University.  Risk Management strives to raise awareness of safety issues and loss reduction techniques, including the purchase of various insurance policies, to minimize the risk exposure to all entities of the University.

Risk management and campus safety are everyone’s responsibility. Our office serves as one of the primary resources on campus for these issues and we encourage you to contact us with any questions or concerns.

Accommodation Services

Lake Superior State University is able to accommodate all disabled persons either visiting or attending the University. Please contact Accessibility Services as early as possible so the University can make any and all necessary accommodations.

Contact Information

Kate Bergel, Director of Human Resources, Safety and Risk, Title IX Coordinator
Administration Building, Safety and Risk Office Room 222
Phone: 906-635-2213
[email protected]

Lake Superior State University is committed to making reasonable accommodations related to its facilities, programs, or services for qualifying students, staff, faculty, and campus guests with disabilities as required by applicable laws. If any programming or activity is scheduled in an inaccessible space, requests for relocation shall be made to the Human Resources office at 906-635-2213, if possible, 48 hrs prior to the event. 

Bloodborne Pathogen Program
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