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Associate Professor
Selected Short Fiction
“An Inch Too Tight,” Redivider, Emerson College
“The Institute,” Arkansas Review: A Journal of Delta Studies, Arkansas State University
“Primrose,” Apex Magazine, a Hugo-nominated horror and science fiction magazine (adapted for Drabblecast with audio performance by voice actor Gabrielle deCuir)
“Camille,” Philadelphia Stories, a 501c3 nonprofit magazine in Pennsylvania Excerpt from “Wait,” Double Dealer, Pirate’s Alley Faulkner Society
“Ghost Story,” New Delta Review, Louisiana State University
Poetry Collection
WOLF SKIN (Dancing Girl Press, 2014)
Selected Poems
“Shake the Tree [Aschenputtel],” Louisiana Literature (forthcoming), Southeastern University
“The Mother Searches for Her Own Story,” Strange Horizons, Hugo-nominated speculative literature magazine
“Louisiana Disaster Recovery 3.0,” Gulf Coast, University of Houston
“Der Froschkönig” and “The Frog Princess [Remix],” Cimarron Review, Oklahoma State University
“Bones Knock in the House” and “In the Dining Hall of the Glass Mountain,” Rose Red Review. “Bones Knock in the House” nominated for a
Rhysling and reprinted in The Rhysling Anthology
“Instructions for Letting the Stranger into Your Bed” and “Ahab’s Sister-Wives,” Phantom Drift: A Journal of New Fabulism, Phantom Drift
Limited a 501c3 nonprofit in Oregon
“Open Letter to the Frog Princess” and “The Sleagh Maith: A Nocturne,” Ninth Letter, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
“The Frog King” and “The Day the Woman Shed Her Skin,” The Chattahoochee Review, Georgia State University
“Lepidoptera,” Rougarou, University of Louisiana
“Rotkäppchen,” THE WAY NORTH: COLLECTED UPPER PENINSULA NEW WORKS (Wayne State University Press). Reprinted in Poetry International.
Nominated for a Pushcart Prize.
“Wolf Skin,” The Los Angeles Review. Adapted into original score for tenor, upright bass, and piano by composer Elizabeth Skola Davis; debut performance by tenor Kelvin Page at the Baltimore Composers Festival.
“Irène Joliot-Curie,” “Heyghoge,” and “The Butterfly Dome,” Painted Bride Quarterly. “Irène Joliot-Curie” forthcoming in Waves: A Confluence of Women’s Voices (A Room of Her Own Foundation), reprinted in The Rhysling Anthology and The Burden of Light: Poems on Illness and Loss, nominated for a Rhysling Award, and finalist in SFPA Short Form Poetry Contest
“The Girl Who Came Before” and “Thunder,” Phantom Drift: A Journal of New Fabulism, Phantom Drift Limited a 501c3 nonprofit in Oregon
Selected Essays & Articles
“The Birds,” Southern Humanities Review, Auburn University
Selected Reviews & Interviews
“Interview with Maggie Smith,” Tinderbox Poetry Journal
“Review of Jackalope-Girl Learns to Speak by Stacey Balkun,” Tinderbox Poetry Journal
“Review of The Robot Scientist’s Daughter by Jeannine Hall Gailey,” The Rumpus
“Review of Elizabeth Robinson’s On Ghosts,” Verse
“Not for the Faint of Heart: review of boysgirls by Katie Farris,” American Book Review
Panelist, “Reinventing Ever After: Women Reclaim the Fairy Tale:
Creative Reading,” C.D. Wright Women’s Writing Conference, November 2018.
Panelist, “Fairy Tales Reimagined,” Frostburg Indie Lit Festival, October 2016.
Reading, “Camille” and “Iréne Joliot-Curie,” Vermont Studio Center, May 2015.
Reading from WOLF SKIN at Bayliss Public Library in Sault Sainte Marie, MI, Oct. 2014.
Reading from WOLF SKIN at the Woman Made Gallery in Chicago, Illinois, June 2014.
Reading for THE WAY NORTH at the Superior District Library, 2013.
Various Readings and Appearances, U.P. Book Tour, Michigan, 2013.
Various Readings and Appearances, U.P. Book Tour, Michigan, 2012.
Reading, The Underpass: Small Bar Reading Series, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, September 2009.
Reading, University of Louisiana at Lafayette CWP Reading Series, October 2008.
Special Guest, Faulkner Society Words and Music Conference, New Orleans, 2007.
Reading, NYU Emerging Writers Series, KGB Bar, New York, New York, 2006.